Dynamic Model Development and Analysis of Multiple Rotors Coupled With Thrust Collars
The core model of integrally geared centrifugal compressor/expander equipped with thrust collars is developed using finite element model. Each rotor model is coupled through the equivalent stiffness due to thrust collar and the gear web. Subsynchronous vibration caused by the transmitted frequency components from other shafts is analyzed through forced vibration analysis. Unlike conventional frequency response function (FRF), directional FRF technique is adopted because rotordynamic analysis requires that forward and backward mode responses should be identified according to the rotational force direction exerted on the rotor. Previous analysis results utilizing 3D FE model of geared rotors equipped with thrust collars revealed that transmitted vibration level is mostly affected by thrust collars, rather than gear tooth. The rotordynamic model developed in this paper ensures reliability and efficiency in the multi-rotor design equipped with thrust collars providing a systematic way to analyze the multi-rotor vibration responses due to the transmitted forces from one shaft to the other.