Experimental Investigation on Aerosols Collection Performance of Metal Fiber Filter in FCVS
An experimental setup has been designed and fabricated for the analysis of filtration performance of the metal fiber filter as applied to Filtered Containment Venting System (FCVS). The main characteristic of this test facility is the presence of the aerosol and Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer. The objective is to investigate the removal performance of the metal fiber filter for aerosol, as well as further understand the filtration process in the metal fiber filter. It is observed that the metal fiber filter is capable of removing more than 99.955% aerosols at the desired flow rate ranging from 0.17 m/s to 0.3 m/s and the resistance has a significant linear correlation with flow rate. Due to the electrostatic effect, diffusion effect, inertia effect, interception effect and gravity effect, most penetrating particle size plays a significant role in removal performance of the metal fiber filter for aerosol. It is also found that with aerosol size ranging from 0.1 μ m to 0.3μm in most penetrating particle size, the filtration efficiency is more than 99.8% at the flow rate of 0.25 m/s. From this study, valuable reference data and useful information are provided for practical applications.