scholarly journals A Hybrid Method for Computing Achilles Tendon Moment Arm Using Ultrasound and Motion Analysis

2010 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-228 ◽  
Kurt Manal ◽  
Justin D. Cowder ◽  
Thomas S. Buchanan

In this article, we outline a method for computing Achilles tendon moment arm. The moment arm is computed from data collected using two reliable measurement instruments: ultrasound and video-based motion capture. Ultrasound is used to measure the perpendicular distance from the surface of the skin to the midline of the tendon. Motion capture is used to determine the perpendicular distance from the bottom of the probe to the ankle joint center. The difference between these two measures is the Achilles tendon moment arm. Unlike other methods, which require an angular change in joint position to approximate the moment arm, the hybrid method can be used to compute the moment arm directly at a specific joint angle. As a result, the hybrid method involves fewer error-prone measurements and the moment arm can be computed at the limits of the joint range of motion. The method is easy to implement and uses modalities that are less costly and more accessible than MRI. Preliminary testing using a lamb shank as a surrogate for a human ankle revealed good accuracy (3.3% error). We believe the hybrid method outlined here can be used to measure subject-specific moment arms in vivo and thus will potentially benefit research projects investigating ankle mechanics.

Justin D. Cowder ◽  
Thomas S. Buchanan ◽  
Kurt T. Manal

Accurate estimates for Achilles tendon moment arm (MA) are essential when computing gastroc-soleus force from the net plantarflexion moment. Errors in approximating the Achilles tendon MA will adversely affect the muscle force estimate. We have noted that Achilles tendon MAs reported by Maganaris [1] and others are significantly greater (> 1 cm) than values used by Delp et al. computed using SIMM [2]. It is important to note that the stature of Delp’s lower limb model was almost identical to the average weight and height of the subjects in a study by Maganaris. This led us to question which MA profiles were more anatomically meaningful. To address this, we calculated Achilles tendon MAs for 10 male subjects using a previously described method. The method combines ultrasound and video-based motion capture, and referred to as the hybrid method. Subjects in our study were chosen to ensure they were of a similar stature to those tested by Maganaris, thereby minimizing confounding effects of subject anthropometrics.

Justin D. Cowder ◽  
Nicole J. Chimera ◽  
Thomas S. Buchanan ◽  
Kurt T. Manal

The musculotendon moment arm (MA) is the perpendicular distance from a muscle’s line of action to the rotational center of a joint. Moment arms are important in muscle modeling [1], and thus their accuracy is of great importance. Current in vivo techniques for computing MAs include the center of rotation and tendon excursion methods [1, 2]. The tendon excursion (TE) method relates the change in musculotendon length to an angular change in joint position [3]. This requires two measurements of musculotendon length for each MA computed. Similarly, the center of rotation method requires multiple image-based geometry measurements to compute the MA for a specific joint angle. The TE and center of rotation methods are both prone to measurement error, and thus it is difficult to ascertain the accuracy of the resulting MA. In this paper we present a novel hybrid methodology combining ultrasound (US) and video-based motion capture to compute the Achilles tendon moment arm. An advantage of this approach is that data used to derive the MA are acquired using highly accurate and reliable measurement instruments (i.e, US & motion capture), which may improve the accuracy of the MA estimate. The purpose of this paper is to present the hybrid methodology and validation results based on testing the method using an animal model.

2018 ◽  
Josh R Baxter ◽  
Stephen J Piazza

AbstractGeometric and tendon excursion methods have both been used extensively for estimating plantarflexor muscle moment arm in vivo. Geometric measures often utilize magnetic resonance imaging, which can be costly and impractical for many investigations. Estimating moment arm from tendon excursion measured with ultrasonography may provide a cost-effective alternative to geometric measures of moment arm, but how well such measures represent geometry-based moment arms remains in question. The purpose of this study was to determine whether moment arms from tendon excursion can serve as a surrogate for moment arms measured geometrically. Magnetic resonance and ultrasound imaging were performed on 19 young male subjects to quantify plantarflexor moment arm based on geometric and tendon excursion paradigms, respectively. These measurements were only moderately correlated (R2 = 0.21, p = 0.052), and moment arm from tendon excursion under-approximated geometric moment arm by nearly 40% (p < 0.001). This moderate correlation between methods is at odds with a prior report (N = 9) of a very strong correlation (R2 = 0.94) in a similar study. Therefore, we performed 92,378 regression analyses (19 choose 9) to determine if such a strong correlation existed in our study population. We found that certain sub-populations of the current study generated similarly strong coefficients of determination (R2 = 0.92), but 84% of all analyses revealed no correlation (p > 0.05). Our results suggest that the moment arms from musculoskeletal geometry cannot be otherwise obtained by simply scaling moment arms estimated from tendon excursion.

2010 ◽  
Vol 109 (6) ◽  
pp. 1644-1652 ◽  
Florian Fath ◽  
Anthony J. Blazevich ◽  
Charlie M. Waugh ◽  
Stuart C. Miller ◽  
Thomas Korff

Accurate and reliable estimation of muscle moment arms is a prerequisite for the development of musculoskeletal models. Numerous techniques are available to estimate the Achilles tendon moment arm in vivo. The purposes of this study were 1) to compare in vivo Achilles tendon moment arms obtained using the center of rotation (COR) and tendon excursion (TE) methods and 2) to assess the reliability of each method. For the COR method, magnetic resonance (MR) images from nine participants were obtained at ankle angles of −15°, 0°, and +15° and analyzed using Reuleaux' method. For the TE method, the movement of the gastrocnemius medialis-Achilles tendon junction was recorded using ultrasonography as the ankle was passively rotated through its range of motion. The Achilles tendon moment arm was obtained by differentiation of tendon displacement with respect to ankle angular excursion using seven different differentiation techniques. Moment arms obtained using the COR method were significantly greater than those obtained using the TE method ( P < 0.01), but results from both methods were well correlated. The coefficient of determination between moment arms derived from the COR and TE methods was highest when tendon displacement was linearly differentiated over a ±10° interval ( R2 = 0.94). The between-measurement coefficient of variation was 3.9% for the COR method and 4.5–9.7% for the TE method, depending on the differentiation technique. The high reliabilities and strong relationship between methods demonstrate that both methods are robust against their limitations. The large absolute between-method differences (∼25–30%) in moment arms have significant implications for their use in musculoskeletal models.

1998 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 374-389 ◽  
Sharon J. Dixon ◽  
David G. Kerwin

In this study, a modeling method was developed to estimate Achilles tendon forces in running. Owing to the common use of heel lift devices in the treatment of Achilles tendon injury, we investigated the influence of increased heel lift on Achilles tendon loading. The hypothesis was that heel lift manipulation can influence maximum Achilles tendon force. Responses to heel lift variation were found to differ among 3 elite runners demonstrating distinct running styles. A rearfoot and a midfoot striker demonstrated significant increases in maximum Achilles tendon force with increased heel lift, whereas a forefoot striker demonstrated no changes in maximum Achilles tendon force values with heel lift manipulation (p < .05). Analysis of the factors contributing to the observed changes in maximum Achilles tendon force highlighted the influence of the moment arm of ground reaction force and the moment arm of the Achilles tendon about the ankle joint center. The finding that increased heel lift may increase maximum Achilles tendon force suggests that caution is advised in the routine use of this intervention. The different responses to heel lift increase between subjects highlight the importance of classifying subjects based on running style.

2003 ◽  
Vol 83 (6) ◽  
pp. 1249-1259 ◽  
S.C. Mitchell ◽  
M.E. DeMont

This research reports on the kinematics of lobster and snow crab walking, documents changes in the moment arms of the mero-carpopodite joint during rotation, and examines scaling effects of morphological and mechanical variables in these crustacean species. Forward walking lobsters and lateral walking crabs were recorded and images analysed to describe the kinematics of these animals, and subsequently morphometric and moment arm measurements made. During forward walking the lobster maintains fixed mero-carpopodite joint angles during both the power and recovery strokes, though each of the walking legs maintains different joint angles. Legs 3 and 5 are maintained at angles which appear to equalize the flexor and extensor moment arms, and leg 4 joint angle appears to maximize the extensor moment arm. The snow crab has a joint excursion angle of between approximately 50° to 150° and, during flat bed walking, the leading and trailing legs move through similar excursion angles. The length of the meropodite for both species are longer for the anterior two leg pairs relative to the posterior two pairs and the rate of growth of the meropodite is largely isometric for the lobster while consistently increases with positive allometry in the crab. The flexor and extensor moment arms generated as the joint undergoes flexion/extension show two distinct patterns with the extensor moment arm being maximized at relatively low joint angles (55°–115°) and the flexor moment arm reaching a plateau at joint extension with angles between 95° and 155°. The flexor apodeme possesses the largest moment arms in all legs for both species, suggesting the flexors are able to generate greater torques. It appears that, mechanically, these laterally moving animals may be ‘pulling’ with the leading legs to a greater extent than ‘pushing’ with the trailing legs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Emily M. Keuler ◽  
Isaac F. Loegering ◽  
Jack A. Martin ◽  
Joshua D. Roth ◽  
Darryl G. Thelen

Abstract The evaluation of in vivo muscle-tendon loads is fundamental to understanding the actuation of normal and pathological human walking. However, conventional techniques for measuring muscle-tendon loads in the human body are too invasive for use in gait analysis. Here, we demonstrate the use of noninvasive measures of shear wave propagation as a proxy for Achilles tendon loading during walking. Twelve healthy young adults performed isometric ankle plantarflexion on a dynamometer. Achilles tendon wave speed, tendon moment arms, tendon cross-sectional area and ankle torque were measured. We first showed that the linear relationship between tendon stress and wave speed squared can be calibrated from isometric tasks. There was no significant effect of knee angle, ankle angle or loading rate on the subject-specific calibrations. Calibrated shear wave tensiometers were used to estimate Achilles tendon loading when walking at speeds ranging from 1 to 2 m/s. Peak tendon stresses during pushoff increased from 41 to 48 MPa as walking speed was increased, and were comparable to estimates from inverse dynamics. The tensiometers also detected Achilles tendon loading of 4 to 7 MPa in late swing. Late swing tendon loading was not discernible in the inverse dynamics estimates, but did coincide with passive stretch of the gastrocnemius muscle-tendon units. This study demonstrates the capacity to use calibrated shear wave tensiometers to evaluate tendon loading in locomotor tasks. Such technology could prove beneficial for identifying the muscle actions that underlie subject-specific movement patterns.

2005 ◽  
Vol 99 (3) ◽  
pp. 1050-1055 ◽  
Christopher I. Morse ◽  
Jeanette M. Thom ◽  
Neil D. Reeves ◽  
Karen M. Birch ◽  
Marco V. Narici

Sarcopenia and muscle weakness are well-known consequences of aging. The aim of the present study was to ascertain whether a decrease in fascicle force (Ff) could be accounted for entirely by muscle atrophy. In vivo physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) and specific force (Ff/PCSA) of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius (GL) muscle were assessed in a group of elderly men [EM, aged 73.8 yr (SD 3.5), height 173.4 cm (SD 4.4), weight 78.4 kg (SD 8.3); means (SD)] and for comparison in a group of young men [YM, aged 25.3 yr (SD 4.4), height 176.4 cm (SD 7.7), weight 79.1 kg (SD 11.9)]. GL muscle volume (Vol) and Achilles tendon moment arm length were evaluated using magnetic resonance imaging. Pennation angle and fiber fascicle length (Lf) were measured using B-mode ultrasonography during isometric maximum voluntary contraction of the plantar flexors. PCSA was estimated as Vol/Lf. GL Ff was calculated by dividing Achilles tendon force by the cosine of θ, during the interpolation of a supramaximal doublet, and accounting for antagonist activation level (assessed using EMG), Achilles tendon moment arm length, and the relative PCSA of the GL within the plantar flexor group. Voluntary activation of the plantar flexors was lower in the EM than in the YM (86 vs. 98%, respectively, P < 0.05). Compared with the YM, plantar flexor maximal voluntary contraction torque and Ff of the EM were lower by 47 and 40%, respectively ( P < 0.01). Both Vol and PCSA were smaller in the EM by 28% ( P < 0.01) and 16% ( P < 0.05), respectively. Also, pennation angle was 12% smaller in the EM, whereas there was no significant difference in Lf between the YM and EM. After accounting for differences in agonists and antagonists activation, the Ff/PCSA of the EM was 30% lower than that of the YM ( P < 0.01). These findings demonstrate that the loss of muscle strength with aging may be explained not only by a reduction in voluntary drive to the muscle, but mostly by a decrease in intrinsic muscle force. This phenomenon may possibly be due to a reduction in single-fiber specific tension.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 6631
Takuma Miyamoto ◽  
Yasushi Shinohara ◽  
Tomohiro Matsui ◽  
Hiroaki Kurokawa ◽  
Akira Taniguchi ◽  

Insertional Achilles tendinopathy (IAT) is caused by traction force of the tendon. The effectiveness of the suture bridge technique in correcting it is unknown. We examined the moment arm in patients with IAT before and after surgery using the suture bridge technique, in comparison to that of healthy individuals. We hypothesized that the suture bridge method influences the moment arm length. An IAT group comprising 10 feet belonging to 8 patients requiring surgical treatment for IAT were followed up postoperatively and compared with a control group comprising 15 feet of 15 healthy individuals with no ankle complaints or history of trauma or surgery. The ratio of the moment arm (MA) length/foot length was found to be statistically significant between the control group, the IAT group preoperatively and the IAT group postoperatively (p < 0.01). Despite no significant difference in the force between the control and preoperative IAT groups, a significantly higher force to the Achilles tendon was observed in the IAT group postoperatively compared to the other groups (p < 0.05). This study demonstrates that a long moment arm may be one of the causes of IAT, and the suture bridge technique may reduce the Achilles tendon moment arm.

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