Auspicia ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 23-37
František Prášil

ABSTRACT: This article deals with the issue of multilevel governance in the European Union. Firstly, it introduces the reader to the issue of multilevel governance in the relationship between the European Union and the Czech Republic. It focuses on processes, principles of multilevel governance, their development over time (especially after the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union). Secondly, the article examines the changes within the Czech Republic after its accession to the EU with regard to regions and regionalization. It points out the problems associated with drawing the EU structural funds. The article also deals with the issues of EU vs. Andrej Babiš and his business activities, in particular, the much-discussed Stork's Nest case. By summarizing the findings, the article attempts to provide readers with enough information to be able to get their own idea of whether or not the current Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has a conflict of interest with his business activities.

Ivo Zdráhal ◽  
Věra Bečvářová

The aim of the paper is to evaluate the development of the Czech foreign trade in milk and milk products and specify the typical features and consequences within its territorial and commodity structure using a specific system of indicators intended to show a relevant image on the topic. The analysis covers the period between 1999 and 2015 and are interpreted in the context of changes of the business environment that have occurred in the last two decades, particularly in relation to the Czech Republic’s entry into the European Union. Throughout the studied period, the Czech Republic revealed a positive balance of trade in milk and dairy products, as well as favourable values of TC index (value of coverage of import by export). The dynamics of the territorial structure of export and import is embodied in the overall trade dynamics between the Czech Republic and countries of EU-28. The Czech Republic’s entry into the EU common market, however, led to a change in the trading milk product structure. As a negative is regarded the fact that the structure of Czech export to the EU countries has changed and that is mainly concentrated on basic raw milk or dairy products of the first phase of processing with relatively low added value.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Maya Lambovska ◽  
Boguslava Sardinha ◽  
Jaroslav Belas, Jr.

Youth unemployment is a problem in each member country of the European Union (EU). The EU seeks to alleviate this problem by implementing various programs to support young people in finding and keeping a job, thus contributing to economic growth. In 2020, the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The countries have introduced many strict measures to prevent its spread, but they have caused a significant increase in unemployment, including among young people, and thus harmed economic growth. In this paper, we analyze the unemployment of people under the age of twenty-five in the EU. We also point out how unemployment rates have increased in individual countries. This problem concerns not only countries where the youth unemployment rate had been high already, such as Greece, Spain, and Italy, but also countries with previously lower rates, for example, the Czech Republic, Netherland, Poland, and Slovenia. In the latter group of countries, the youth unemployment rate has doubled in some cases due to anti-pandemic measures. We found that the most affected countries in this regard are the aforementioned Czech Republic, where the unemployment rate at the end of 2020 rose to 2.19 times above the level at the end of 2019, and Estonia, where year-over-year youth unemployment rose by a factor of 2.5. However, unfavorable developments occurred also in Lithuania, Latvia, and Ireland. According to our results, in 2020, youth unemployment increased the least in Hungary, Italy, and Belgium. In general, however, as the situation is now much more urgent, measures to alleviate this problem need to be put in place in each country to help young people find employment and, thus, stimulate economic growth.

Richard Pospíšil

Mad cow disease first appeared in the 80´s of last century and has gradually spread in series to high breeding countries, incurring major breeding and economic loses. In June of 2001, the disease was first doccumented in the Czech Republic and by year end 2006, there were discovered 26 cases. In accor­dance to the broader conception of the Common agricultural policy od the European Union, whose one pillar is pillar in the protection of agricultural industry, the European Union has paid breeders in particular EU states with financial compensation, which are the boundaries of the EU budget. For this purpose, there was established in the Czech Republic legal assignment for the distribution of this compensation, and this is reflected in act No. 166/1999, veterinary act and act No. 147/2006. Financial compensation will be paid by the Czech Republic´s Minister of finance after the proposed approval by the Minister of Agriculture and the State Veterinary Administration. Submitted work will deal the majority of compensation to breeders with the occurence of BSE in breeding cattle and with regards to their disbursement.

Oleksandr Poveda

The peculiarities of the attitude of the two leading Czech political parties regarding the process of European integration through the prism of the effectiveness of the protection of national interests at the supranational level are analyzed in the given article. While conducting this study, it was revealed, that once it became clear that accession to the European Union would inevitably require certain national concessions from the Czech Republic, the leading Civic Democratic Party began to declare an increasingly Eurosceptic position. Gradually, EU membership was considered by it only through the prism of realizing the economic interests of the country. Civic Democrats have become even more vigorous opponents of deepening European integration and have strongly opposed the adoption of a common EU Constitution and federalization and have opposed any attempt to alienate part of national sovereignty in favor of the EU, since the Czech Republic joined the European Union. The author emphasizes that the disapproval by CDP of further European integration is explained by the historical fears of many Czechs, who are convinced that the development of the EU in a federal direction is in line with German interests and aspirations to dominate in Europe. The author also stresses on the fact, that the anti-German attitude of the Civic Democrats stems from the history of relations between two nations which have never been friendly and is explained by fears about further economic expansion of Germany in the Czech Republic. It was found that the discourse of Czech Communists on European integration is quite autonomous, because, in contrast to the CDP (and in general to all other parliamentary parties of the country), which although remains critical of the EU, but it does not question the Czech Republic membership in the European Union, the Communist Party does not consider any prospects for the functioning of the EU at all, and it does not consider the expediency of Czech Prepublic membership in it. Key words: Czech Republic; European integration; Civic Democratic Party; Communist Party of the Czech Republic and Moravia; Euroscepticism; Autonomist discourse.

John Phillips ◽  
Emil Stark ◽  
Jerry Wheat

Enlargement of the European Union (EU) will take place on May 1, 2004. Nine countries from Eastern Europe will become full fledged members of the union. While these countries have met the EU accession criteria many are not really ready to compete with Western European companies. One of the major impediments for firms in the East is the hidden costs of joining the union. This paper explores some of the case of the Czech Republic, what hidden costs are currently apparent, and suggests changes that would make the Czech Republic more competitive in Western Europe.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 181-187
Roman Korsak ◽  
Vasyl Ilnytskyi ◽  
Ivan Hodia

The article’s purpose is in a complex manner to analyse Ukrainian-Czech economic cooperation throughout 2000-2017, particularly, in the sphere of economic diplomacy, trade, and tourism. The research methods. The methodological base for a systemic research into Ukrainian-Czech economic cooperation consists of general scientific principles and postulates, as also a wide spectrum of methods, which passed into the theory of international relations from philosophy, gnoseology, ontology, axiology, dialectics, logic, history, and other particular sciences. The results. It has been proved that the bilateral cooperation under consideration depended on the Ukrainian-Czech contract-legal base coordination level, which regulated their mutual relations, repayment prospects of Ukraine’s “Yamburg debt” to the Czech Republic, the scope of cooperation of each of the countries with the European Union, and level of tourist attraction. The main long-term economic interests of Ukraine in its relations with the Czech Republic were such: the development of an economic dialogue, the realization of the common Ukrainian-Czech economic and investment projects, and cooperation in tourism development. The economically-advisory dialogue between Ukraine and the Czech Republic, according to their bilateral interstate agreements, was carried out by the Ukrainian-Czech Commission on trade and economic cooperation, the Working group on the liberalization of their mutual trade, and by other institutional bodies. The expert consultations about the cooperation in the areas of tourism, power engineering, agriculture, banking, and other social components made up an effective form of economic dialogue. The signed inter-governmental and inter-departmental contract-legal certificates became an effective result of positive economic cooperation. The most active work in this direction was done on the eve and in the first years of Czechia’s membership in the European Union. Despite much work done, it did not bring about the possibility to solve problem questions and to eliminate existing barriers in the bilateral trade. After Czechia’s joining the EU, the improvement of a trading mode between the two countries rests within the plane of agreements and the development of a necessary contract-legal base with the EU. Conclusion. The bilateral economic cooperation between Ukraine and the Czech Republic has every prospect for further intensification, especially, in the sphere of statistics of the bilateral trade and economic relations, in Ukraine’s fulfilment of its commitments provided by “Yamburg agreements”, and in the popularizations of Ukraine’s positive tourist image.

1997 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Luděk Urban

The Czech economy is undergoing two dominant processes: on the one hand transformation process which is far from being finished, on the other hand the Czech Republic is preparing its legislation and takes other measures to be ready for accession to the EU. The process of EU accession is a relationship of two partners who are not in quite an equal position. One party, an associated country aspiring to join the EU, tries to demonstrate that it fulfills the laid down conditions of accession and that it is ready for this act.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 398-408
Márk Bató

Approximately ten percent of support from the European Union structural funds sources was utilised as financial instruments in the 2014-2020 EU budgetary period. The term ‘financial instruments’ represents support in the form of loans and capital injections in Hungary. Programmes for 2021-2027 have not been finalised yet, but major amounts of money are expected to be used in the form of financial instruments. Therefore, one should review the changes affecting the criteria to use EU structural funds, which determine development policies in the next period regarding loan and equity schemes. Both the EU and the Hungarian regulatory framework have been established, they can be studied and used as the starting point of further planning. In this paper the major components of the relevant regulatory framework including its practical conclusions to be expected are discussed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-248

In this paper has been studied effects of accession to the EU on Czech companies which were selected and grouped according to 5 parameters: region, legal form, operation area, business sector and size of the company defined by number of employees. Questionnaire containing 14 questions have replied in total 146 respondents. It is possible to conclude that accession to the EU brought more advantages to big global joint- stock companies than to small regional companies which were mostly negative and claimed worsening of business results due to European integration. Most of the 146 respondents asked via questionnaire containing 14 questions did not agree with acceptance of Euro, while those who agreed had been estimated 2020 as ideal year to access Eurozone. Companies in quaternary sector were mostly positive on the opposite to the companies in tertiary sector which were negative. Companies in Prague and Central Bohemia were much more positive towards EU benefits than in rest of the Czech Republic regions.

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