Dynamic Stiffness Matrix Method for the Free Vibration Analysis of Rotating Uniform Shear Beams
The Dynamic Stiffness Method (DSM) is used to analyse the free vibration characteristics of a rotating uniform Shear beam. Starting from the kinetic and strain energy expressions, the Hamilton’s principle is used to obtain the governing differential equations of motion and the natural boundary conditions. The two equations are solved simultaneously and expressed each in terms of displacement and slope only. The Frobenius power series solution is applied to solve the equations and the resulting solutions are also expressed in terms of four independent solutions. Applying the appropriate boundary conditions, the Dynamic Stiffness Matrix is assembled. The natural frequencies of vibration using the DSM are computed by employing the in-built root finding algorithm in Mathematica as well as by implementing the Wittrick-Williams algorithm in a numerical routine in Mathematica. The results obtained using the DSM are presented in tabular and graphical forms and are compared with results obtained using the Timoshenko and the Bernoulli-Euler theories.