Determination of Poisson’s Ratio by Spherical Indentation Using Neural Networks—Part II: Identification Method

2000 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-229 ◽  
N. Huber ◽  
Ch. Tsakmakis

In a previous paper it has been shown that the load and the unloading stiffness are, among others, explicit functions of the Poisson’s ratio, if a spherical indenter is pressed into a metal material. These functions can be inverted by using neural networks in order to determine the Poisson’s ratio as a function of the load and the unloading stiffness measured at different depths. Also, the inverse function possesses as an argument the ratio of the penetration depth and that depth, at which plastic yield occurs for the first time. The latter quantity cannot be measured easily. In the present paper some neural networks are developed in order to identify the value of Poisson’s ratio. After preparing the input data appropriately, two neural networks are trained, the first one being related to Set 2 of the previous paper. In order to avoid an explicit measurement of the yield depth, the second neural network has to be trained in such a way, that its solution intersects with that of Set 2 at the correct value of Poisson’s ratio. This allows to identify Poisson’s ratio with high accuracy within the domain of finite element data.

2000 ◽  
Vol 68 (2) ◽  
pp. 218-223 ◽  
N. Huber ◽  
A. Konstantinidis ◽  
Ch. Tsakmakis

When studying analytically the penetration of an indenter of revolution into an elastic half-space use is commonly made of the fraction Er=E/1−ν2. Because of this, only Er is determined from the indentation test, while the value of ν is usually assumed. However, as shown in the paper, if plastic deformation is involved during loading, the depth-load trajectory depends on the reduced modulus and, additionally, on the Poisson ratio explicitly. The aim of the paper is to show, with reference to a simple plasticity model exhibiting linear isotropic hardening, that the Poisson ratio can be determined uniquely from spherical indentation if the onset of plastic yield is known. To this end, a loading and at least two unloadings in the plastic regime have to be considered. Using finite element simulations, the relation between the material parameters and the quantities characterizing the depth-load response is calculated pointwise. An approximate inverse function represented by a neural network is derived on the basis of these data.

1997 ◽  
Vol 30 (6) ◽  
pp. 377-382 ◽  
M. Farshad ◽  
M. W. Wildenberg ◽  
P. Flüeler

2021 ◽  
Clemens Grünsteidl ◽  
Christian Kerschbaummayr ◽  
Edgar Scherleitner ◽  
Bernhard Reitinger ◽  
Georg Watzl ◽  

Abstract We demonstrate the determination of the Poisson’s ratio of steel plates during thermal processing based on contact free laser ultrasound measurements. Our method utilizes resonant elastic waves sustained by the plate, provides high amplitudes, and requires only a moderate detection bandwidth. For the analysis, the thickness of the samples does not need to be known. The trend of the measured Poisson’s ratio reveals a phase transformation in dual-phase steel samples. While previous approaches based on the measurement of the longitudinal sound velocity cannot distinguish between the ferritic and austenitic phase above 770°C, the shown method can. If the thickness of the samples is known, the method also provides both sound velocities of the material. The gained complementary information could be used to analyze phase composition of steel from low temperatures up to its melting point.

1989 ◽  
Vol 29 (16) ◽  
pp. 1107-1110 ◽  
C. L. Bauer ◽  
R. J. Farris

Technologies ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 81
Vitor Carneiro ◽  
Helder Puga

Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is the usual technology for the thermomechanical viscoelastic characterization of materials. This method monitors the instant values of load and displacement to determine the instant specimen stiffness. Posteriorly, it recurs to those values, the geometric dimensions of the specimen, and Poisson’s ratio to determine the complex modulus. However, during this analysis, it is assumed that Poisson’s ratio is constant, which is not always true, especially in situations where the temperature can change and promote internal modification in the specimens. This study explores the error that is imposed in the results by the determination of the real values of complex moduli due to variable Poisson’s ratios arising from temperature variability using a constant frequency. The results suggest that the evolution of the dynamic mechanical analysis should consider the Poisson’s ratio input as a variable to eliminate this error in future material characterization.

1954 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-184
M. L. Baron ◽  
H. H. Bleich

Abstract Tables are presented for the quick determination of the frequencies and shapes of modes of infinitely long thin cylindrical shells. To make the problem tractable, the shells are first treated as membranes without bending stiffness, and the bending effects are introduced subsequently as corrections. The underlying theory is based on the energy expressions for cylindrical shells. The tables cover the following range: lengths of longitudinal half wave L from 1 to 10 radii a; number n of circumferential waves from 0 to 6. The results apply for Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.30.

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