Monitoring systems of environment
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Published By Institute Of Natural And Technical Systems


Е.А. Averyanova ◽  

The features of the spatial distribution of climate values and the coefficients of linear trends of total tur-bulent heat fluxes are revealed, based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data for 1950–2020 for the Atlantic Ocean. Variability of total turbulent heat fluxes is investigated on scales of more than 10 and more than 30 years. It is shown that the trends of average annual total heat fluxes significant at 95% level in most part of the Atlantic Ocean area are negative (except for the western parts of anticyclonic gyres and area of arctic sea ice edge). It is confirmed that the maxima of the low-frequency variability of the total heat fluxes correspond to important energy-active zones of the Atlantic, they are North Atlantic deep-water mass formation region, ice edge zone in the north of the North Atlantic and the Atlantic sector of the Arc-tic Ocean.

I.B. Shirokov ◽  
P.A. Evdokimov ◽  
E.I. Shirokova ◽  

This work is part of a project to create a device for monitoring changes in the composition of the air environment. The article describes the main elements of the repeater unit included in the measuring device. The results of modeling the developed band-pass filter, which is part of the waveguide path of the repeater, are presented. Experimental studies of the filter and circulator parameters are also carried out. The technical capabilities of the electronic part of the repeater unit, namely microwave amplifiers and a controlled phase shifter, are described.

L.V. Stelmakh ◽  
I.M. Mansurova ◽  

The possibility of using cultures of Black Sea planktonic microalgae of different taxonomic affiliation to assess the quality of the aquatic environment based on the assessment of their functional state is shown. The research was carried out on the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, three dinoflagellates species Prorocentrum cordatum, Prorocentrum pusillum and Gyrodinium fissum, as well as the coccolithopho-ride Emiliania huxleyi. It was found that the waters of the Sevastopol Bay in the period from May to August 2021 in 50% of cases had a weak inhibitory effect on the growth of the tested species. In other cases, algae growth was either stimulated or the effect of pollution on cultures was not revealed. The need for using several types of algae in carrying out complex work on water biotesting of the coastal are-as of the Black Sea is highlighted.

E.N. Sibirtsova ◽  
A.V. Temnykh ◽  
M.I. Silakov ◽  

A study of the concentration of microplastic pollution (MP) in the bottom sediments of the water areas adjoining recreation zones (RZ) of the Sevastopol region in 2018 - 2020 was carried out. An increase in MP was registered practically in all areas, the average values of MP concentration were 13.4 items•kg-1 dry weight. As for the shape of microplastics (MPs) particles, the maximum share was made up by frag-ments (50-83%), fibers were also numerous (33%). A significant increase in the concentration of MP on the 0-20 m section of the underwater coastal slope from the water edge was recorded in zones with an open water area and presence of a cliff. The revealed level of MP is comparable to that in the Mediterra-nean, Caspian, Baltic Seas, but an order of magnitude lower than in other regions of the World Ocean.

V.G. Scherbina ◽  

The allelopathic regime of the phytogenic field of model middle-aged trees of seven forest formations in the zone of humid subtropics of the Sochi Black Sea region was evaluated with an admissible range of stages of recreational digression. The method of biotesting of water extracts from forest litter, soil and roots was used to determine the spatial gradient of allelopathic activity of the phytogenic field environ-ment. The share of participation of the allelopathic factor in the formation of the phytogenic field at certain stages of recreational digression was established. It was determined that the value of allelopathic intensity of the phytogenic field, depending on the stage of recreational digression, field zones and edifi-cator species, can characterize the degree of resistance to the introduction of new species, recreational resistance and community stability.

A.N. Grekov ◽  
A.A. Kabanov ◽  
S.Yu. Alekseev ◽  

The paper discusses the improvement of the accuracy of an inertial navigation system created on the basis of MEMS sensors using machine learning (ML) methods. As input data for the classifier, we used information obtained from a developed laboratory setup with MEMS sensors on a sealed platform with the ability to adjust its tilt angles. To assess the effectiveness of the models, test curves were constructed with different values of the parameters of these models for each core in the case of a linear, polynomial radial basis function. The inverse regularization parameter was used as a parameter. The proposed algo-rithm based on MO has demonstrated its ability to correctly classify in the presence of noise typical for MEMS sensors, where good classification results were obtained when choosing the optimal values of hy-perparameters.

A.A. Valle ◽  

The article briefly describes the main facts and milestones in the development of methods for monitoring the hydrological and hydrochemical state of the Black Sea waters from the 19th century to the present day. It is shown that the modern understanding of the hydrological and hydrochemical processes of this unique sea basin resulted from the intensive work of many oceanographers over the past centuries. Par-ticular attention is paid to the oxygen regime of the Black Sea.

E.N. Voskresenskaya ◽  
O.V. Marchukova ◽  
V.V. Afanasyeva ◽  

The quality of SST anomalies revealed in the equatorial Pacific associated with El Niño (EN) and La Ni-ña (LN) in the CMIP6 project models (KIOST-ESM, MIROC-ES2L and INM-CM4-8) was evaluated by comparing with real events in the period 1950 to 2014 using the ERSSTv5 data sets. It is shown that the ensemble model estimation of the number, intensity and duration of EN and LN corresponds quite well to real conditions. On this basis, the corresponding model ensemble calculations of their future possible changes in 2021-2085 relative to the historical 1950-2014 period were carried out for two possible sce-narios: business-as-usual (SSP2-4.5) and negative (SSP5-8.5).

О.Yu. Sukhonos ◽  
А.S. Lubkov ◽  
Е.N. Voskresenskaya ◽  

Using the data of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6), the quality of the simulation of the observed climate changes of downwelling shortwave radiation in the Sevastopol region for the period 1983–2012 is assessed. It is shown that the average values of the considered characteristics of solar resources according to the data of climate models are, in general, higher than according to the ob-servational data, whereas the values of the standard deviation are lower. The analysis of linear trends of the downwelling shortwave radiation show that most climate models from the CMIP6 project correctly simulate the process up to the sign of the linear trend. Using a number of statistical characteristics, mod-els have been determined that best simulate the analyzed climatic characteristic and will be suitable for assessing future changes in the solar energy potential in the Sevastopol region.

B.A. Skorohod ◽  

The article proposes new algorithms for estimating the coordinates of objects (both linear and angular) relative to the coordinate system related to the video camera. A two-step algorithm is proposed. At the first stage, the processing of images coming from the camera is performed – the selection of an area be-longing to the sea surface in the image, the detection and video tracking of objects, the determination of azimuth and elevation angles from the obtained images. Our approach is based on the representation of elevation and azimuth angles in the form of non-stationary autoregression models, recurrent estimation of their parameters and subsequent estimation of the object coordinates.

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