Configuring Virtual Reality Displays in a Mixed-Reality Environment for LVC Training
In order to adapt to an ever-changing set of threats, military forces need to find new methods of training. The prevalence of commercial game engines combined with virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality environments can prove beneficial to training. Live, virtual and constructive (LVC) training combines live people, virtual environments and simulated actors to create a better training environment. However, integrating virtual reality displays, software simulations and artificial weapons into a mixed reality environment poses numerous challenges. A mixed reality environment known as The Veldt was constructed to research these challenges. The Veldt consists of numerous independent displays, along with movable walls, doors and windows. This allows The Veldt to simulate numerous training scenarios. Several challenges were encountered in creating this system. Displays were precisely located using the tracking system, then configured using VR Juggler. The ideal viewpoint for each display was configured based on the expect location for users to be looking at it. Finally, the displays were accurately aligned to the virtual terrain model. This paper describes how the displays were configured in The Veldt, as well as how it was used for two training scenarios.