1979 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 553-559 ◽  
R. SMITH ◽  
R. A. DONALD ◽  
1977 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-253 ◽  
B. Bétend ◽  
E. Lebacq ◽  
L. David ◽  
B. Claustrat ◽  
R. François

ABSTRACT A new case of familial idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism is presented: 3 males and 2 females among 9 siblings are affected. Very low to non-detectable levels of plasma LH and FSH levels were found in each patient. LH-RH stimulation test gave in one male a slight increase in plasma LH levels while no change was observed in the others. Prolonged treatment with gonadotrophins or testosterone gave poor results in the males while evidence of ovulation was obtained in the two females during a unique induced artificial cycle with combined HMG and HCG treatment; rapid feminization was also obtained in the females with oestrogen therapy. The striking difference in the results of the substitution treatments between males and females suggest that some degree of acquired insensitivity of the testes to gonadotrophins and of peripheral tissues to male sex hormones are present in male hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. This may be the consequence of a lack of hormonal stimulation or impregnation during infancy and childhood.

1978 ◽  
Vol 87 (2) ◽  
pp. 389-399 ◽  
A. G. H. Smals ◽  
P. W. C. Kloppenborg ◽  
U. J. G. van Haelst ◽  
R. Lequin ◽  
T. J. Benraad

ABSTRACT The functioning of the hypothalamo-pituitary-target organs axis was assessed in 3 patients with 'fertile eunuch' syndrome (FE) and 6 patients with 'classic' hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH) with or without hyposmia. Both groups of patients did not differ from each other with regard to basal serum prolactin levels, pituitary growth hormone and thyrotrophin reserve and the thyroid or adrenal gland function. Both groups differed, however, with respect to the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal function: 1. the pituitary LH response to exogenous LH-RH was (low)-normal in FE and blunted in HH; 2. the basal FSH levels were normal in FE and undetectable in HH; 3. the basal LH levels were normal in FE and 3/6 patients with HH and low in the remaining three; 4. the basal and HCG stimulated plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly higher in FE than HH. The data suggest that FE represents a less severe form of LH-RH deficiency, rather than a distinct disorder.

1979 ◽  
Vol 91 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Heidi Pinto ◽  
Bernardo Leo Wajchenberg ◽  
Fabio Bessa Lima ◽  
Jayme Goldman ◽  
Ana Maria Comaru-Schally ◽  

ABSTRACT In normal females, the injection of 25 μg of LH-RH (acute test) induced a greater LH and FSH release from the pituitary in the mid-luteal than in the mid-follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. In normal males, the responsiveness to 25 μg LH-RH was greater than that in females at mid-follicular but not at the luteal stage. The pituitary response to the prolonged LH-RH infusion (0.21 μg/min/8 h) was similar in both phases of the cycle of the females with a decline in serum gonadotrophins after the 4th hour and was paralleled by a significant increase of plasma oestradiol levels. In males the LH, but not the FSH secretion was lower as compared to female subjects, and gonadotrophin levels did not show a fall during the infusion. The acute injection of 25 μg LH-RH at the end of a prolonged infusion induced the same response in the female subjects in both phases of the cycle. In males, the acute test following prolonged infusion produced a similar LH secretion, but a lower FSH response than in females. The comparison of the acute test alone and that preceded by a prolonged LH-RH infusion, demonstrated that, in females, the only significant differences consisted of a greater LH secretion in the former test in the mid-luteal phase. In males there was greater FSH secretion in the acute isolated test than when this test was given after the prolonged infusion.

1978 ◽  
Vol 89 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-216 ◽  
W. E. de Lange ◽  
M. C. Snoep ◽  
H. Doorenbos

ABSTRACT LH-RH injection and infusion studies were performed in advanced puberty, delayed puberty and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. No differential diagnosis could be made between delayed puberty and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism using LH-RH injection. In the LH-RH infusion studies evidence was obtained that stimulation of the pituitary during 4 h results in continuously rising LH levels in advanced puberty and in delayed puberty while in hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism the secretory capacity of the pituitary is gradually exhausted. This phenomenon can be used in the differential diagnosis between delayed puberty and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Though the FSH data point in the same direction they are not useful in this connection as the overlap between the different categories was considerable.

2010 ◽  
Vol 01 (03) ◽  
pp. 139-140
Luise Mansel

Mehr als drei Viertel der Prostata-Karzinome sind Testosteron-sensitiv und wachsen primär hormonabhängig. Daher besteht die Standardtherapie in einer Behandlung mit LH-RH-Analoga (synthetische Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormon-Analoga). Dabei kommt es durch pharmakologische Absenkung des Serumtestosteronspiegels auf Kastrationsniveau (<50 ng/dl) zur Verringerung der Tumorgröße oder zumWachstumsstillstand. Gegenüber der operativen Kastration hat die medikamentöse Hormonsenkung den Vorteil der Reversibilität.

1974 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 428-434 ◽  
P.-J. Czygan ◽  
M. Breckwoldt ◽  
F. Lehmann ◽  
R. Langefeld ◽  
G. Bettendorf

ABSTRACT The effect of synthetic LH-RH was studied in 100 patients with various types of ovarian insufficiency by following up the FSH- and LH-levels in plasma. LH-RH was administered in doses of 12.5, 25 and 100 μg as a rapid intravenous injection. The patients were classified according to the endocrine state of the pituitary as evidenced by the urinary gonadotrophin levels. A clear correlation between the functional state of the pituitary and its responsiveness to exogenous LH-RH was demonstrated. Most of the patients with undetectable low urinary gonadotrophin levels failed to respond. The majority of patients with gonadotrophin excretion in the normal range and those with elevated levels reacted with a dose dependent increase in circulating LH. The amount of liberated FSH however was related to the injected dose only in patients with high gonadotrophic excretion. The present study indicates that synthetic LH-RH provides a useful tool in the evaluation of the pitutiary function particularly in patients with low and with undetectable gonadotrophin excretion. The data presented in this paper also demonstrate that the functional state of the pituitary is clearly reflected by the urinary gonadotrophin levels.

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