Operating Experience on Advanced Technology AE64.3A Gas Turbine

Federico Bonzani ◽  
Andrea Silingardi ◽  
Laura Traversone ◽  
Luigi Di Pasquale

The growth of power markets stresses the importance of optimizing power plant performance and boosts the need to improve and upgrade the existing power generation plants. In this framework, Gas Turbine with medium power output are regarded as strategic asset to gain competitiveness in energy business. In such a challenging scenario, the current version of the 50/60 cycles AE64.3A Gas Turbine has been upgraded by Ansaldo Energia, enhancing performances, operational and dynamic features. Therefore the unit is rated now 75 Mwe power output and 35.9% efficiency. The upgraded AE64.3A along with the relevant generator and auxiliary systems in single shaft configuration, has been installed in the combined cycle generation plant of Vlore, on the Adriatic coast of Albania. The gas turbine has been supplied in accordance to the standard and proven design of the manufacturer, optimizing the need for burning fuel oil in continuous operation. The paper will report the main feature of the engine highlighting the upgrade and present the operational experience gained during the commissioning phase.

H. Czermak ◽  
A. Wunsch

In January 1980 NEWAG, an Austrian utility, commissioned a natural gas fired 125 MW combined cycle unit at Korneuburg near Vienna. The plant has some interesting characteristics which have led to an exceptionally high net efficiency during the first 19 months of operation though the plant is started twice daily within 30 minutes and is used for medium/peak load shaving. A detailed description of the fully automized plant systems, their main components, the design and test data, as well as the operational experience are given in this paper. The Korneuburg plant can be considered as an example of the present state of the art of power plant engineering.

Do Won Kang ◽  
Chang Min Kim ◽  
Tong Seop Kim ◽  
Jeong L. Sohn

This study aims to provide a systematic overview of the relations between IGCC performance and major design and operating parameters such as integration degree, nitrogen dilution, and ambient temperature. A unique feature of this study is that allowable maximum values of both the gas turbine power ouput and the turbine blade temperature were considered. For this purpose, a simulation tool to predict operation and performance of a syngas turbine, which was modified from a base gas turbine model, was set up using off-design models. Then, an entire integrated gasification combined cycle using the syngas turbine was modeled. The power block (i.e. the combined cycle) was modeled in detail and mass and energy interactions of the power block with a gasifier block and an air separation unit were included. Variation in syngas turbine power output according to varying nitrogen dilution was simulated and operating conditions where gas turbine power needs to be suppressed to the allowable maximum value were found out. Maximum net IGCC power output under the limitations of gyngas turbine power and blade temperature was predicted for various integration degrees in a wide ambient temperature range. The influence of steam dilution on plant performance was also investigated.

Michael A. Cocca ◽  
Arthur Stappenbeck ◽  
James Van Wormer

Today’s competitive world of Independent Power Producers and electric wheeling has increased demand for lower operating and maintenance costs and increased revenues. This need is driving gas turbine research and development. Application of advanced technology to operating units can increase output, improve total plant efficiency, increase steam production and reduce maintenance costs. Cogen Technologies is one owner that has applied advanced technology to uprate five Frame 7EA gas turbines at its Linden plant and one unit at its Camden facility. At the Linden plant, total plant efficiency was improved by more than 2%. This paper will discuss the components included in these advanced technology uprates, the gas turbine and combined-cycle plant performance improvements that were realized, and an economic model that can be used to evaluate the potential benefits of an uprate.

Christian L. Vandervort ◽  
Mohammed R. Bary ◽  
Larry E. Stoddard ◽  
Steven T. Higgins

The Externally-Fired Combined Cycle (EFCC) is an attractive emerging technology for powering high efficiency combined gas and steam turbine cycles with coal or other ash bearing fuels. The key near-term market for the EFCC is likely to be repowering of existing coal fueled power generation units. Repowering with an EFCC system offers utilities the ability to improve efficiency of existing plants by 25 to 60 percent, while doubling generating capacity. Repowering can be accomplished at a capital cost half that of a new facility of similar capacity. Furthermore, the EFCC concept does not require complex chemical processes, and is therefore very compatible with existing utility operating experience. In the EFCC, the heat input to the gas turbine is supplied indirectly through a ceramic heat exchanger. The heat exchanger, coupled with an atmospheric coal combustor and auxiliary components, replaces the conventional gas turbine combustor. Addition of a steam bottoming plant and exhaust cleanup system completes the combined cycle. A conceptual design has been developed for EFCC repowering of an existing reference plant which operates with a 48 MW steam turbine at a net plant efficiency of 25 percent. The repowered plant design uses a General Electric LM6000 gas turbine package in the EFCC power island. Topping the existing steam plant with the coal fueled EFCC improves efficiency to nearly 40 percent. The capital cost of this upgrade is 1,090/kW. When combined with the high efficiency, the low cost of coal, and low operation and maintenance costs, the resulting cost of electricity is competitive for base load generation.

Walter W. Shelton ◽  
Robin W. Ames ◽  
Richard A. Dennis ◽  
Charles W. White ◽  
John E. Plunkett ◽  

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) provides a worldwide leadership role in the development of advanced fossil fuel-based energy conversion technologies, with a focus on electric power generation with carbon capture and storage (CCS). As part of DOE’s Office of Fossil Energy, the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) implements research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) programs that address the challenges of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To meet these challenges, NETL evaluates advanced power cycles that will maximize system efficiency and performance, while minimizing CO2 emissions and the costs of CCS. NETL’s Hydrogen Turbine Program has sponsored numerous R&D projects in support of Advanced Hydrogen Turbines (AHT). Turbine systems and components targeted for development include combustor technology, materials research, enhanced cooling technology, coatings development, and more. The R&D builds on existing gas turbine technologies and is intended to develop and test the component technologies and subsystems needed to validate the ability to meet the Turbine Program goals. These technologies are key components of AHTs, which enable overall plant efficiency and cost of electricity (COE) improvements relative to an F-frame turbine-based Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) reference plant equipped with carbon capture (today’s state-of-the-art). This work has also provided the basis for estimating future IGCC plant performance based on a Transformational Hydrogen Turbine (THT) with a higher turbine inlet temperature, enhanced material capabilities, reduced air cooling and leakage, and higher pressure ratios than the AHT. IGCC cases from using system-level AHT and THT gas turbine models were developed for comparisons with an F-frame turbine-based IGCC reference case and for an IGCC pathway study. The IGCC pathway is presented in which the reference case (i.e. includes F-frame turbine) is sequentially-modified through the incorporation of advanced technologies. Advanced technologies are considered to be either 2nd Generation or Transformational, if they are anticipated to be ready for demonstration by 2025 and 2030, respectively. The current results included the THT, additional potential transformational technologies related to IGCC plant sections (e.g. air separation, gasification, gas cleanup, carbon capture, NOx reduction) are being considered by NETL and are topics for inclusion in future reports.

C. C. Tangerini ◽  
D. H. Specht

The two year operating results of the open cycle-gas turbine propulsion plant in the John Sergeant are given with reference to the actual performance, economy, and durability of the components of this marine drive. The operational records show that this type engine can compete favorably with conventional propulsion systems. Similarly, the operating results of the free piston gas-turbine propulsion plant in the William Patterson are given with limited operational experience at this time. The free-piston-installation operating record is submitted as preliminary.

2010 ◽  
Vol 44-47 ◽  
pp. 1240-1245 ◽  
Hong Zeng ◽  
Xiao Ling Zhao ◽  
Jun Dong Zhang

For combined-cycle power plant performance analysis, a ship power plant mathematical model is developed, including diesel engine, controllable pitch propeller, exhaust gas boiler, turbine generator and shaft generator models. The simulation performance characteristic curves of diesel engine under various loads are given. Comparison of simulation results and experimental data shows the model can well predict the performance of diesel engine in various operating conditions. The specific fuel oil consumption contours of combined-cycle power plant and the relations between engine operating conditions and steam cycle parameters are given. The influence of diesel engine operating conditions to the overall performance of combined-cycle power plant is discussed.

Weimar Mantilla ◽  
José García ◽  
Rafael Guédez ◽  
Alessandro Sorce

Abstract Under new scenarios with high shares of variable renewable electricity, combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) are required to improve their flexibility, in terms of ramping capabilities and part-load efficiency, to help balance the power system. Simultaneously, liberalization of electricity markets and the complexity of its hourly price dynamics are affecting the CCGT profitability, leading the need for optimizing its operation. Among the different possibilities to enhance the power plant performance, an inlet air conditioning unit (ICU) offers the benefit of power augmentation and “minimum environmental load” (MEL) reduction by controlling the gas turbine inlet temperature using cold thermal energy storage and a heat pump. Consequently, an evaluation of a CCGT integrated with this inlet conditioning unit including a day-ahead optimized operation strategy was developed in this study. To establish the hourly dispatch of the power plant and the operation mode of the inlet conditioning unit to either cool down or heat up the gas turbine inlet air, a mixed-integer linear optimization (MILP) was formulated using MATLAB, aiming to maximize the operational profit of the plant within a 24-hours horizon. To assess the impact of the proposed unit operating under this dispatch strategy, historical data of electricity and natural gas prices, as well as meteorological data and CO2 emission allowances price, have been used to perform annual simulations of a reference power plant located in Turin, Italy. Furthermore, different equipment capacities and parameters have been investigated to identify trends of the power plant performance. Lastly, a sensitivity analysis on market conditions to test the control strategy response was also considered. Results indicate that the inlet conditioning unit, together with the dispatch optimization, increases the power plant’s operational profit by achieving a wider operational range, particularly important during peak and off-peak periods. For the specific case study, it is estimated that the net present value of the CCGT integrated with the ICU is 0.5% higher than the power plant without the unit. In terms of technical performance, results show that the unit reduces the minimum environmental load by approximately 1.34% and can increase the net power output by 0.17% annually.

2021 ◽  
Takashi Nishiumi ◽  
Hirofumi Ohara ◽  
Kotaro Miyauchi ◽  
Sosuke Nakamura ◽  
Toshishige Ai ◽  

Abstract In recent years, MHPS achieved a NET M501J gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC) efficiency in excess of 62% operating at 1,600°C, while maintaining NOx under 25ppm. Taking advantage of our gas turbine combustion design, development and operational experience, retrofits of earlier generation gas turbines have been successfully applied and will be described in this paper. One example of the latest J-Series technologies, a conventional pilot nozzle was changed to a premix type pilot nozzle for low emission. The technology was retrofitted to the existing F-Series gas turbines, which resulted in emission rates of lower than 9ppm NOx(15%O2) while maintaining the same Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT: Average Gas Temperature at the exit of the transition piece). After performing retrofitting design, high pressure rig tests, the field test prior to commercial operation was conducted on January 2019. This paper describes the Ultra-Low NOx combustor design features, retrofit design, high pressure rig test and verification test results of the upgraded M501F gas turbine. In addition, it describes another upgrade of turbine to improve efficiency and of combustion control system to achieve low emissions. Furthermore it describes the trouble-free upgrade of seven (7) units, which was completed by utilizing MHPS integration capabilities, including handling all the design, construction and service work of the main equipment, plant and control systems.

David J. Olsheski ◽  
William W. Schulke

Traditionally commercial marine propulsion needs have been met with direct drive reciprocating prime movers. In order to increase efficiency, simplify installation and maintenance accessibility, and increase cargo / passenger capacity; indirect electric drive gas and steam turbine combined cycle prime movers are being introduced to marine propulsion systems. One such application is the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line (RCCL) Millennium Class ship. This commercial vessel has two aero-derivative gas turbine generator sets with a single waste heat recovery steam turbine generator set. Each is controlled by independent microprocessor based digital control systems. This paper addresses only the gas turbine control system architecture and the unique safety and dynamic features that are integrated into the control system for this application.

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