Energy Deposition by Ultra-High Energy Ions in Large and Small Sensitive Volumes

M. Bagatin ◽  
S. Gerardin ◽  
A. Paccagnella ◽  
G. Santin ◽  
A. Costantino ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
H. Amekura ◽  
M. Toulemonde ◽  
K. Narumi ◽  
R. Li ◽  
A. Chiba ◽  

AbstractDamaged regions of cylindrical shapes called ion tracks, typically in nano-meters wide and tens micro-meters long, are formed along the ion trajectories in many insulators, when high energy ions in the electronic stopping regime are injected. In most cases, the ion tracks were assumed as consequences of dense electronic energy deposition from the high energy ions, except some cases where the synergy effect with the nuclear energy deposition plays an important role. In crystalline Si (c-Si), no tracks have been observed with any monomer ions up to GeV. Tracks are formed in c-Si under 40 MeV fullerene (C60) cluster ion irradiation, which provides much higher energy deposition than monomer ions. The track diameter decreases with decreasing the ion energy until they disappear at an extrapolated value of ~ 17 MeV. However, here we report the track formation of 10 nm in diameter under C60 ion irradiation of 6 MeV, i.e., much lower than the extrapolated threshold. The diameters of 10 nm were comparable to those under 40 MeV C60 irradiation. Furthermore, the tracks formed by 6 MeV C60 irradiation consisted of damaged crystalline, while those formed by 40 MeV C60 irradiation were amorphous. The track formation was observed down to 1 MeV and probably lower with decreasing the track diameters. The track lengths were much shorter than those expected from the drop of Se below the threshold. These track formations at such low energies cannot be explained by the conventional purely electronic energy deposition mechanism, indicating another origin, e.g., the synergy effect between the electronic and nuclear energy depositions, or dual transitions of transient melting and boiling.

Joseph J. Comer ◽  
Charles Bergeron ◽  
Lester F. Lowe

Using a Van De Graaff Accelerator thinned specimens were subjected to bombardment by 3 MeV N+ ions to fluences ranging from 4x1013 to 2x1016 ions/cm2. They were then examined by transmission electron microscopy and reflection electron diffraction using a 100 KV electron beam.At the lowest fluence of 4x1013 ions/cm2 diffraction patterns of the specimens contained Kikuchi lines which appeared somewhat broader and more diffuse than those obtained on unirradiated material. No damage could be detected by transmission electron microscopy in unannealed specimens. However, Dauphiné twinning was particularly pronounced after heating to 665°C for one hour and cooling to room temperature. The twins, seen in Fig. 1, were often less than .25 μm in size, smaller than those formed in unirradiated material and present in greater number. The results are in agreement with earlier observations on the effect of electron beam damage on Dauphiné twinning.

Rare Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Chao-Chao Zhou ◽  
Zhi Su ◽  
Xin-Lei Gao ◽  
Rui Cao ◽  
Shi-Chun Yang ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-46
Dmitri L. Khokhlov

AbstractThe studied conjecture is that ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) are hypothetical Planck neutrinos arising in the decay of the protons falling onto the gravastar. The proton is assumed to decay at the Planck scale into positron and four Planck neutrinos. The supermassive black holes inside active galactic nuclei, while interpreted as gravastars, are considered as UHECR sources. The scattering of the Planck neutrinos by the proton at the Planck scale is considered. The Planck neutrinos contribution to the CR events may explain the CR spectrum from 5 × 1018 eV to 1020 eV. The muon number in the Planck neutrinos-initiated shower is estimated to be larger by a factor of 3/2 in comparison with the standard model that is consistent with the observational data.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 415
Jordan C. Hanson

Phased array radar systems have a wide variety of applications in engineering and physics research. Phased array design usually requires numerical modeling with expensive commercial computational packages. Using the open-source MIT Electrogmagnetic Equation Propagation (MEEP) package, a set of phased array designs is presented. Specifically, one and two-dimensional arrays of Yagi-Uda and horn antennas were modeled in the bandwidth [0.1–5] GHz, and compared to theoretical expectations in the far-field. Precise matches between MEEP simulation and radiation pattern predictions at different frequencies and beam angles are demonstrated. Given that the computations match the theory, the effect of embedding a phased array within a medium of varying index of refraction is then computed. Understanding the effect of varying index on phased arrays is critical for proposed ultra-high energy neutrino observatories which rely on phased array detectors embedded in natural ice. Future work will develop the phased array concepts with parallel MEEP, in order to increase the detail, complexity, and speed of the computations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1181 ◽  
pp. 012088 ◽  
Tatyana Serebryakova ◽  
Alexander Goncharov ◽  
Anatoly Lagutin ◽  
Roman Raikin ◽  
Akeo Misaki

2011 ◽  
Vol 20 (supp02) ◽  
pp. 50-56

The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world's largest experiment for the measurement of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). These UHECRs are assumed to be to be charged particles, and thus are deflected in cosmic magnetic fields. Recent results of the Pierre Auger Observatory addressing the complex of energy ordering of the UHECRs arrival directions are reviewed in this contribution. So far no significant energy ordering has been observed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 02001
Sergey Ostapchenko

The differences between contemporary Monte Carlo generators of high energy hadronic interactions are discussed and their impact on the interpretation of experimental data on ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) is studied. Key directions for further model improvements are outlined. The prospect for a coherent interpretation of the data in terms of the UHECR composition is investigated.

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