scaling effects
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2022 ◽  
pp. 2100299
Mingsheng Fang ◽  
Honggang Gu ◽  
Baokun Song ◽  
Zhengfeng Guo ◽  
Shiyuan Liu

2022 ◽  
Matthew Walker ◽  
Daniel R. Cuppoletti

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 243
Mirko Poljak ◽  
Mislav Matić

Nanodevices based on monolayer black phosphorus or phosphorene are promising for future electron devices in high density integrated circuits. We investigate bandstructure and size-scaling effects in the electronic and transport properties of phosphorene nanoribbons (PNRs) and the performance of ultra-scaled PNR field-effect transistors (FETs) using advanced theoretical and computational approaches. Material and device properties are obtained by non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) formalism combined with a novel tight-binding (TB) model fitted on ab initio density-functional theory (DFT) calculations. We report significant changes in the dispersion, number, and configuration of electronic subbands, density of states, and transmission of PNRs with nanoribbon width (W) downscaling. In addition, the performance of PNR FETs with 15 nm-long channels are self-consistently assessed by exploring the behavior of charge density, quantum capacitance, and average charge velocity in the channel. The dominant consequence of W downscaling is the decrease of charge velocity, which in turn deteriorates the ON-state current in PNR FETs with narrower nanoribbon channels. Nevertheless, we find optimum nanodevices with W > 1.4 nm that meet the requirements set by the semiconductor industry for the “3 nm” technology generation, which illustrates the importance of properly accounting bandstructure effects that occur in sub-5 nm-wide PNRs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-200
Vishnu Raveendran ◽  
Emilio Cirillo ◽  
Ida de Bonis ◽  
Adrian Muntean

We study the question of periodic homogenization of a variably scaled reaction-diffusion problem with non-linear drift posed for a domain crossed by a flat composite thin layer. The structure of the non-linearity in the drift was obtained in earlier works as hydrodynamic limit of a totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) for a population of interacting particles crossing a domain with obstacle. Using energy-type estimates as well as concepts like thin-layer convergence and two-scale convergence, we derive the homogenized evolution equation and the corresponding effective model parameters for a regularized problem. Special attention is paid to the derivation of the effective transmission conditions across the separating limit interface in essentially two different situations: (i) finitely thin layer and (ii) infinitely thin layer. This study should be seen as a preliminary step needed for the investigation of averaging fast non-linear drifts across material interfaces—a topic with direct applications in the design of thin composite materials meant to be impenetrable to high-velocity impacts.

Logan S. James ◽  
Ryan C Taylor ◽  
Kimberly L Hunter ◽  
Michael J Ryan

As species change through evolutionary time, the neurological and morphological structures that underly behavioral systems typically remain coordinated. This is especially important for communication systems, in which these structures must remain coordinated both within and between senders and receivers for successful information transfer. The acoustic communication of anurans (“frogs”) offers an excellent system to ask when and how such coordination is maintained, and to allow researchers to dissociate allometric effects from independent correlated evolution. Anurans constitute one of the most speciose groups of vocalizing vertebrates and females typically rely on vocalizations to localize males for reproduction. Here, we compile and compare data on various aspects of auditory morphology, hearing sensitivity and call dominant frequency across 81 species of anurans. We find robust, phylogenetically independent scaling effects of body size for all features measured. Furthermore, after accounting for body size, we find preliminary evidence that morphological evolution beyond allometry can correlate with hearing sensitivity and dominant frequency. These data provide foundational results regarding constraints imposed by body size on communication systems and motivate further data collection and analysis using comparative approaches across the numerous anuran species.

2021 ◽  
Jerom P.M. Aerts ◽  
Rolf W. Hut ◽  
Nick C. van de Giesen ◽  
Niels Drost ◽  
Willem J. van Verseveld ◽  

Abstract. Distributed hydrological modelling moves into the realm of hyper-resolution modelling. This results in a plethora of scaling related challenges that remain unsolved. In light of model result interpretation, finer resolution output might implicate to the user an increase in understanding of the complex interplay of heterogeneity within the hydrological system. Here we investigate spatial scaling in the realm of hyper-resolution by evaluating the streamflow estimates of the distributed wflow_sbm hydrological model based on 454 basins from the large-sample CAMELS data set. Model instances were derived at 3 spatial resolutions, namely 3 km, 1 km, and 200 m. The results show that a finer spatial resolution does not necessarily lead to better streamflow estimates at the basin outlet. Statistical testing of the objective function distributions (KGE score) of the 3 model instances show only a statistical difference between the 3 km and 200 m streamflow estimates. However, results indicate strong locality in scaling behaviour between model instances expressed by differences in KGE scores of on average 0.22. This demonstrates the presence of scaling behavior throughout the domain and indicates where locality in results is strong. The results of this study open up research paths that can investigate the changes in flux and state partitioning due to spatial scaling. This will help further understand the challenges that need to be resolved for hyper resolution hydrological modelling.

Michael Steppert ◽  
Philipp Epple ◽  
Andreas Malcherek

Abstract Discharge from sluice gate flows is commonly calculated using the Torricelli outflow velocity, which is inaccurate and must be corrected by a discharge coefficient. Moreover, this approach commonly only considers the relative gate opening, without including the impact of 3D effects, scaling effects, different velocity profiles and friction forces. Aiming for a theoretical approach that can address all flow effects for sluice gate discharge calculations, the authors applied the momentum balance theory to this problem. First the control volume was introduced and parameterization equations for the pressure distributions and momentum coefficients at the control volume borders for both the standard and the inclined sluice gates were determined using CFD simulations. The results show good agreements with the discharge measurement results of frequently quoted experimental studies from other authors, demonstrating the potential of this approach. Also, one example of the impact of the 3D effect of various channels widths was investigated with the momentum balance theory.

Avinash Renuke ◽  
Federico Reggio ◽  
Alberto Traverso ◽  
Matteo Pascenti

Abstract Multi-disk bladeless turbines, also known as Tesla turbines, are promising in the field of small-scale power generation and energy harvesting due to their low sensitivity to down-scaling effects, retaining high rotor efficiency. However, low (less than 40%) overall isentropic efficiency has been recorded in the experimental literature. This article aims for the first time to a systematic experimental characterization of loss mechanisms in a 3-kW Tesla expander using compressed air as working fluid and producing electrical power through a high speed generator (40krpm). The sources of losses discussed are: stator losses, stator-rotor peripheral viscous losses, end wall ventilation losses and leakage losses. After description of experimental prototype, methodology and assessment of measurement accuracy, the article discusses such losses aiming at separating the effects that each loss has on the overall performance. Once effects are separated, their individual impact on the overall efficiency curves is presented. This experimental investigation, for the first time, gives the insight into the actual reasons of low performance of Tesla turbines, highlighting critical areas of improvement, and paving the way to next generation Tesla turbines, competitive with state of the art bladed expanders.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 3967
Alia Ruzanna Aziz ◽  
Jin Zhou ◽  
David Thorne ◽  
Wesley James Cantwell

This paper investigates size effects on the mechanical response of additively manufactured lattice structures based on a commercially available polylactic acid (PLA) polymer. Initial attention is focused on investigating geometrical effects in the mechanical properties of simple beams and cubes. Following this, a number of geometrically scaled lattice structures based on the body-centered cubic design were manufactured and tested in order to highlight size effects in their compression properties and failure modes. A finite element analysis was also conducted in order to compare the predicted modes of failure with those observed experimentally. Scaling effects were observed in the compression response of the PLA cubes, with the compression strength increasing by approximately 19% over the range of scale sizes investigated. Similar size-related effects were observed in the flexural samples, where a brittle mode of failure was observed at all scale sizes. Here, the flexural strength increased by approximately 18% when passing from the quarter size sample to its full-scale counterpart. Significant size effects were observed following the compression tests on the scaled lattice structures. Here, the compression strength increased by approximately 60% over the four sample sizes, in spite of the fact that similar failure modes were observed in all samples. Finally, reasonably good agreement was observed between the predicted failure modes and those observed experimentally. However, the FE models tended to over-estimate the mechanical properties of the lattice structures, probably as a result of the fact that the models were assumed to be defect free.

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