scholarly journals Antagonistic Interactions among Marine Pelagic Bacteria

2001 ◽  
Vol 67 (11) ◽  
pp. 4975-4983 ◽  
Richard A. Long ◽  
Farooq Azam

ABSTRACT Recent studies suggest that bacterial abundance and species diversity in the ocean's water column are variable at the millimeter scale, apparently in response to the small-scale heterogeneity in the distribution of organic matter. We hypothesized that bacterium-bacterium antagonistic interactions may contribute to variations in community structure at the microscale. We examined each of the 86 isolates for their inhibition of growth of the remaining 85 isolates by the Burkholder agar diffusion assay. More than one-half of the isolates expressed antagonistic activity, and this trait was more common with particle-associated bacteria than with free-living bacteria. This was exemplified by members of the α subclass of the class Proteobacteria (α-proteobacteria), in which production of antagonistic molecules was dominated by attached bacteria. We found that γ-proteobacteria (members of the ordersAlteromonadales and Vibrionales) are the most prolific producers of inhibitory materials and also the most resilient to them, while members of the Bacteriodetes were the organisms that were least productive and most sensitive to antagonistic interactions. Widespread interspecies growth inhibition is consistent with the role of this phenomenon in structuring bacterial communities at the microscale. Furthermore, our results suggest that bacteria from pelagic marine particles may be an underutilized source of novel antibiotics.

2015 ◽  
Vol 66 (8) ◽  
pp. 701 ◽  
Siew Wen Lee ◽  
Choon Weng Lee ◽  
Chui Wei Bong ◽  
Kumaran Narayanan ◽  
Edmund Ui-Hang Sim

We investigated the dynamics of attached and free-living bacterial abundance over a period of 18 months in tropical coastal waters of Malaysia. We measured the abundance at both oligotrophic coastal water (Port Dickson) and eutrophic estuary (Klang), and hypothesised that attached bacteria are predominant in eutrophic waters. We found that bacterial abundance was higher at Klang than Port Dickson (Student’s t-test: t=4.87, d.f.=19, P<0.001). Attached bacteria also formed a large fraction of the total bacteria at Klang (75% ±13s.d.) relative to Port Dickson (56% ±22), and showed preference for chlorophyll-a-based particles rather than total suspended solids. The bacterial community structure was clearly different between the two stations but was similar between the attached and free-living bacterial population. Our results showed the importance of attached bacteria in eutrophic water where they could play a major role in carbon and nutrient cycling.

2011 ◽  
Vol 88 (3) ◽  
pp. 434-445 ◽  
Amandine Lapoussière ◽  
Christine Michel ◽  
Michel Starr ◽  
Michel Gosselin ◽  
Michel Poulin

2003 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 568-576 ◽  
Richard A. Long ◽  
Asfia Qureshi ◽  
D. John Faulkner ◽  
Farooq Azam

ABSTRACT Bacterium-bacterium interactions occur at intimate spatial scales on the order of micrometers, but our knowledge of interactions at this level is rudimentary. Antagonism is a potential interaction in such microenvironments. To study the ecological role of antibiosis, we developed a model system involving an antibiotic-producing isolate (SWAT5) derived from a marine particle and its dominant antibiotic product, 2-n-pentyl-4-quinolinol (PQ). This system was used to address questions about the significance of this antibiotic for microbial ecology and carbon cycling on particles. We characterized the chemical and inhibitory properties of PQ in relation to the mechanisms used by particle-associated bacteria in interacting with particles and with other attached bacteria. PQ was produced by SWAT5 only on surfaces. When SWAT5 was grown in polysaccharide matrices, PQ diffused within the matrices but not into the surrounding seawater. SWAT5 might thus be able to generate a localized zone of high antibiotic concentration on particles suspended or sinking through seawater. Target bacterial respiration was most sensitive to PQ (75 nM), while inhibition of DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and bacterial motility required higher (micromolar) PQ levels. The presence of PQ altered the composition of the bacterial community that colonized and developed in a model particle system. PQ also inhibited Synechococcus and phytoplankton growth. Our results suggest that antibiosis may significantly influence community composition and activities of attached bacterial and thus regulate the biogeochemical fate of particulate organic matter in the ocean.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 379-383
Vasily N. Afonyushkin ◽  
N. A. Donchenko ◽  
Ju. N. Kozlova ◽  
N. A. Davidova ◽  
V. Yu. Koptev ◽  

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a widely represented species of bacteria possessing of a pathogenic potential. This infectious agent is causing wound infections, fibrotic cystitis, fibrosing pneumonia, bacterial sepsis, etc. The microorganism is highly resistant to antiseptics, disinfectants, immune system responses of the body. The responses of a quorum sense of this kind of bacteria ensure the inclusion of many pathogenicity factors. The analysis of the scientific literature made it possible to formulate four questions concerning the role of biofilms for the adaptation of P. aeruginosa to adverse environmental factors: Is another person appears to be predominantly of a source an etiological agent or the source of P. aeruginosa infection in the environment? Does the formation of biofilms influence on the antibiotic resistance? How the antagonistic activity of microorganisms is realized in biofilm form? What is the main function of biofilms in the functioning of bacteria? A hypothesis has been put forward the effect of biofilms on the increase of antibiotic resistance of bacteria and, in particular, P. aeruginosa to be secondary in charcter. It is more likely a biofilmboth to fulfill the function of storing nutrients and provide topical competition in the face of food scarcity. In connection with the incompatibility of the molecular radii of most antibiotics and pores in biofilm, biofilm is doubtful to be capable of performing a barrier function for protecting against antibiotics. However, with respect to antibodies and immunocompetent cells, the barrier function is beyond doubt. The biofilm is more likely to fulfill the function of storing nutrients and providing topical competition in conditions of scarcity of food resources.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-133 ◽  
Ruth Kevers ◽  
Peter Rober ◽  
Lucia De Haene

While collective identifications of diasporic Kurds have attracted considerable scholarly interest, their possible role in familial processes of post-trauma reconstruction has hardly been studied. The aim of this article is therefore to develop an explorative understanding of the deployment and meaning of collective identifications in intimate family contexts by examining the interconnectedness between the transmission of cultural and political belonging and post-trauma meaning-making and coping in Kurdish refugee families. After contextualising diasporic Kurds’ collective identifications through an ethnographic depiction of the Kurdish diasporic community in Belgium, this article reports on findings from a small-scale, exploratory study with five Kurdish refugee families in Belgium. Thematic analysis of family and parent interviews indicates how cultural and political identifications may operate as sources of (1) dealing with cultural bereavement and loss; (2) commemorating trauma; and (3) reversing versus reiterating trauma. Overall, this study’s findings support an explorative understanding of collective identifications as meaningful resources in families’ post-trauma reconstruction.ABSTRACT IN KURMANJIRola nasnameyên komelî di pêvajoyên malbatî yên vesazkirina paş-trawmayê de: Xebateke raveker li ser malbatên kurd ên penaber û civakên wan ên dîasporayêTevî ku nasnameyên komelî yên kurdên dîasporayê ta radeyeke baș bûye mijara lêkolînan, rola wan a muhtemel di pêvajoyên malbatî yên vesazkirina (selihandin) paş-trawmayê qet nehatine vekolîn. Lewma armanca vê gotarê ew e têgihiştineke raveker pêş bixe li ser rol û wateya nasnameyên komelî yên di çarçoveya mehremiya malbatê de, ku vê yekê jî dê bi rêya vekolîna wê têkiliya rijd bike ya di navbera neqlkirina aidiyetên çandî-siyasî û rêyên sazkirina wateyê û serederîkirina li dû trawmayê di nav malbatên kurd ên penaber de. Piştî diyarkirina çarçoveya nasnameya komelî ya Kurdên diasporayê bi rêya teswîreke etnografîk a cemaeta diasporaya Kurd li Belçîkayê, ev gotar encamên ji xebateke biçûk a bi pênc malbatên kurd ên penaber ên li Belçîkayê pêşkêş dike. Tehlîla babetî ya hevpeyvînên ligel malbatan û dayik û bavan nîşan dide ka çawa nasnameyên çandî û siyasî dikarin bibin çavkanî ji bo (1) serederîkirina bi mehrûmiyeta çandî û windahiyên xwe; (2) bibîranîna trawmayê; û (3) kêmrengkirin an, beramber vê yekê, dubarekirina trawmayê. Bi giştî, encamên vê xebatê wê têgihiştineke raveker tesdîq dikin ku nasnameyên kolektîf çavkaniyên kêrhatî ne di vesazkirina paş-trawmayê ya malbatan de. ABSTRACT IN SORANIDewrî nasname bekomellekan le prose binemalleyîyekanî sazkirdinewey paş-trawmayîda: lêkollîneweyekî şirovekarî binemalle penabere kurdekan û civatî ewan le diyasporaLe katêkda nasname bekomellekanî kurdekanî diyaspora le layen şarezakanewe giringîyekî berçawî pê drawe û serincî ewanî bo lay xoyî rakêşawe, bellam sebaret be egerî dewrî prose binemalleyîyekanî sazkirdinewey paş-tirawma be degmen lêkollîneweyek encam drawe. Ke wate, amancî em wutare perepêdan be têgeyîştinêkî şirovekarane lemerr bekarhênan û manay nasname bekomellekan le bestênekanî têkellawîy binemalleyîdaye, ke le rêgey peywendîy nêwan rewtî gwastineweyî grêdraweyî kultûrî û siyasî, sazbûnî mana û herweha rahatin legell kêşekanî qonaẍî paş tirawma le binemalle kurde penaberekanda taqî krawetewe. Dway awirrdanewe le civakî diyasporay kurd le Belcîka, nasname bekomellekanî kurdekanî diyaspora le bestênî xoyda xwêndinewey bo krawe û bem gêreye lem wutareda lêkollîneweyekî şirovekarane bo qebareyekî biçûk le pênc binemalley kurdî penaber le Belcîka dekrê û encamekanî billaw dekrêtewe. Şîkarîyekî babetiyaney wutuwêj legell binemalle û dayk û bawkekan nîşanî dedat ke çon dekrê nasname kultûrî û siyasîyekan wek serçaweyek bo em sê mijare derbikewn: (1) gîrodebûn be ledestçûn û bizirbûnî kultûr; (2) webîrhênanewey tirawma; û (3) pêçewanebûnî tirawma leberamber dûbarebûneweyda. Beşêweyekî giştî, encamekanî em lêkollîneweye piştgîrî le têgeyîştinêkî şirovekarane le nasname bekomellekan dekat ke wekû serçaweyekî giring bo sazkirdinewey binemallekan le dway qonaẍî paş-tirawma seyr dekrêt.

1960 ◽  
Vol XXXIV (III) ◽  
pp. 411-429 ◽  
Melvin J. Fregly ◽  
Kenneth M. Cook

ABSTRACT The anti-thyroid drugs, thiouracil, propylthiouracil, and methimazole, prevented both development of elevated blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy usually accompanying kidney encapsulation with latex envelopes. These drugs also reduced elevated blood pressure of rats with hypertension of 13 to 40 weeks' duration prior to drug administration. Addition of desiccated thyroid powder to diet containing an anti-thyroid drug overcame the anti-hypertensive effect of the latter. Withdrawal of thyroid powder only was followed by return of blood pressure to previous low level within 3 weeks. The results suggest that the anti-hypertensive effect of these drugs is related directly to the hypothyroidism produced rather than to extrathyroidal effects of the drugs. Comparison of potencies of the 3 drugs in terms of anti-hypertensive effect, inhibition of growth rate, increase in testicular size, and increase in thyroid size suggests that propylthiouracil and methimazole are equally potent per unit weight of drug. Thiouracil has approximately half the potency of the other two.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 4-9
Pavel A. BUTYRIN ◽  

The historical context in which the State Plan for Electrification of Russia (GOELRO) was developed, establishment of the GOELRO Commission, the GOELRO Plan content, the specific features of its implementation, and the role of the plan in the soviet period of Russia’s history are considered. Attention is paid to the electrification plants of other countries and territories of all inhabited continents, and to the participation of states in the electrification of countries and regions with small-scale and agricultural production in the 1920 s. The specific features pertinent to the electrification of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic are pointed out, namely, low starting conditions (in 1923, the energy consumption per capita in Russia was 100 times lower than that in Norway), its being state-owned in nature and revolutionary in its purpose: to get done with the main upheavals in the country and to shift the national economy for fore efficient production. The role of V.I. Lenin and G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, who were the initiators of the electrification of Russia, is analyzed in detail. A conclusion is drawn about the need to study both the GOELRO Plan itself and the specific features and circumstances of its implementation within the framework of training modern specialists in electrical engineering.

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