Improving the Image Resolution in Diverging Wave Compounding Using the Sparse Arrays Method Combined with the Minimum Variance

Acacio Jose Zimbico ◽  
Fabio Kurt Schneider ◽  
Joaquim Miguel Maia ◽  
Larissa Comar Neves ◽  
Felipe Meira Ribas ◽  
Danilo Fernandes Gomes ◽  
Acacio Jose Zimbico ◽  
Joaquim Miguel Maia ◽  
Larissa Comar Neves ◽  
Amauri Amorin Assef ◽  

D. L. Misell

In the electron microscopy of biological sections the adverse effect of chromatic aberration on image resolution is well known. In this paper calculations are presented for the inelastic and elastic image intensities using a wave-optical formulation. Quantitative estimates of the deterioration in image resolution as a result of chromatic aberration are presented as an alternative to geometric calculations. The predominance of inelastic scattering in the unstained biological and polymeric materials is shown by the inelastic to elastic ratio, I/E, within an objective aperture of 0.005 rad for amorphous carbon of a thickness, t=50nm, typical of biological sections; E=200keV, I/E=16.

Z. L. Wang ◽  
J. Bentley

Studying the behavior of surfaces at high temperatures is of great importance for understanding the properties of ceramics and associated surface-gas reactions. Atomic processes occurring on bulk crystal surfaces at high temperatures can be recorded by reflection electron microscopy (REM) in a conventional transmission electron microscope (TEM) with relatively high resolution, because REM is especially sensitive to atomic-height steps.Improved REM image resolution with a FEG: Cleaved surfaces of a-alumina (012) exhibit atomic flatness with steps of height about 5 Å, determined by reference to a screw (or near screw) dislocation with a presumed Burgers vector of b = (1/3)<012> (see Fig. 1). Steps of heights less than about 0.8 Å can be clearly resolved only with a field emission gun (FEG) (Fig. 2). The small steps are formed by the surface oscillating between the closely packed O and Al stacking layers. The bands of dark contrast (Fig. 2b) are the result of beam radiation damage to surface areas initially terminated with O ions.

K. Tsuno ◽  
Y. Harada ◽  
T. Sato

Magnetic domains of ferromagnetic amorphous ribbon have been observed using Bitter powder method. However, the domains of amorphous ribbon are very complicated and the surface of ribbon is not flat, so that clear domain image has not been obtained. It has been desired to observe more clear image in order to analyze the domain structure of this zero magnetocrystalline anisotropy material. So, we tried to observe magnetic domains by means of a back-scattered electron mode of high voltage scanning electron microscope (HVSEM).HVSEM method has several advantages compared with the ordinary methods for observing domains: (1) high contrast (0.9, 1.5 and 5% at 50, 100 and 200 kV) (2) high penetration depth of electrons (0.2, 1.5 and 8 μm at 50, 100 and 200 kV). However, image resolution of previous HVSEM was quite low (maximum magnification was less than 100x), because the objective lens cannot be excited for avoiding the application of magnetic field on the specimen.

S. J. Krause ◽  
W.W. Adams ◽  
S. Kumar ◽  
T. Reilly ◽  
T. Suziki

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of polymers at routine operating voltages of 15 to 25 keV can lead to beam damage and sample image distortion due to charging. Imaging polymer samples with low accelerating voltages (0.1 to 2.0 keV), at or near the “crossover point”, can reduce beam damage, eliminate charging, and improve contrast of surface detail. However, at low voltage, beam brightness is reduced and image resolution is degraded due to chromatic aberration. A new generation of instruments has improved brightness at low voltages, but a typical SEM with a tungsten hairpin filament will have a resolution limit of about 100nm at 1keV. Recently, a new field emission gun (FEG) SEM, the Hitachi S900, was introduced with a reported resolution of 0.8nm at 30keV and 5nm at 1keV. In this research we are reporting the results of imaging coated and uncoated polymer samples at accelerating voltages between 1keV and 30keV in a tungsten hairpin SEM and in the Hitachi S900 FEG SEM.

L. D. Peachey ◽  
J. P. Heath ◽  
G. Lamprecht

Biological specimens of cells and tissues generally are considerably thicker than ideal for high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Actual image resolution achieved is limited by chromatic aberration in the image forming electron lenses combined with significant energy loss in the electron beam due to inelastic scattering in the specimen. Increased accelerating voltages (HVEM, IVEM) have been used to reduce the adverse effects of chromatic aberration by decreasing the electron scattering cross-section of the elements in the specimen and by increasing the incident electron energy.

Z. L. Wang ◽  
R. Kontra ◽  
A. Goyal ◽  
D. M. Kroeger ◽  
L.F. Allard

Previous studies of Y2BaCuO5/YBa2Cu3O7-δ(Y211/Y123) interfaces in melt-processed and quench-melt-growth processed YBa2Cu3O7-δ using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) have revealed a high local density of stacking faults in Y123, near the Y211/Y123 interfaces. Calculations made using simple energy considerations suggested that these stacking faults may act as effective flux-pinners and may explain the observations of increased Jc with increasing volume fraction of Y211. The present paper is intended to determine the atomic structures of the observed defects. HRTEM imaging was performed using a Philips CM30 (300 kV) TEM with a point-to-point image resolution of 2.3 Å. Nano-probe EDS analysis was performed using a Philips EM400 TEM/STEM (100 kV) equipped with a field emission gun (FEG), which generated an electron probe of less than 20 Å in diameter.Stacking faults produced by excess single Cu-O layers: Figure 1 shows a HRTEM image of a Y123 film viewed along [100] (or [010]).

H.S. von Harrach ◽  
D.E. Jesson ◽  
S.J. Pennycook

Phase contrast TEM has been the leading technique for high resolution imaging of materials for many years, whilst STEM has been the principal method for high-resolution microanalysis. However, it was demonstrated many years ago that low angle dark-field STEM imaging is a priori capable of almost 50% higher point resolution than coherent bright-field imaging (i.e. phase contrast TEM or STEM). This advantage was not exploited until Pennycook developed the high-angle annular dark-field (ADF) technique which can provide an incoherent image showing both high image resolution and atomic number contrast.This paper describes the design and first results of a 300kV field-emission STEM (VG Microscopes HB603U) which has improved ADF STEM image resolution towards the 1 angstrom target. The instrument uses a cold field-emission gun, generating a 300 kV beam of up to 1 μA from an 11-stage accelerator. The beam is focussed on to the specimen by two condensers and a condenser-objective lens with a spherical aberration coefficient of 1.0 mm.

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