Variability of chlorophyll-a concentration in the north-western part of the Black Sea based on satellite data analysis and modeling

Marina Tsyganova ◽  
E. M. Lemeshko
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
V. S. Suetin ◽  
S. N. Korolev ◽  

Purpose. he work is aimed at studying the effects of light absorption in the Black Sea waters with due regard for the variations of its individual components, and how they are manifested in the NASA archival results of calculating the chlorophyll a concentration obtained by processing satellite data using the universal operational method. Methods and Results. The NASA archival data of the MODIS and SeaWiFS satellite instruments, and the values of the light absorption components (determined by the method of Generalized ocean color inversion model for retrieving marine inherent optical properties (GIOP)) related to yellow substance and phytoplankton were analyzed. In order to avoid possible manifestations of various distortions in the results of determining the remote sensing reflectance of the sea and in the products resulted from application of the GIOP method, only the specially selected and sufficiently reliable test data from two areas located near the Crimea Southern Coast and south of the Danube estuary were used. Conclusions. In the considered examples with low content of chlorophyll a in the seawater, the yellow substance plays a predominant role in light absorption in the spectrum blue part, whereas if the chlorophyll a content is high, the phytoplankton contribution is dominant. The revealed relationship between the light absorption components related to yellow substance and phytoplankton significantly differs from that implicitly preset as a basis of the universal method (applied in NASA for the satellite data operational processing) for determining the chlorophyll a concentration. This, in its turn, is manifested in the fact that the data on the chlorophyll a concentration in the Black Sea stored in the NASA archive may be overestimated in case the chlorophyll a concentration is low, and underestimated – in case it is high.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
V. S. Suetin ◽  
S. N. Korolev ◽  

Purpose. The work is aimed at studying the effects of light absorption in the Black Sea waters with due regard for the variations of its individual components, and how they are manifested in the NASA archival results of calculating the chlorophyll a concentration obtained by processing satellite data using the universal operational method. Methods and Results. The NASA archival data of the MODIS and SeaWiFS satellite instruments, and the values of the light absorption components (determined by the method of Generalized ocean color inversion model for retrieving marine inherent optical properties (GIOP)) related to yellow substance and phytoplankton were analyzed. In order to avoid possible manifestations of various distortions in the results of determining the remote sensing reflectances of the sea and in the products resulted from application of the GIOP method, only the specially selected and sufficiently reliable test data from two areas located near the Crimea Southern Coast and south of the Danube estuary were used. Conclusions. In the considered examples with low content of chlorophyll a in the seawater, the yellow substance plays a predominant role in light absorption in the spectrum blue part, whereas if the chlorophyll a content is high, the phytoplankton contribution is dominant. The revealed relationship between the light absorption components related to yellow substance and phytoplankton significantly differs from that implicitly preset as a basis of the universal method (applied in NASA for the satellite data operational processing) for determining the chlorophyll a concentration. This, in its turn, is manifested in the fact that the data on the chlorophyll a concentration in the Black Sea stored in the NASA archive may be overestimated in case the chlorophyll a concentration is low, and underestimated – in case it is high.

2016 ◽  
Vol 50 (5) ◽  
pp. 387-394
S. A. Kudrenko

Abstract The data about the community composition, number and biomass of amphipods in three gulfs of the North-Western Black Sea are presented. The amphipod communities of the gulfs of Yahorlyk, Karkinit, and Tendra were studied and the species composition was compared with the previously published data. For each particular gulf, the list of amphipod species was composed. The quantitative parameters of the amphipod communities in the studied localities in different years were described.

Paul Huddie

The year 2014 marked the 160th anniversary of the beginning of the Crimean War, 1854–6. It was during that anniversary year that the names of Crimea, Sevastopol, Simferopol and the Black Sea re-entered the lexicon of Ireland, and so did the terms ‘Russian aggression’, ‘territorial violation’ and ‘weak neighbour’. Coincidentally, those same places and terms, and the sheer extent to which they perpetuated within Irish and even world media as well as popular parlance, had not been seen nor heard since 1854. It was in that year that the British and French Empires committed themselves to war in the wider Black Sea region and beyond against the Russian Empire. The latter had demonstrated clear aggression, initially diplomatic and later military, against its perceived-to-be-weak neighbour and long-term adversary in the region, the Ottoman Empire, or Turkey. As part of that aggression Russia invaded the latter’s vassal principalities in the north-western Balkans, namely Wallachia and Moldavia (part of modern-day Romania), collectively known as the Danubian Principalities. Russia had previously taken Crimea from the Ottomans in 1783....

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 677-681 ◽  
Tamito Kajiyama ◽  
Davide D'Alimonte ◽  
Giuseppe Zibordi

2020 ◽  
pp. 105-114
Yu. S. Tuchkovenko ◽  
O. S. Matygin ◽  
V. Yu. Chepurna

Increasing the draught of ships that may be accepted by ports for loading at their loading berths is one of the main tasks aimed at development and freight turnover enhancement of sea trade ports located in Odesa Region of the north-western part of the Black Sea (cities of Chornomorsk, Odesa and Pivdennyi). An operational forecasting of short-term sea level fluctuations caused by storm winds presents a critical task for ensuring safe navigation across the ports’ water area and approach channels. The article is devoted to analysing and discussing the results of tests of a simplified 2D hydrodynamic model designed for forecasting such phenomena as upsurge and downsurge of the sea level caused by storm winds in the vicinity of sea ports in Odesa Region of the north-western part of the Black Sea. Spatio-temporal variability of wind conditions at the sea-to-atmosphere boundary was set based on the data retrieved from a 10-day synoptic forecast using global atmospheric prediction model GFS (Global Forecast System). The study analyses the results of forecast of significant (the ones exceeding 30 cm) short-term sea level drops and rises at the ports which were observed in 2016, 2017 and 2020. It was established that, in case of use of the GFS forecast data, the pattern of sea level denivellations caused by storm winds and their amplitude in the majority of events start approximating to the observed values provided the forecast has a 4-day lead time. Therefore the accuracy of wind conditions variability forecast with application of the GFS model having a longer lead advance time is not sufficient for forecasting the sea level fluctuations caused by storm winds.  The study made it possible to get an acceptable equivalence between the values of sea level denivellation amplitudes which were forecast with a 1-to-3-day lead time and the ones observed afterwards. In particular, when the forecast lead time is equal to »2 days, in relation to the expected storm conditions, the average absolute error for the forecast of sea level fluctuations amplitude constituted 7-8 cm, while its permissible value was defined as 15 cm, and the average relative error – 16-18%. It allowed making a conclusion that a hydrodynamic model option, applied alongside with the forecasting information on wind conditions variability retrieved with the help of the GFS weather prediction model, may be used for operational forecasting of short-term sea level fluctuations caused by storm winds with the forecast lead time of up to 4 days.

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