2006 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 447-473 ◽  

Via a random construction we establish necessary conditions for $L^p (\ell^q)$ inequalities for certain families of operators arising in harmonic analysis. In particular, we consider dilates of a convolution kernel with compactly supported Fourier transform, vector maximal functions acting on classes of entire functions of exponential type, and a characterization of Sobolev spaces by square functions and pointwise moduli of smoothness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-165
Tetsu Toyoda

AbstractGromov (2001) and Sturm (2003) proved that any four points in a CAT(0) space satisfy a certain family of inequalities. We call those inequalities the ⊠-inequalities, following the notation used by Gromov. In this paper, we prove that a metric space X containing at most five points admits an isometric embedding into a CAT(0) space if and only if any four points in X satisfy the ⊠-inequalities. To prove this, we introduce a new family of necessary conditions for a metric space to admit an isometric embedding into a CAT(0) space by modifying and generalizing Gromov’s cycle conditions. Furthermore, we prove that if a metric space satisfies all those necessary conditions, then it admits an isometric embedding into a CAT(0) space. This work presents a new approach to characterizing those metric spaces that admit an isometric embedding into a CAT(0) space.

This paper is concerned with the development of a macroscopic theory of crack growth in fairly brittle materials. Average characteristics of the cracks are described in terms of an additional vector-valued variable in the macroscopic theory, which is determined by an additional momentum-like balance law associated with the rate of increase of the area of the cracks and includes the effects of forces maintaining the crack growth and the inertia of microscopic particles surrounding the cracks. The basic developments represent an idealized characterization of inelastic behaviour in the presence of crack growth, which accounts for energy dissipation without explicit use of macroscopic plasticity effects. A physically plausible constraint on the rate of crack growth is adopted to simplify the theory. To ensure that the results of the theory are physically reasonable, the constitutive response of the dependent variables are significantly restricted by consideration both of the energetic effects and of the microscopic processes that give rise to crack growth. These constitutive developments are in conformity with many of the standard results and observations reported in the literature on fracture mechanics. The predictive nature of the theory is illustrated with reference to two simple examples concerning uniform extensive and compressive straining.

1991 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 278-280
Gundorph K. Kristiansen

2014 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-82 ◽  

AbstractWe extend the local non-homogeneous Tb theorem of Nazarov, Treil and Volberg to the setting of singular integrals with operator-valued kernel that act on vector-valued functions. Here, ‘vector-valued’ means ‘taking values in a function lattice with the UMD (unconditional martingale differences) property’. A similar extension (but for general UMD spaces rather than UMD lattices) of Nazarov-Treil-Volberg's global non-homogeneous Tb theorem was achieved earlier by the first author, and it has found applications in the work of Mayboroda and Volberg on square-functions and rectifiability. Our local version requires several elaborations of the previous techniques, and raises new questions about the limits of the vector-valued theory.

10.37236/3414 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
Sarah Behrens ◽  
Catherine Erbes ◽  
Michael Ferrara ◽  
Stephen G. Hartke ◽  
Benjamin Reiniger ◽  

A sequence of nonnegative integers is $k$-graphic if it is the degree sequence of a $k$-uniform hypergraph. The only known characterization of $k$-graphic sequences is due to Dewdney in 1975. As this characterization does not yield an efficient algorithm, it is a fundamental open question to determine a more practical characterization. While several necessary conditions appear in the literature, there are few conditions that imply a sequence is $k$-graphic. In light of this, we present sharp sufficient conditions for $k$-graphicality based on a sequence's length and degree sum.Kocay and Li gave a family of edge exchanges (an extension of 2-switches) that could be used to transform one realization of a 3-graphic sequence into any other realization. We extend their result to $k$-graphic sequences for all $k \geq 3$. Finally we give several applications of edge exchanges in hypergraphs, including generalizing a result of Busch et al. on packing graphic sequences.

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