Asymptotic bit error rate analysis of convergent underwater wireless optical communication-free-space optical system over combined channel model for different turbulence and weather conditions with pointing errors

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 (11) ◽  
Bhargava Kumar Levidala ◽  
Prabu Krishnan
2021 ◽  
Harjeevan Singh ◽  
Nitin Mittal

Abstract This work aims to investigate the performance of Free Space Optical Communication link under average and worst rain weather conditions of India. The meteorological data related to rainfall, from 2014 to 2017, was obtained from the Indian Meteorological Department for six different locations of India, representing the inland and coastal areas. The attenuation coefficient due to rain for all the locations has been calculated using mathematical models. The performance analysis of Wavelength Division Multiplexing based Free Space Optical Communication system has been analyzed, by incorporating the attenuation due to rain for all considered locations, in terms of received power, signal to noise ratio, bit error rate and eye diagrams. The inland location of Hyderabad has given the best results in terms of above mentioned parameters as it has recorded minimum average rainfall of 2.35 mm/hr with minimum attenuation coefficient of 1.91 dB/km and can support a link range of 5.43 km, corresponding to bit error rate of order of 10-9 under average rain weather conditions. On the other hand, the average rainfall is maximum for the coastal area of Mumbai with a value of 7.31 mm/hr, resulting in maximum attenuation coefficient of 4.08 dB/km and the maximum link range is limited to 3.48 km, corresponding to bit error rate of order of 10-9 under average conditions of rain weather. Similarly, the inland locations of India have delivered a better link performance as compared to coastal areas under worst rain weather conditions also. So it has been concluded that the coastal areas of India have shown major degradation in the performance of the FSOC link as compared to inland locations of the country.

2019 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
K. A. Balaji ◽  
Kala Praveen Bagadi

AbstractThis paper presents a multi-hop coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing free space optical communication system (OFDM-FSO) model which includes a relay transmission mode of decode and forward (DF) over Malaga disrubution (M) and we analyse the results by deriving mathematical expressions for average bit error rate (BER) and outage probability. And the FSO link is characterized by path loss, pointing errors and atmospheric turbulence and also weather conditions like clear air, haze, light fog have been considered in the channel model. The BER and outage probability of the proposed system are examined including the effects of pointing errors and weather conditions. From this work, we can justify that with multi-hop configuration coverage area and signal power improves which bolsters the usage of relay in FSO communication for efficient and reliable system design.

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