Main principles of compensation to breeders with the occurence of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in breeding cattle and with regards to their disbursement
Mad cow disease first appeared in the 80´s of last century and has gradually spread in series to high breeding countries, incurring major breeding and economic loses. In June of 2001, the disease was first doccumented in the Czech Republic and by year end 2006, there were discovered 26 cases. In accordance to the broader conception of the Common agricultural policy od the European Union, whose one pillar is pillar in the protection of agricultural industry, the European Union has paid breeders in particular EU states with financial compensation, which are the boundaries of the EU budget. For this purpose, there was established in the Czech Republic legal assignment for the distribution of this compensation, and this is reflected in act No. 166/1999, veterinary act and act No. 147/2006. Financial compensation will be paid by the Czech Republic´s Minister of finance after the proposed approval by the Minister of Agriculture and the State Veterinary Administration. Submitted work will deal the majority of compensation to breeders with the occurence of BSE in breeding cattle and with regards to their disbursement.