On the Mode Splitting of Degenerate Mechanical Systems Containing Cracks

1993 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 929-935 ◽  
I. Y. Shen ◽  
C. D. Mote

This paper presents sufficient conditions governing mode splitting in a two-dimensional, degenerate, mechanical system whose eigensolutions satisfy the Helmholtz equation. When cracks are introduced into such systems, a pair of repeated vibration modes may remain repeated or become distinct (termed split modes) depending on the location and geometry of the cracks. Two types of split modes can occur. Split modes of the first kind are a pair of split modes in which one mode undergoes a frequency shift but the other does not. In contrast, split modes of the second kind are a pair of split modes in which both modes undergo frequency shifts. A sufficient condition for split modes of the first kind is derived through an orthogonal transformation of repeated eigenmodes of the perfect system. Sufficient conditions for repeated modes and split modes of the second kind are derived through an asymptotic analysis. Numerical examples on square and circular domains illustrate the analytical predictions on mode splitting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Yuanhua Wang ◽  
Xiao Zhang ◽  
Yaqi Hao

This paper investigates robust controllability and observability of Boolean control networks under disturbances. Firstly, under unobservable disturbances, some sufficient conditions are obtained for robust controllability of BCNs. Then an algorithm is proposed to construct the least control sequences which drive the trajectory from a state to a given reachable state. If the disturbances are observable, by defining the order-preserving system, an efficient sufficient condition is obtained for robust controllability of BCNs. Finally, the robust observability problem is converted into an equivalent robust controllability via set controllability and is solved by using the results obtained for set controllability. Some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the obtained results.

2013 ◽  
Vol 681 ◽  
pp. 55-59
Wen Jeng Liu

Abstract. A controller gain design problem of two-dimensional (2-D) linear systems is proposed in this paper. For one-dimensional (1-D) systems, the necessary and sufficient conditions have been established for the problem, and an analytical solution for the feedback gain is given by [1]. Based on the existing 1-D analytical solution, a 2-D state feedback controller gain can be designed to achieve the desired poles. Finally, two numerical examples are shown to exhibit the validity of the proposed approach.

2010 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-207 ◽  
Tadeusz Kaczorek ◽  
Krzysztof Rogowski

Reachability of linear hybrid systems described by the general modelThe reachability of standard and positive hybrid linear systems described by the general model is addressed. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the reachability of the standard general model are established. Sufficient condition is given for the reachability of positive hybrid system described by the general model. The considerations are illustrated by numerical examples.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (12) ◽  
pp. 1550172 ◽  
Francisco Balibrea-Iniesta ◽  
Carlos Lopesino ◽  
Stephen Wiggins ◽  
Ana M. Mancho

In this paper, we analyze chaotic dynamics for two-dimensional nonautonomous maps through the use of a nonautonomous version of the Conley–Moser conditions given previously. With this approach we are able to give a precise definition of what is meant by a chaotic invariant set for nonautonomous maps. We extend the nonautonomous Conley–Moser conditions by deriving a new sufficient condition for the nonautonomous chaotic invariant set to be hyperbolic. We consider the specific example of a nonautonomous Hénon map and give sufficient conditions, in terms of the parameters defining the map, for the nonautonomous Hénon map to have a hyperbolic chaotic invariant set.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2015 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Asmaa M. Al-Dubiban

We investigate the nonlinear matrix equationXr-∑i=1mAi∗X-δiAi=I, whereris a positive integer andδi∈(0,1], for i=1,2,…,m. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of positive definite solutions of this equation. A sufficient condition for the equation to have a unique positive definite solution is established. An iterative algorithm is provided to compute the positive definite solutions for the equation and error estimate. Finally, some numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness and convergence of this algorithm.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1540-1551
Jung Wook Lim ◽  
Dong Yeol Oh

Abstract Let ({\mathrm{\Gamma}},\le ) be a strictly ordered monoid, and let {{\mathrm{\Gamma}}}^{\ast }\left={\mathrm{\Gamma}}\backslash \{0\} . Let D\subseteq E be an extension of commutative rings with identity, and let I be a nonzero proper ideal of D. Set \begin{array}{l}D+[\kern-2pt[ {E}^{{{\mathrm{\Gamma}}}^{\ast },\le }]\kern-2pt] := \left\{f\in [\kern-2pt[ {E}^{{\mathrm{\Gamma}},\le }]\kern-2pt] \hspace{0.15em}|\hspace{0.2em}f(0)\in D\right\}\hspace{.5em}\text{and}\\ \hspace{0.2em}D+[\kern-2pt[ {I}^{{\Gamma }^{\ast },\le }]\kern-2pt] := \left\{f\in [\kern-2pt[ {D}^{{\mathrm{\Gamma}},\le }]\kern-2pt] \hspace{0.15em}|\hspace{0.2em}f(\alpha )\in I,\hspace{.5em}\text{for}\hspace{.25em}\text{all}\hspace{.5em}\alpha \in {{\mathrm{\Gamma}}}^{\ast }\right\}.\end{array} In this paper, we give necessary conditions for the rings D+[\kern-2pt[ {E}^{{{\mathrm{\Gamma}}}^{\ast },\le }]\kern-2pt] to be Noetherian when ({\mathrm{\Gamma}},\le ) is positively ordered, and sufficient conditions for the rings D+[\kern-2pt[ {E}^{{{\mathrm{\Gamma}}}^{\ast },\le }]\kern-2pt] to be Noetherian when ({\mathrm{\Gamma}},\le ) is positively totally ordered. Moreover, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the ring D+[\kern-2pt[ {I}^{{\Gamma }^{\ast },\le }]\kern-2pt] to be Noetherian when ({\mathrm{\Gamma}},\le ) is positively totally ordered. As corollaries, we give equivalent conditions for the rings D+({X}_{1},\ldots ,{X}_{n})E{[}{X}_{1},\ldots ,{X}_{n}] and D+({X}_{1},\ldots ,{X}_{n})I{[}{X}_{1},\ldots ,{X}_{n}] to be Noetherian.

2000 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 515-524

The paper deals with learning in the limit from positive data. After an introduction and overview of earlier results, we strengthen a result of Sato and Umayahara (1991) by establishing a necessary and sufficient condition for the satisfaction of Angluin's (1980) finite tell-tale condition. Our other two results show that two notions introduced here, the finite net property and the weak finite net property, lead to sufficient conditions for learning in the limit from positive data. Examples not solvable by earlier methods are also given.

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 624-638
J. de Vicente

We study the separability of bipartite quantum systems in arbitrary dimensions using the Bloch representation of their density matrix. This approach enables us to find an alternative characterization of the separability problem, from which we derive a necessary condition and sufficient conditions for separability. For a certain class of states the necessary condition and a sufficient condition turn out to be equivalent, therefore yielding a necessary and sufficient condition. The proofs of the sufficient conditions are constructive, thus providing decompositions in pure product states for the states that satisfy them. We provide examples that show the ability of these conditions to detect entanglement. In particular, the necessary condition is proved to be strong enough to detect bound entangled states.

2004 ◽  
Vol 95 (2) ◽  
pp. 517-550 ◽  
William M. Grove

This article first explains concepts in taxometrics, including the meaning of “taxon” in relation to taxometric procedures. It then mathematically develops the MAXSLOPE procedure of Grove and Meehl which relies on nonlinear regression of one taxometric indicator variable on another. Sufficient conditions for MAXSLOPE's validity are set forth. The relationship between the point of maximum regression slope (MAXSLOPE point) and the HITMAX cut, i.e., the point on a variable which, if used as a diagnostic cut-off score, yields maximum classification accuracy, is analyzed. A sufficient condition is given for the MAXSLOPE point to equal the HITMAX cut; however, most distributions have different MAXSLOPE and HITMAX points. Equations and an algorithm are spelled out for making a graphical test for the existence of a taxon, estimating taxometric parameters, and conducting consistency tests; the latter serve as stringent checks on the validity of a taxonic conjecture. The plausibility of assumptions made, in deriving MAXSLOPE equations, is discussed, and the qualitative effects of violations of these assumptions are explained.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Xuling Wang ◽  
Xiaodi Li ◽  
Gani Tr. Stamov

This paper studies impulsive control systems with finite and infinite delays. Several stability criteria are established by employing the largest and smallest eigenvalue of matrix. Our sufficient conditions are less restrictive than the ones in the earlier literature. Moreover, it is shown that by using impulsive control, the delay systems can be stabilized even if it contains no stable matrix. Finally, some numerical examples are discussed to illustrate the theoretical results.

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