Developing a Virtual Model of a Second Order System to Simulation Real Laboratory Measurement Problems

Peter Avitabile ◽  
Tracy Van Zandt

Most of the student’s educational exposure is to well behaved, deterministic problems with known results. Most courses expose students to material in compartmentized modules (chapters of a book) with exercises/problems (at the end of the chapter) where the majority of the material is readily found in the compartmentized module. Unfortunately, real world problems never fit this simple mold. Laboratory is the perfect place for students to become exposed to real world problems and solutions to those problems. Laboratory is the perfect place to put all the student’s knowledge of basic STEM material to the test. However, many times the real world measurement is much more complicated than the textbook problems and students often struggle with methods and procedures to solve a given problem (with no answer at the back of the book). This is true for a mechanical measurement of a simple second order mass, spring, dashpot system which is measured with displacement and acceleration instruments in an existing mechanical engineering laboratory exercise. The measurement is plagued with measurement errors, drift, bias, digital data acquisition amplitude/quantization errors, etc. In order to understand the basic underlying measurement and associated “problems” with the measurement, a simple simulation model was developed. The simulation model allows the students to define a basic second order system and then add different types of “problems” (drift, bias, quantization, noise, etc) to the measurement to see their effects. The simulation module further allows the student to “cleanse” the distorted data using common measurement tools such as coupling, filtering, smoothing, etc. to understand the effects of processing the data. The simulation model is built using Simulink/MATLAB and allows a simple GUI to modify the model, the “problems” added to the data and the “cleansing” of the data, to obtain a better understanding of the problem and tools to process the data. The simulation model is presented and discussed in the paper. Several data sets are presented to illustrate the simulation module.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7 ◽  
Hugo Fjelsted Alrøe ◽  
Egon Noe

<p>Cross-disciplinary use of science is needed to solve complex, real-world problems, but carrying out scientific research with multiple very different disciplines is in itself a non-trivial problem. Perspectives matter. In this paper we carry out a philosophical analysis of the perspectival nature of science, focusing on the synchronic structure of scientific perspectives across disciplines and not on the diachronic, historical structure of shifting perspectives within single disciplines that has been widely discussed since Kuhn and Feyerabend. We show what kinds of cross-disciplinary disagreement to expect due to the perspectival structure of science, suggest how to handle different scientific perspectives in cross-disciplinary work through perspectives of a second order, and discuss some fundamental epistemic differences between different types of science.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 5491
Melissa Robson-Williams ◽  
Bruce Small ◽  
Roger Robson-Williams ◽  
Nick Kirk

The socio-environmental challenges the world faces are ‘swamps’: situations that are messy, complex, and uncertain. The aim of this paper is to help disciplinary scientists navigate these swamps. To achieve this, the paper evaluates an integrative framework designed for researching complex real-world problems, the Integration and Implementation Science (i2S) framework. As a pilot study, we examine seven inter and transdisciplinary agri-environmental case studies against the concepts presented in the i2S framework, and we hypothesise that considering concepts in the i2S framework during the planning and delivery of agri-environmental research will increase the usefulness of the research for next users. We found that for the types of complex, real-world research done in the case studies, increasing attention to the i2S dimensions correlated with increased usefulness for the end users. We conclude that using the i2S framework could provide handrails for researchers, to help them navigate the swamps when engaging with the complexity of socio-environmental problems.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 534
F. Thomas Bruss

This paper presents two-person games involving optimal stopping. As far as we are aware, the type of problems we study are new. We confine our interest to such games in discrete time. Two players are to chose, with randomised choice-priority, between two games G1 and G2. Each game consists of two parts with well-defined targets. Each part consists of a sequence of random variables which determines when the decisive part of the game will begin. In each game, the horizon is bounded, and if the two parts are not finished within the horizon, the game is lost by definition. Otherwise the decisive part begins, on which each player is entitled to apply their or her strategy to reach the second target. If only one player achieves the two targets, this player is the winner. If both win or both lose, the outcome is seen as “deuce”. We motivate the interest of such problems in the context of real-world problems. A few representative problems are solved in detail. The main objective of this article is to serve as a preliminary manual to guide through possible approaches and to discuss under which circumstances we can obtain solutions, or approximate solutions.

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