Modeling of Gear Hobbing: Part II — A Computer Supported Experimental-Analytical Determination of the Wear Progress to Optimize the Tool Life Time
Abstract Tool wear prediction models for gear hobbing were presented in the first part of this paper. To determine the constants of the equations used in these models, fly hobbing experiments with uncoated and coated HSS tools were conducted. Hereby, it was necessary to modify the fly hobbing kinematics from continuous tangential feed to continuous axial feed. The experimental data were evaluated, and correlated to the analytical ones, elaborated through the described digital simulation of the cutting process. The determined constants of the wear laws for the investigated tools were used in a further developed user friendly software, enabling the prediction of the tool wear accomplishment in gear hobbing. On that account the wear development can be precisely foreseen and the tangential shift of the tool is optimized. The open and modular structure of the developed code enables the continuous enrichment of its database with other type of coating and workpiece materials. With the aid of the aforementioned techniques, the superiority of coated HSS tools in comparison to uncoated ones is also quantitatively exhibited.