Investigations on nano- and submicron-particle generation by spray painting processes
This paper presents experimental and numerical studies to determine the particle size distributions (PSD) and concentrations in paint overspray. Two kinds of paint materials, solvent borne and water borne paints, both with and without manufactured nanomaterials (pigments), and an industrial spray gun were used. Different aerosol measuring techniques, namely the Spraytec Fraunhofer type particle sizer for micro-sized droplets in the spray jet and the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS) for nano particles in paint overspray were applied. It was found, that solvent borne clear coats create significantly higher number concentration of nano-sized droplets than the water borneprimers. Only small differences in PSD between paints with and without manufactured nanomaterials were found. Numerical simulations of droplet trajectories within the spray booth, for both micro and nano sized droplets, were carried out. Based on the experimental and numerical results, a representative particle size distribution (smaller than 1 μm) for the given spray gun was obtained. Effects of turbulence models on the particle deposition on targets, especially for submicron particles, have been analysed in detailed.DOI: