Overlay mark sub structure design to improve the contrast

Libin Zhang ◽  
Cong Lu ◽  
Yaobin Feng ◽  
Yayi Wei ◽  
Xiaojing Su ◽  
A. Ferrerón Labari ◽  
D. Suárez Gracia ◽  
V. Viñals Yúfera

In the last years, embedded systems have evolved so that they offer capabilities we could only find before in high performance systems. Portable devices already have multiprocessors on-chip (such as PowerPC 476FP or ARM Cortex A9 MP), usually multi-threaded, and a powerful multi-level cache memory hierarchy on-chip. As most of these systems are battery-powered, the power consumption becomes a critical issue. Achieving high performance and low power consumption is a high complexity challenge where some proposals have been already made. Suarez et al. proposed a new cache hierarchy on-chip, the LP-NUCA (Low Power NUCA), which is able to reduce the access latency taking advantage of NUCA (Non-Uniform Cache Architectures) properties. The key points are decoupling the functionality, and utilizing three specialized networks on-chip. This structure has been proved to be efficient for data hierarchies, achieving a good performance and reducing the energy consumption. On the other hand, instruction caches have different requirements and characteristics than data caches, contradicting the low-power embedded systems requirements, especially in SMT (simultaneous multi-threading) environments. We want to study the benefits of utilizing small tiled caches for the instruction hierarchy, so we propose a new design, ID-LP-NUCAs. Thus, we need to re-evaluate completely our previous design in terms of structure design, interconnection networks (including topologies, flow control and routing), content management (with special interest in hardware/software content allocation policies), and structure sharing. In CMP environments (chip multiprocessors) with parallel workloads, coherence plays an important role, and must be taken into consideration.

2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 720-726 ◽  
Benxian FAN ◽  
Qinghe ZHANG ◽  
Yuanjing JU ◽  
Kunying HAN ◽  
Lan JIANG ◽  

2011 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-355
Gang MAO ◽  
Yan HUAI ◽  

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