On-Line Algorithms for Initial State Identification in Linear Systems

1982 ◽  
Vol 104 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-117 ◽  
H. Sehitoglu

This paper presents on-line algorithms to identify the unknown initial state of a linear system. It is shown that estimation of an initial state vector can be treated as a parameter identification problem. The algorithms are developed by using the equation error identification technique in connection with the Lyapunov design approach. An example problem is considered to illustrate the concepts discussed in the paper.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Midian Manurung

Given the following discrete time-invariant linear control systems:where x 2 Rnx(t + 1) = Ax(t) + Bu(t);y(t) = Cx(t);is the state vector, u 2 Rmis an input vector, y 2 Rris dened as anoutput, A 2 Rnn, B 2 Rnm, and t 2 Zis dened as time. Linear system is said to beobservable on the nite time interval [t0; t+f] if any initial state xis uniquely determinedby the output y(t) over the same time interval. In order to examine the observabilityof the system, we will use a criteria, that is by determining the observability Gramianmatrix of the system is nonsingular and rank of the observability matrix for the systemis n.

1971 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-198 ◽  
D. Lainiotis ◽  
S. Park ◽  
R. Krishnaiah

2007 ◽  
Vol 534-536 ◽  
pp. 573-576
Eugene Olevsky

The directions of further developments in the modeling of sintering are pointed out, including multi-scale modeling of sintering, on-line sintering damage criteria, particle agglomeration, sintering with phase transformations. A true multi-scale approach is applied for the development of a new meso-macro methodology for modeling of sintering. The developed macroscopic level computational framework envelopes the mesoscopic simulators. No closed forms of constitutive relationships are assumed for the parameters of the material. When a time-step of the calculations is finished for one macroscopic element, the mesostructures of the next element are restored from the initial state according to the history of loading. The model framework is able to predict the final dimensions of the sintered specimen on a global scale and identify the granular structure in any localized area for prediction of the material properties.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (Suppl. 2) ◽  
pp. 575-582 ◽  
Evgenii Kuznetsov ◽  
Sergey Leonov ◽  
Dmitry Tarkhov ◽  
Alexander Vasilyev

The paper deals with a parameter identification problem for creep and fracture model. The system of ordinary differential equations of kinetic creep theory is applied for describing this model. As for solving the parameter identification problem, we proposed to use the technique of neural network modeling, as well as the multilayer approach. The procedures of neural network modeling and multilayer approximation constructing application is demonstrated by the example of finding parameters for uniaxial tension model for isotropic steel 45 specimens at creep conditions. The solution corresponding to the obtained parameters agrees well with theoretical strain-damage characteristics, experimental data, and results of other authors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 606-627 ◽  
R Boiger ◽  
A Leitão ◽  
B F Svaiter

Abstract In this article we propose a novel nonstationary iterated Tikhonov (NIT)-type method for obtaining stable approximate solutions to ill-posed operator equations modeled by linear operators acting between Hilbert spaces. Geometrical properties of the problem are used to derive a new strategy for choosing the sequence of regularization parameters (Lagrange multipliers) for the NIT iteration. Convergence analysis for this new method is provided. Numerical experiments are presented for two distinct applications: (I) a two-dimensional elliptic parameter identification problem (inverse potential problem); and (II) an image-deblurring problem. The results obtained validate the efficiency of our method compared with standard implementations of the NIT method (where a geometrical choice is typically used for the sequence of Lagrange multipliers).

1981 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 139-139 ◽  
Ch. Reigber ◽  
H. Mueller ◽  
W. Wende

On the basis of 223 passes of Lageos Laser Tracking data taken in October 1980 during the MERIT short arc campaign from 13 tracking sites, the pole position was determined in the orbit correction program MGM along with the initial state vector. This analysis was done for a varying time resolution (5-1 days).Basis of our computation is the GRIM3P gravity model and a station position set derived by UTEX and partly by the DGF1. The formal sigma of the 5 and 2.5 mean values for the pole coordinates is generally about 0.005 arc-seconds.

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