Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer CFD Model for Methane Hydrate

Eugenio Turco Neto ◽  
M. A. Rahman ◽  
Syed Imtiaz ◽  
Thiago dos Santos Pereira ◽  
Fernanda Soares de Sousa

The gas hydrates problem has been growing in offshore deep water condition where due to low temperature and high pressure hydrate formation becomes more favorable. Several studies have been done to predict the influence of gas hydrate formation in natural gas flow pipeline. However, the effects of multiphase hydrodynamic properties on hydrate formation are missing in these studies. The use of CFD to simulate gas hydrate formation can overcome this gap. In this study a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model has been developed for mass, heat and momentum transfer for better understanding natural gas hydrate formation and its migration into the pipelines using ANSYS CFX-14. The problem considered in this study is a three-dimensional multiphase-flow model based on Simon Lo (2003) study, which considered the oil-dominant flow in a pipeline with hydrate formation around water droplets dispersed into the oil phase. The results obtained in this study will be useful in designing a multiphase flow metering and a pump to overcome the pressure drop caused by hydrate formation in multiphase petroleum production.

2021 ◽  
Celestine Udim Monday ◽  
Toyin Olabisi Odutola

Abstract Natural Gas production and transportation are at risk of Gas hydrate plugging especially when in offshore environments where temperature is low and pressure is high. These plugs can eventually block the pipeline, increase back pressure, stop production and ultimately rupture gas pipelines. This study seeks to develops machine learning models after a kinetic inhibitor to predict the gas hydrate formation and pressure changes within the natural gas flow line. Green hydrate inhibitor A, B and C were obtained as plant extracts and applied in low dosages (0.01 wt.% to 0.1 wt.%) on a 12meter skid-mounted hydrate closed flow loop. From the data generated, the optimal dosages of inhibitor A, B and C were observed to be 0.02 wt.%, 0.06 wt.% and 0.1 wt.% respectively. The data associated with these optimal dosages were fed to a set of supervised machine learning algorithms (Extreme gradient boost, Gradient boost regressor and Linear regressor) and a deep learning algorithm (Artificial Neural Network). The output results from the set of supervised learning algorithms and Deep Learning algorithms were compared in terms of their accuracies in predicting the hydrate formation and the pressure within the natural gas flow line. All models had accuracies greater than 90%. This result show that the application Machine learning to solving flow assurance problems is viable. The results show that it is viable to apply machine learning algorithms to solve flow assurance problems, analyzing data and getting reports which can improve accuracy and speed of on-site decision making process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Ildiko Bolkeny ◽  
Laszlo Czap

During the production of natural gas one of the major problems is the formation of hydrate crystals in the pipeline. The forming hydrate crystals can form hydrate plugs in the pipeline. The hydrate plugs lengthen production outages and result in financial losses for the producer, because the removal of the plugs is a time consuming procedure. One of the solutions used to prevent hydrate formation is the injection of modern compositions to the gas flow. The modern compositions help to dehydrate the gas, thus, the size of hydrate crystals does not increase. The substances, used in low concentrations, have to be locally injected, at the gas well sites. Inhibitor dosing depends on the amount of gas hydrate present. In the article a neural network based predictive detection solution is presented, which uses four factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (7) ◽  
pp. 5988-6002 ◽  
Hari Prakash Veluswamy ◽  
Praveen Linga

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 117
Ildikó Bölkény

In the production process of natural gas one of the major problems is the formation of hydrate crystals creating hydrate plugs in the pipeline. The hydrate plugs increase production losses, because the removal of the plugs is a high cost, time consuming procedure. One of the solutions used to prevent hydrate formation is the injection of modern compositions to the gas flow, helping to dehydrate the gas. Dehydratation obviously means that the size of hydrate crystals does not increase. The substances used in low concentrations, have to be locally injected at the gas well sites. Inhibitor dosing depends on the amount of gas hydrate present. In the article two Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based predictive detection solutions are presented. In both cases the goal is to predict hydrate formation. Data used come from two solutions. In the first one measurements were performed by a self-developed and -produced equipment in this case, differential pressure was used as input. In the second solution data are used from the measurement system of a motorised chemical-injector device, in this case pressure, temperature, quantity and type of inhibitor were used as inputs. Both systems are presented in the article.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 463-481
Zhen Pan ◽  
Yi Wu ◽  
Liyan Shang ◽  
Li Zhou ◽  
Zhien Zhang

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