1905 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 712-716
Willard S. Bass
1947 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-64
Edith L. Mossman

In arithmetic through the eighth grade and in first year algebra, is not the thorough understanding of fundamental principles of first importance? That this need of first importance has not been generally taken care of, is evidenced in many ways: (1) Such reports as that given by Admiral Nimitz, pointing out the weakness of our boys in junior and senior high school mathematics. (2) J. Kadushin's statements about the inability of men in the factories to handle simplest work in fractions, and their fear of taking any course in mathematics. (3) Constant complaint from teachers of physics, chemistry and algebra theory as to ignorance of the formula: what it is, what can and cannot be done to it. (4) The experience of much tutoring going on in universities, showing that great numbers have trouble with college mathematics because they did never really understand their work in arithmetic and algebra.

Sarwahita ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-140
Widyanti Rahayu ◽  
Siti Rohmah Rohimah

ABSTRAKKondisi yang dialami oleh banyak guru matematika antara lain yaitu kurangnya inovasi dalam pembelajaran matematika. Guru wajib memiliki kualifikasi akademik, kompetensi, sertifikat pendidik, sehat jasmani, dan rohani, serta memiliki kemampuan untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional.untuk  menjamin  keterlaksanaan  tugasnya  secara  professional.  Untuk  meningkatkan kompetensi guru-guru khususnya guru-guru di Sekolah Menengah Atas dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan perlu diberikan pelatihan-pelatihan software yang menunjang tugas utamanya sebagai pendidik. Salah satu software yang berguna untuk pembelajaran matematika diantaranya Software R. Software R dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan banyak topik dalam matematika antara lain: masalah aritmatika, geometri, maupun aljabar. Sofware R juga dapat digunakan guru untuk membantu evaluasi pembelajaran maupun untuk mengolah data penelitian. Melalui pelatihan software R bertujuan agar guru mampu berinovasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan kreativitas mengajar matematika guru- guru di Sekolah Menengah Atas dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan di Jakarta Timur. Feedback dari kegiatan pelatihan yang diselenggarakan, peserta memberikan respon positif terhadap pelatihan tentang Software R.   ABSTRACTConditions experienced by many teachers of mathematics, among others, the lack of innovation in learning mathematics. Teachers are required to have academic qualifications, competencies, certificates of educators, physically and mentally, and have the ability to realize the goals of national education. To ensure professional execution of their duties. To improve the competence of teachers, especially teachers in Senior High School and Vocational High School need to be given software training that support the main task as educator. One of the software that is useful for learning mathematics such as Software R. Software R can be used to explain many topics in mathematics, among others: the problem of arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. Software R also can be used by teacher to assist evaluation of learning and also to process research data. Through software training R aims to enable teachers to innovate to improve the skills and creativity of teaching mathematics teachers in High School and Vocational High School in East Jakarta. Feedback from the training activities held, the participants gave a positive response to the training on Software R.

1927 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-172
John J. Birch

With the introduction of the Junior High School movement, mathematical instruction in our schools is at present in a period of transition. In the old system, arithmetic was presumed to be completed in the eighth grade and algebra started in what was then termed the first year of high school. With the newer idea, a course in general mathematics is given during the first two years of the Junior High School followed by algebra in the last year and then the higher mathematics work of the senior high school.

2020 ◽  
Nélia Lúcia Fonseca

This study first approaches the history of the observer’s gaze, that is, as observers, we are forming or constructing our way of visualizing moving images. Secondly, it reaffirms the importance and need of resistance of the teaching / learning of Art as a compulsory curricular component for high school. Finally, the third part reports an experience with video art production in a class of first year high school students, establishing an interrelationship between theory and practice, that is, we study video art content to reach the production of videos, aiming as a final result, the art videos created by the students of the Reference Center in Environmental Education Forest School Prof. Eidorfe Moreira High School. The first and second stages of this research share a theoretical part of the Master ‘s thesis, Making films on the Island: audiovisual production as an escape line in Cotijuba, periphery of Belem, completed in 2013.

NASPA Journal ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
John R. Lubker ◽  
Edward F Etzel

The freshman year of college is usually acknowledged as a stressful time of social and academic adjustment. During this period, first-year students face many social and intellectual challenges. For high school athletes, the combined impact of college transition plus disengagement from sport can further complicate first-semester adjustment and may also affect first-year retention. Together, this complex phenomenon may diminish self-concept, challenge one’s felt sense of being an athlete, and elicit emotional responses usually associated with college and elite athlete disengagement resulting in a negative adjustment to the college environment. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the differences in the reported athletic identity and college adjustment patterns of first-year college males and females (N = 317) and how disengagement from sports may affect these variables. Three status groups were used in this study: disengaged athletes (DAs; n = 133), high school senior nonathletes (n = 106), and current first-year college varsity athletes (n = 78). Significant differences were observed between groups in reported level of athletic identity where disengaged high senior athletes had significantly different scores than both college athletes and high school nonathletes. This finding may warrant an investigation on how we conceptualize the terms “athlete” and “nonathlete.” The investigation into college adjustment patterns found that first-year females reported higher academic adjustment to college than males in the total sample. Specifically in the DA athlete group, significant differences in college adjustment for both gender and level of athletic identity were found. For this group, significant differences in college adjustment were found related to the nature of disengagement and perceived level of social support. Potential applications of these findings for college personnel and future directions related to research are explored.

IFLA Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 034003522098335
Pamela McKirdy

This study explores how New Zealand primary school students’ experiences of school libraries affected their attitudes towards reading for pleasure once they entered secondary school. Two hundred and seventy-six students in their first year at high school completed a survey asking about their primary school libraries. The students were asked to self-identify as keen readers, occasional readers or non-readers. The results were analysed in a spreadsheet, considering variables such as attitude to reading, former school and family background. The students were mainly positive about their libraries, but were bothered by cramped and noisy environments and books they perceived as babyish. Students from schools with a librarian were more positive about reading for fun than those from schools where the library was not prioritised. Students from a family background where reading was encouraged were more likely to maintain a positive attitude to reading by the time they reached high school.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Eunjin Seo ◽  
Hae Yeon Lee ◽  
Jeremy P. Jamieson ◽  
Harry Reis ◽  
Robert A. Josephs ◽  

Abstract Adolescents who hold an entity theory of personality – the belief that people cannot change – are more likely to report internalizing symptoms during the socially stressful transition to high school. It has been puzzling, however, why a cognitive belief about the potential for change predicts symptoms of an affective disorder. The present research integrated three models – implicit theories, hopelessness theories of depression, and the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat – to shed light on this issue. Study 1 replicated the link between an entity theory and internalizing symptoms by synthesizing multiple datasets (N = 6,910). Study 2 examined potential mechanisms underlying this link using 8-month longitudinal data and 10-day diary reports during the stressful first year of high school (N = 533, 3,199 daily reports). The results showed that an entity theory of personality predicted increases in internalizing symptoms through tendencies to make fixed trait causal attributions about the self and maladaptive (i.e., “threat”) stress appraisals. The findings support an integrative model whereby situation-general beliefs accumulate negative consequences for psychopathology via situation-specific attributions and appraisals.

2021 ◽  
pp. 251512742110292
Darby R. Riley ◽  
Hayley M. Shuster ◽  
Courtney A. LeMasney ◽  
Carla E. Silvestri ◽  
Kaitlin E. Mallouk

This study was conducted to examine how first-year engineering students conceptualize the Entrepreneurial Mindset (EM) and how that conceptualization changes over the course of their first semester of college, using the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN)’s 3Cs as a starting point. Students enrolled in an introductory, multidisciplinary design course responded to biweekly reflection prompts on their educational experiences (either in high school or as a first-year college student) and related this experience to one of the 3Cs of EM: Curiosity, Connections, or Creating Value. Results indicate that students’ conceptualization of the 3Cs often align with definitions of EM from KEEN, as well as foundational works in the entrepreneurship field, and that their interpretation of each of the 3Cs does change during their first semester in college. For instance, students were less likely to write about curiosity and more likely to write about creating value at the end of the semester compared to the beginning.

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