implicit theories
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jihyun Sung ◽  
Veena Chattaraman

PurposeThe primary purpose of this study was to investigate Gen-Y men's implicit beliefs, perceptions of their appearance and apparel styling, degree of fashion involvement, novelty seeking behavior and attitudes/intention toward the new style subscription box retail model.Design/methodology/approachAn online survey was used to collect data from adult men who were born between 1977 and 1994 residing in the USA. For data analyses, SPSS and AMOS were utilized for preliminary analysis and hypotheses testing with the structural equation modeling approach.FindingsThe findings of this research demonstrated that Gen-Y men's appearance management behaviors are guided by their innate mindsets or implicit theories, which further influenced their perceptions toward fashion and style subscriptions. Although Gen-Y men's degree of fashion involvement did not have a significant influence on their attitudes, this study found that their novelty seeking behavior positively influenced their attitudes and thus their intention to use style subscription box retail.Originality/valueTo the researchers' knowledge, this study is the first to explore the role of innate mindsets among male consumers in the Gen-Y group in the context of style subscription box retail. Therefore, the findings of the research will add theoretically grounded insights by linking the research area of the style subscription box retail and implicit theory appearance, as well as provide marketing strategies for style subscription box retailers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Yusuke Iwama

2022 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 100728
A. Congard ◽  
S. Le Vigouroux ◽  
P. Antoine ◽  
E. Andreotti ◽  
P. Perret

2021 ◽  
pp. 135910532110651
Ying Zhang ◽  
Ning Zhang ◽  
Chenyang Xu

Engaging in a healthy lifestyle could be helpful to decrease lifestyle-related health risks and bring long-term health benefits. This research investigated how implicit theories of body weight influence people’s engagement in healthy lifestyle among young adults in China. The results suggested that implicit theories of body weight significantly influence people’s engagement in heathy eating behaviors and physical activity. Self-control mediated the effect of implicit (incremental) theories of body weight on people’s engagement in healthy eating. Implications of the current research for understanding how to promote engagement in healthy lifestyle and directions for future research are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135910532110614
Charlotte J Hagerman ◽  
Rebecca A Ferrer ◽  
Susan Persky

This study surveyed 185 parents to determine whether their perceived risk of their child developing obesity and their implicit theories about the malleability of weight independently and/or interactively predict their child-feeding and pursuit of child-related obesity risk information. Higher risk perceptions were associated with healthier feeding intentions and more information seeking. More incremental (malleable) beliefs predicted healthier feeding intentions and greater pursuit of environmental, but not genetic, information. Contrary to hypotheses, the influence of implicit theories and risk perceptions were primarily independent; however, more incremental beliefs predicted less “junk food” feeding among only parents with lower perceived risk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Keita Suzuki ◽  
Naoki Aida ◽  
Yukiko Muramoto

Implicit theories refer to two assumptions that people make about the malleability of one’s ability. Previous studies have argued that incremental theorists (who believe that ability is malleable) are more adaptive than entity theorists (who believe that ability is fixed) when facing achievement setbacks. In the present research, we assumed that the adaptive implicit theory would be different when people could choose from a wider range of tasks. It was hypothesized that incremental theorists would sustain their efforts in the first task even when it was difficult, whereas entity theorists would try to find the most appropriate task. In a pair of laboratory experiments, participants had to maximize their outcomes when allowed to choose a task to engage in, from two options. When participants were allowed to practice the two tasks (Study 1), incremental theorists tended to allocate their effort solely to the first task, whereas entity theorists tended to put equal effort into both. When participants were informed that they could switch from the assigned task (Study 2), incremental theorists tended to persist in the first task regardless of its difficulty, whereas entity theorists tended to switch more quickly if the task was difficult. These results supported our hypothesis of two effort allocation strategies and implied that, in certain situations, entity theorists could be more adaptive than incremental theorists. Based on these findings, we conducted a social survey on the difficulty of switching tasks with a real-life setting as an environmental factor that determines the adaptive implicit theory (Study 3). It was revealed that the academic performance of incremental and entity theorists was moderated by the difficulty of switching tasks in their learning environment at school. Cultural differences in implicit theories may be explained by differences in the difficulty of switching tasks in education and career choices in each society.

2021 ◽  
Ronny Scherer ◽  
Diego Campos

Fixed and growth mindsets represent implicit theories about the nature of one’s abilities or traits. The existing body of research on academic achievement and the effectiveness of mindset interventions for student learning largely relies on the premise that fixed and growth mindsets are mutually exclusive. This premise has led to the common practice in which measures of one mindset are reversed and then assumed to represent the other mindset. Focusing on K-12 and university students (N = 27328), we tested the validity of this practice via a comprehensive item-level meta-analysis of the Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale (ITIS). By means of meta-analytic structural equation modeling and network analysis, we examined (a) the ITIS item-item correlations and their heterogeneity across 32 primary studies; (b) the factor structure of the ITIS, including the distinction between fixed and growth mindset; and (c) moderator effects of sample, study, and measurement characteristics. We found positive item-item correlations within the sets of fixed and mindset items, with substantial between-study heterogeneity. The ITIS factor structure comprised two moderately correlated mindset factors (ρ = .63–.65), even after reversing one mindset scale. This structure was moderated by the educational level and origin of the student sample, the assessment mode, and scale modifications. Overall, we argue that fixed and growth mindsets are not mutually exclusive but correlated constructs. We discuss the implications for the assessment of implicit theories of intelligence in education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Léa Tân Combette ◽  
Etienne Camenen ◽  
Jean-Yves Rotge ◽  
Liane Schmidt

On March 16, 2020, French schools suddenly closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and middle school students were asked to study from home with no direct interactions with teachers or classmates. However, school plays an important role in the development of social, intellectual, and mental competencies and can counteract the negative effects of adverse life events on learning and early school dropout. In this study, we investigated how the unusual context of school closure during the COVID-19 pandemic affected school engagement. Specifically, we focused on inter-individual differences in the motivational determinants of school engagement. We thus performed an online survey of 170 students focusing on the time spent on mathematics assignments, motivation regulation, implicit theories of intelligence, such as adopting a growth or a fixed mindset about his/her intellectual abilities, and optimism. Importantly, the students participated in the online survey during the first lockdown period, with schools closed (T1), and the second lockdown period, with schools remaining open (T2). During T1, identified motivation positively predicted the time spent on math homework assignments: the more the students thought that working on math exercises was useful for their future life, the more time they spent studying. Importantly, the link between identified motivation and school engagement was specific to T1, when schools were closed, as indicated by a significant interaction between identified motivations by type of lockdown. These results suggest that having self-determined motivation is of particular importance when students are deprived of social and intellectual interactions with classmates and teachers. This finding paves the way toward the development of wise rational interventions that target identified motivation and can be applied during challenging societal times and adverse, common life events to keep students engaged with school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Rebecca Noskeau ◽  
Angeli Santos ◽  
Weiwei Wang

This study aims to investigate the relationship between mindset and impostor phenomenon, via the explanatory role of fear of failure and goal orientation in the work domain. Only one known study has previously connected mindset and impostor phenomenon in the scientific literature among females in a university setting. Data was collected from 201 working adults, with a roughly equal male-female ratio, from a range of sectors in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and United States. Participants completed an online survey comprising the Implicit Theories of Intelligence Scale, the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory, Work Domain Goal Orientation Instrument, and the Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale (CIPS). We tested a serial-parallel mediation model using structural equation modeling. The results suggest that people with a fixed mindset tend to experience more impostor phenomenon at work and this relationship is predominantly explained by their fear of failure. Further, when employees are also motivated by a performance avoid goal orientation, the relationship increases in strength. This indirect relationship suggests that staff training, and coaching interventions designed to increase people’s belief that they can develop their abilities results in a reduction of their fear of failure and in their motivation to want to avoid showing their inability at work. The results also suggest cultivating environments that promote a growth mindset and learning goal orientation, alongside the safety to fail, could lessen the negative effects of having a fixed mindset, reduce fear of failure, and alleviate impostor phenomenon’s negative impact on employee career development and wellbeing.

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