Abstract: There are now over 350 high frequency radar (HF radar) stations operating on the coast of 37 countries around the world that allow the mapping of ocean surface current. However, observation from HF radars are often interrupted (loss of data) in both space and time due to signal inference, backscatters, ocean state.Therefore, in this study, we will present a method to improve the surface current data collected from HF radar system. Firstly, the radial surface current data will be filtered intermittently, then the result is interpolated over time and space by the orthogonal experimental EOF and the 2dVar bi-directional variable interpolation. In addition, the authors have initially applied 2dVar interpolation method to the HF radar data in Vietnam and received initial positive results. The methods used in this paper promise to be effective when applied to improve surface flow data obtained from HF radar stations in Vietnam in the future.
Keywords:EOF interpolation, 2dVar, Iroise sea, HF radar, ocean surface current.