The Study of Modern Foreign Languages in the Italy of the Past and Present

1950 ◽  
Vol 34 (7) ◽  
pp. 505-526
Howard R. Marraro
2018 ◽  
Ismail Suardi Wekke ◽  
Muhammad Yusuf ◽  
Agung Muttaqien

Arabic learning was starting from an assumption that its method was more important than its materials. This assumption then saw that its success would be determined by methods selected by the teacher. This paper discusses the paradigm encouraged Arabic teachers to master several methods considered effective and efficient to achieve the goals of learning Arabic. Starting from this, eclectic method was born as central axis to provide various alternative methods combined to support each other in achieving the goals of learning Arabic. There were, in the past, facts showing that the causes of failures of learning foreign languages were, among others, teachers’ capability to select proper and attracting methods. This statement showed that the cause was the inappropriateness of method selection which led to students’ desperation. Finally, some recommendations will be presented to enhance Arabic language learning.

English Today ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20 ◽  
Tvrtko Prćić

The concept of English as the nativized foreign language – or ENFL, for short – was first proposed in 2003, at the 13th International Conference on British and American Studies, in Timişoara, Romania, in a presentation entitled ‘Rethinking the status of English today: is it still a purely foreign language?’, and subsequently published as Prćić, 2003 and 2004. Identified and described in these papers are new, additional properties of English, which have developed over the past few decades, concurrently with the establishment of English as the first language of world communication and as today's global lingua franca (for accounts of this phenomenon, see Jenkins, 2007; Mauranen & Ranta, 2010; Seidlhofer, 2011). Viewed from the perspective of the Expanding Circle (Kachru, 1985), English can no longer be considered a purely, or prototypically, foreign language, usually characterized by three defining properties: not the first language of a country, not the official language of a country and taught as a subject in schools (cf. Richards & Schmidt, 2002). Three newly emerged defining properties of English, over and above the three customary ones, set it uniquely apart from all other purely foreign languages and they will be briefly summarized below (for more extensive discussions, see Prćić, 2003, 2004, 2011a: Chapter 2, 2011b, 2014).

2021 ◽  
Farras Kartika Kusumadewi ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

The study of Islamic history today may not have been regulated through literature, either in foreign languages or using Indonesian (translations or works of the nation's children). Many books have studied the history of Islam that we can get to fill our information, but no one book is so complete, one literature with another can complement each other to form knowledge of Islamic history. From the thought that no single work is perfect and on the contrary will complement each other, the author of this book aims to present the book Sejarah Peradaban Islam to be a reference and teaching material for the history of Islamic civilization course. The author hopes that this work will not only serve as a reference for students majoring in history at various universities, but has also become a public reading as an important contribution to reinventing Islamic civilization in the past, present, and future.Previously, this book entitled Sejarah Islam was only published in a limited edition (30 copies) by Rayhan Intermedia six years ago for student reading. After undergoing revisions in several parts as well as adjusting the curriculum and lecture materials, a book with the title Sejarah Peradaban Islam was presented. This book is intended for everyone, from all walks of life. Although it focuses on Islam, it can be read by anyone who wants to gain additional knowledge about Islamic history.The flow of study in the book does not follow the periodization of Islamic history as written by Harun Nasution, which is divided into the classical period (650-1250 AD), the middle period (1250-1800 AD), and the modern period (1800 AD). His presentation in the book is more based on the growth and development of Islamic civilization in various regions and the reign of a certain caliph or king, however, it does not ignore the characteristics of the times and the character of the period in which Islam grew and developed. In certain parts of the book, it also reviews the roots and implications of the social revolution, the glorious achievements of the rulers, and the peaks of the development of Islamic civilization in various parts of the world.The book of Sejarah Peradaban Islam from Ahmadin needs to be reviewed to know what is in the book, considering some of the previous things. In addition, also to find out what weaknesses and strengths are contained in the book, it is possible to recommend the book as additional reading for others.

Natalya Bashlueva

The article deals with the possibility of creating a rational system for teaching a foreign language. Russian methodologists have previously developed original techniques for teaching oral speech, some of which can now be used in modern conditions. The development of effective methods of teaching oral speech and communication cannot be sufficiently successful if the methods and techniques developed earlier by both Russian (previously Soviet) and foreign methodologists are not studied and used. It would be appropriate to make critical use of the achievements of the past. The methodological principles of teaching scientists of that era were formulated at a time when the Soviet method of teaching foreign languages was in its infancy, when the Soviet school was going through a period of searching for new ways in the upbringing and education of the younger generation. One of the most interesting achievements in the field of teaching foreign languages should be mentioned the experience of the methodologist of the Soviet period N. S. Koblenz. The advantage of the N. S. system Koblenz can also be considered the organization of the study of the developed standard, which ensures greater activity of students their desire to creatively apply previously learned material in a new language situation. This is achieved by a skillful combination of semi-mechanical and conscious techniques of work. Assessing the views of N. S. Koblenz on the study of vocabulary, it should be noted that he was one of the first in the Soviet methodology in practice to select lexical material when teaching a foreign language. In all the texts of the lessons, and especially in the standards, only selected words and expressions are introduced, which the author of the method tries to activate as much as possible.

2015 ◽  
pp. 81-95
Marjan Markovik`

Macedonian Language from the Perspective of its Balkan Environment (Language Tendencies)In the past fifteen years, Macedonian standard language and its dialects have been subject to various changes effected for the purpose of establishing clearer and simpler communication. At dialectal level, Macedonian speeches are dissolving and fewer differences can be noticed between city and rural speeches. On the other hand, Macedonian contemporary language is subject to various changes and accelerated development both due to the dissolving of dialects and to the need of adaptation of the influences of foreign languages. Therefore, in this text, I shall attempt to portray two linguistic phenomena, that have not been researched much until now, but that have recently become more intense and which, in a way, show the tendencies in both dialects and contemporary Macedonian language. The first phenomenon that I shall portray is the increasingly present use of double prepositions in Ohrid speech, a phenomenon that has not yet been researched or initiated in the Balkan linguistic environment. The other phenomenon concerns contemporary language and portrays how language deals (in relation to the accommodation by type and tense) with the verbs of foreign origin. Język macedoński w bałkańskim kontekście językowym (tendencje językowe)W ostatnim piętnastoleciu zarówno macedoński standard, jak i dialekty podlegają zmianom, których kierunek wyznacza jasność i jednoznaczność procesu komunikacji. Na poziomie dialektów, język macedoński dzieli się i traci różnicę między miejskim i wiejskim wariantem. Z drugiej strony język macedoński podlega przemianom związanym z przyspieszonym rozwojem i dialektalną dyferencjacją z powodu konieczności adaptacji obcych wpływów. Z tego powodu w moim artykule staram się zaprezentować dwie tendencje językowe, mało dotąd zbadane, które są coraz bardziej widoczne zarówno na poziomie dialektów, jak i na poziomie współczesnego macedońskiego standardu. Pierwsza z nich, słabo zbadana i będąca wynikiem bałkańskiego kontekstu językowego, jest związana z coraz częstszym podwajaniem przyimków w ochrydzkiej odmianie języka macedońskiego. Druga widoczna jest jako tendencja, która unaocznia akomodacyjne procesy (obejmujące system czasów i rodzajów) we współczesnym macedońskim standardzie w odniesieniu do czasowników obcego pochodzenia.Mакедонскиот јазик во балканското јазично опкружување(јазичните тенденции)Во последниве петнаесетина години, македонскиот стандарден и дијалектен јазик е подложен на низа промени во правец на појасна и поеднозначна комуникација. На дијалектно ниво, македонските говори се раслојуваат и се губат разликите меѓу градските и селските говори. Од друга страна пак, македонскиот современ јазик е подложен на низа промени и забрзан развој и поради раслојување на дијалектите и поради потребата за адаптација на туѓојазичните влијанија Затоа, во овој текст се обидувам да покажам две јазични појави, досега малку проучувани, кои во последниот период земаат сè поголем замав, и на одреден начин ги покажуваат тенденциите и во дијалектниот и во современиот македонски јазик. Првата појава која ја претставувам се однесува на сè позачестеното удвојување на предлозите во охридскиот говор, појава досега непроучувана и поттикната од балканското јазично опкружување. Другата појава се однесува на современиот македонски јазик и покажува како јазикот се справува (во однос на видската и временската акомодација) со глаголите од туѓо потекло.

2018 ◽  
Vol 57 (1-2) ◽  
Éva Kalmár

Hungarian poet and writer Dezső Kosztolányi edited and translated the first anthology of Chinese classical poetry in the 20th century, entitled Chinese and Japanese Poems, which was published at the end of 1931. But his interest in Chinese culture can be traced back to much earlier, to the first decade of the 20th century. This article takes into consideration all of Kosztolányi’s prose writings, articles and translations related to China, Chinese poetry and also the sources of his knowledge about China, published in Hungarian and in english, German and French, such as the books of H. A. Giles, arthur Waley, richard Wilhelms, Paul Claudel and others. The paper also analyzes the role of anthologies of Chinese poetry in foreign languages that Kosztolányi consulted for his translations into Hungarian. in his writings, he depicted a somewhat idealistic picture of Chinese culture, and in spite of some occasional errors, he was successful in describing some important characteristics of Chinese life of the past, and his writings and translations have had a great influence in Hungary.

Mahdi Dahmardeh ◽  
Amir Nemati Limaee

Persia has got an ancient, very rich history and civilisation. This has resulted into widespread relations between Persians and other nations along history. As a result, besides the Persian language which has been used to communicate by different people settled in this territory, befitting a time and era, a variety of foreign languages have become popular. By the means of historical research, this article aims to discuss foreign languages in Persia and their changes in different eras, from the past to the present. Having considered historical documents and existing knowledge, it has been realised that the number of languages that used to be spoken during the Persian history as well as their diversity is very impressive.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (10) ◽  
pp. 80-96
Katarzyna Sornat

Words of the month in 2018 in lexical and semantic fi elds Summary The aim of this study is to present the results of a lexical and semantic analysis of the so-called words of the month in 2018, that is words (or their combinations) with high frequency in the Polish daily press, published and commented by a group of linguists from the Institute of Polish Language, University of Warsaw, on over the past year. Apart from the analysis of the thematic structure of the excerpted lexemes and their assignment to contextually determined word fi elds, the examination covers the total number of occurrences of the units in the monthly list of words of the month. The outcome of the linguistic analysis not only permitted identifi cation of the most topical issues for Poles in a given year, but also enabled verifi cation of the conclusions drawn by various researchers of cyclic words to date. They have found, among others, a considerable share of borrowings from foreign languages, neologisms and neosemantisms, pointed to a seasonal motivation of the units, and argued that the greatest share in the set belonged to names related to politics, economics, and broadly understood social issues.

1930 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 287-290
M. A. Degtyareva

Attempts to actively immunize against varicella were first begun in 1875 by Steinert, who, by transferring the contents of a wind bladder to a healthy person, tried to make the latter insensitive to injection. Experiments in this direction continued and, became especially widespread over the past two or three years, when quite a few works on this issue appeared in Russian and foreign languages.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 0-0 ◽  
Татьяна Спатарь-Козаченко ◽  
Tatyana Spatar-Kozachenko

Foreign languages in demand as a means of intercultural dialogue, it is a social order of our modern society. But the language is not only a means of communication of modern people, this is a means of "dialogue" between the generations, a means of preserving the accumulated spiritual wealth of the people who speak this language. To understand the present and build the future, we sometimes need to look back into the past, including the past of the language. For accelerated learning a foreign language often helps to explain of linguistic phenomena and historical processes that took place in a particular language or a particular group of related languages. In the article the object of the analysis is almost forgotten Mozarabic language on the territory of the Iberian Peninsula. Mozarabic - is an Ibero-Romance language, which was once widespread in the conquered by Arabs part of the Iberian Peninsula. Language had been at the stage of development, therefore it has undergone strong phonetic changes.The article considers the influence of the Portuguese, Galician, Catalan languages on the Mozarabic language and vice versa, of the Mozarabic language on the Galician language, León, Asturias, Murskii and other dialects. The 3 stages of historical evolution of Mozarabic people are described: 1) fight Mozarabic people for independence; 2) the period of oppression; 3) the period of emigration. Examples of similar names of settlements in different parts of the peninsula, as well as plants are shown.The analysis of the phonetic form Mozarabic language has carried out: diphthongs and consonants saving in Castilian language. Mozarabic language has played an important role in the dialectical development of the peninsula, as a link between the Roman, Arab and Spanish cultures. The author highlights the role of Mozarabic language in the development of Castilian language and its formation as a state.

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