science framework
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2022 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
Fabrícia Moreira Amorim Amaral ◽  
Samanta Luíza da Silva Oliveira ◽  
Cissa Azevedo ◽  
Marília Alves Hoffmann ◽  
Tatiana Aparecida Rodrigues ◽  

Objetivo: mapear os instrumentos disponíveis na literatura para avaliação de conhecimentos e atitudes de estudantes de graduação na área da saúde sobre segurança do paciente. Método: revisão de escopo conduzida a partir da metodologia proposta pelo Joanna Briggs Institute, com utilização da extensão do checklist PRISMA-ScR, nas seguintes fontes de informação: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, MEDLINE via Pubmed, COCHRANE, CINAHL, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science e Google Scholar. Serão considerados elegíveis estudos que respondam à pergunta de pesquisa, publicados em inglês, português e espanhol e que apresentem a descrição do instrumento utilizado. A seleção ocorrerá de maneira independente por dois revisores, a partir do software Rayyan. Divergências serão apreciadas por um terceiro revisor. Síntese e extração dos dados serão executadas considerando os itens de um formulário elaborado pelos autores. Os resultados serão apresentados por meio de quadro resumo, fluxograma e discussão narrativa. Registro da revisão no Open Science Framework:

2022 ◽  
Margaret Moore

The purpose of this guide is to provide a detailed overview of everything researchers need to think about and do when conducting lesion symptom mapping (LSM) analysis. This guide includes step-by-step instructions for data collection, lesion delineation, lesion normalisation, LSM, secondary analyses, results interpretation, and write-up. All original scripts and analysis tools referenced in this guide are openly availible on the Open Science Framework.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Dawid Pieper ◽  
Tanja Rombey

Abstract Background Prospective registration aims to reduce bias in the conduct and reporting of research and to increase transparency. In addition, prospective registration of systematic reviews is argued to help preventing unintended duplication, thereby reducing research waste. PROSPERO was launched in 2011 as the first prospective register for systematic reviews. While it has long been the only option to prospectively register systematic reviews, recently there have been new developments. Our aim was to identify and characterize current options to prospectively register a systematic review to assist review authors in choosing a suitable register. Methods To identify systematic review registers, we independently performed internet searches in January 2021 using keywords related to systematic reviews and prospective registration. “Registration” was defined as the process of entering information about a planned systematic review into a database before starting the systematic review process. We collected data on the characteristics of the identified registries and contacted the responsible party of each register for verification of the data related to their registry. Results Overall, we identified five options to prospectively register a systematic review: PROSPERO, the Registry of Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses in Research Registry, and INPLASY, which are specific to systematic reviews, and the Open Science Framework Registries and, which represent generic registers open to any study type. Detailed information on each register is presented in tables in the main text. Regarding the systematic-review-specific registries, authors have to trade-off between the costs of registration and the processing time of their registration record. All registers provide an option to search for systematic reviews already registered in the register. However, it is unclear how useful these search functions are. Conclusion Authors can prospectively register their systematic review in five registries, which come with different characteristics and features. The research community should discuss fair and sustainable financing models for registers that are not operated by for-profit organizations.

Mindfulness ◽  
2022 ◽  
Otto Simonsson ◽  
Olivier Bazin ◽  
Stephen D. Fisher ◽  
Simon B. Goldberg

Abstract Objectives The European Union Brexit referendum has split the British electorate into two camps, with high levels of affective polarization between those who affiliate with the Remain side (Remainers) and the Leave side (Leavers) of the debate. Previous research has shown that a brief meditation intervention can reduce affective polarization, but no study has thus far investigated the effects of an 8-week mindfulness program on affective polarization. This is what will be examined in this study. Methods The present study used a randomized waitlist control design (n = 177) with a 1-month post-intervention follow-up to investigate whether an 8-week mindfulness program delivered online would have an effect on affective polarization among Remainers and Leavers. Results Results showed significantly greater reductions in affective polarization over time for participants in the mindfulness condition relative to participants in the waitlist control condition (time X group B =  − 0.087, p = .024). Conclusions Taken together, the findings highlight the potential of mindfulness training as a means to reduce intergroup biases in political contexts. Trial Registration Preregistered on the Open Science Framework at

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Bruno Ferreira ◽  
Ana Diz ◽  
Paulo Silva ◽  
Luís Sousa ◽  
Lara Pinho ◽  

(1) Background: Due to the increase in care needs, especially in the elderly, the concept of caregiver has emerged. This concept has undergone changes over the years due to new approaches and new research in the area. It is in this context that the concept of informal caregiver emerged. (2) Objectives: To analyse the evolution of the caregiver concept. (3) Methods: Bibliometric analysis, data collection (Web of Science Core Collection) and analysis (Excel; CiteSpace; VOSviewer). (4) Results: Obtained 22,326 articles. The concept emerged in 1990, being subjected to changes, mostly using the term "informal caregiver" since 2016, frequently related to the areas of Gerontology and Nursing. The following research boundaries emerged from the analysis: “Alzheimer’s Disease”, “Elderly” and “Institutionalization”. (5) Conclusions: The informal caregiver emerges as a useful care partner, being increasingly studied by the scientific community, particularly in the last 5 years. Registration number from Open Science Framework:

2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (suppl 3) ◽  
Ana Júlia de Paula ◽  
Paulo César Condeles ◽  
André Luiz Moreno ◽  
Maria Beatriz Guimarães Ferreira ◽  
Luciana Mara Monti Fonseca ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: to map available evidence on parental burnout theme. Method: scoping review as according to the Joanna Briggs Institute. Search in January 2021, in six databases of publications in English, Portuguese or Spanish, without time limits. Data extracted and descriptively analyzed by three independent researchers. Results: 374 articles were identified and 20 were included in the final sample, all published in English, from 2017 onwards. Parental burnout is a complex, multifactorial problem, distinct from burnout cases, depressive symptoms and other mental health alterations. It affects 0.2 to 20% of parents, has validated and suitable instruments for measurement; if not treated, can have consequences on marital life, work relationships, child neglect and violence. Conclusions: this is a recent theme that needs to be explored, due to the possible impact on children’s and families’ health and on parents’ work processes. Protocol registered in the Open Science Framework (

2022 ◽  
pp. 524-549
Nathalia da Cruz Alves ◽  
Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim ◽  
Jean C. R. Hauck ◽  
Adriano F. Borgatto

As computer science education makes its way into schools, diverse initiatives worldwide promote computer science education in K-12, often focusing on teaching algorithms and programming with block-based programming languages such as Scratch or App Inventor. However, alternatives to assess the learning of computer science concepts on this educational stage are still scarce. This chapter presents an automated rubric for assessing algorithms and programming concepts of App Inventor projects at middle school level. The assessment is based on a rubric proposed in alignment with the K-12 Computer Science Framework with satisfactory reliability and validity. The rubric has been automated through a web-based system that allows assessing App Inventor projects through static code analysis. As a result, it can support computer science education in practice providing feedback to students and teachers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (17) ◽  
pp. e176101724401
Denízia Maria Barberino Xavier Santos ◽  
Marimeire Morais da Conceição ◽  
Karla Adriana Ferreira Beckman ◽  
Márcia Aparecida Ferreira de Oliveira ◽  
Ana Maria Fernandes Pitta

A negociação é um meio extrajudicial de resolução de conflitos que oferece redução de gastos, celeridade e eficiência no cumprimento das garantias constitucionais como o acesso às políticas públicas. Este protocolo de revisão tem por objetivo mapear evidências científicas acerca do que se tem produzido sobre negociação, usada por idosos, para acesso às políticas públicas de saúde. A proposta seguirá o referencial metodológico do Joanna Briggs Institute, registrado no Open Science Framework, serão realizadas buscas em nove fontes indexadas. Critérios de inclusão: estudos originais referentes às pessoas idosas com idade de 60 anos e mais, que falem sobre o uso da negociação no acesso às políticas públicas de saúde. Serão incluídos estudos publicados na íntegra em periódicos nacionais e internacionais, com abordagem qualitativa e/ou quantitativa, nos idiomas Português, Inglês e Espanhol. Não haverá restrição temporal ou geográfica das publicações selecionadas. Critério de exclusão: textos não disponíveis on-line, editoriais, artigos de revisão, artigos duplicados e os que não respondem à pergunta de pesquisa, definida pelas autoras.

2021 ◽  
Shardul Shankar

In “Racial Awareness and Bias Begin Early: Developmental Entry Points, Challenges, and a Call to Action”, Waxman (2021) argues that there is a dramatic overestimation by the community when it comes to evidence of the time-frame when it should be discussed with children (p. 898). To counter this problem, they promote the intention of identifying “the developmental roots of these prejudices, forces that sustain them, and pathways to reduce them” (p. 893). The goal of Waxman is to advance the entry points of this bias, especially in our infants and children, as there are obvious and apparent damaging consequences to the children, their communities and the society as a whole. They advocate the use of a more “comprehensive research agenda”, specifically the use of larger empirical base, methodological tool-kit, and psychological-science framework to identify the preliminary stages of the acquisition of racial bias. They look back into the large body of experimental and empirical evidence to provide an overview of the development of racial bias in young children and infants. They then provide a substantially comprehensive framework to tackle this issue. Finally, Waxman argues that the strongest tool to advance the understanding and tackling of early racial bias is by arming the parents, teachers, and other policymakers with strong empirical evidence and evidence-based recommendations, which would allow for better conversations within the families and classrooms.

2021 ◽  
Adina Cassandra Granlund

Universitetsbiblioteket (UB) ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet fikk innvilget 808 000,- i prosjektmidler fra Digitaliseringsrådet til finansiering av prosjektet «Intensivere implementeringen av åpen vitenskap ved UiT». Prosjektet har pågått i perioden januar–desember 2021. Prosjektet hadde tre hovedkomponenter: 1) Produsere informasjonsvideoer om eksisterende støttetjenester for åpen vitenskap ved UiT, med brukerfortellinger fra fagmiljø; 2) Implementering av den elektroniske labnotatboken Research Space (RSpace) og tilhørende støttetjenester og 3) Uttesting av det åpne samhandlingsverktøyet Open Science Framework Institutions (OSF).

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