scholarly journals Rac1 and Cdc42 Have Different Roles in Candida albicans Development

2006 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 321-329 ◽  
Martine Bassilana ◽  
Robert A. Arkowitz

ABSTRACT We investigated the role of the highly conserved G protein Rac1 in the opportunistic pathogen Candida albicans. We identified and disrupted RAC1 and show here that, in contrast to CDC42, it is not necessary for viability or serum-induced hyphal growth but is essential for filamentous growth when cells are embedded in a matrix. Rac1 is localized to the plasma membrane, yet its distribution is more homogenous than that of Cdc42, with no enrichment at the tips of either buds or hyphae. In addition, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching results indicate that Rac1 and Cdc42 have different dynamics at the membrane. Furthermore, overexpression of Rac1 does not complement Cdc42 function, and conversely, overexpression of Cdc42 does not complement Rac1 function. Thus, Rac1 and Cdc42, although highly similar to one another, have different roles in C. albicans development.

mSphere ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
Jeffrey M. Hollomon ◽  
Nora Grahl ◽  
Sven D. Willger ◽  
Katja Koeppen ◽  
Deborah A. Hogan

ABSTRACT Candida albicans is a human commensal and the causative agent of candidiasis, a potentially invasive and life-threatening infection. C. albicans experiences wide changes in pH during both benign commensalism (a common condition) and pathogenesis, and its morphology changes in response to this stimulus. Neutral pH is considered an activator of hyphal growth through Rim101, but the effect of low pH on other morphology-related pathways has not been extensively studied. We sought to determine the role of cyclic AMP signaling, a central regulator of morphology, in the sensing of pH. In addition, we asked broadly what cellular processes were altered by pH in both the presence and absence of this important signal integration system. We concluded that cAMP signaling is impacted by pH and that cAMP broadly impacts C. albicans physiology in both pH-dependent and -independent ways. Candida albicans behaviors are affected by pH, an important environmental variable. Filamentous growth is a pH-responsive behavior, where alkaline conditions favor hyphal growth and acid conditions favor growth as yeast. We employed filamentous growth as a tool to study the impact of pH on the hyphal growth regulator Cyr1, and we report that downregulation of cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling by acidic pH contributes to the inhibition of hyphal growth in minimal medium with GlcNAc. Ras1 and Cyr1 are generally required for efficient hyphal growth, and the effects of low pH on Ras1 proteolysis and GTP binding are consistent with diminished cAMP output. Active alleles of ras1 do not suppress the hyphal growth defect at low pH, while dibutyryl cAMP partially rescues filamentous growth at low pH in a cyr1 mutant. These observations are consistent with Ras1-independent downregulation of Cyr1 by low pH. We also report that extracellular pH leads to rapid and prolonged decreases in intracellular pH, and these changes may contribute to reduced cAMP signaling by reducing intracellular bicarbonate pools. Transcriptomics analyses found that the loss of Cyr1 at either acidic or neutral pH leads to increases in transcripts involved in carbohydrate catabolism and protein translation and glycosylation and decreases in transcripts involved in oxidative metabolism, fluconazole transport, metal transport, and biofilm formation. Other pathways were modulated in pH-dependent ways. Our findings indicate that cAMP has a global role in pH-dependent responses, and this effect is mediated, at least in part, through Cyr1 in a Ras1-independent fashion. IMPORTANCE Candida albicans is a human commensal and the causative agent of candidiasis, a potentially invasive and life-threatening infection. C. albicans experiences wide changes in pH during both benign commensalism (a common condition) and pathogenesis, and its morphology changes in response to this stimulus. Neutral pH is considered an activator of hyphal growth through Rim101, but the effect of low pH on other morphology-related pathways has not been extensively studied. We sought to determine the role of cyclic AMP signaling, a central regulator of morphology, in the sensing of pH. In addition, we asked broadly what cellular processes were altered by pH in both the presence and absence of this important signal integration system. We concluded that cAMP signaling is impacted by pH and that cAMP broadly impacts C. albicans physiology in both pH-dependent and -independent ways.

1992 ◽  
Vol 267 (4) ◽  
pp. 2375-2379 ◽  
S Lotersztajn ◽  
C Pavoine ◽  
P Deterre ◽  
J Capeau ◽  
A Mallat ◽  

1995 ◽  
Vol 108 (4) ◽  
pp. 1597-1603
R. Schaloske ◽  
C. Sordano ◽  
S. Bozzaro ◽  
D. Malchow

Platelet activating factor (PAF) induces Ca2+ influx in Dictyostelium discoideum. In this investigation we used this activity to analyze the mechanism of PAF action. We found that PAF activity was confined to the period of spike-shaped oscillations and suggest that the role of PAF is to augment cAMP relay. PAF seems to act only a few times during this time period of two hours, since Ca2+ entry adapted to a subsequent stimulus for about 30 minutes. PAF showed a reduced response in the G protein beta- strain LW14 and was unable to induce Ca2+ influx in the G alpha 2- strains HC85 and JM1. The latter expresses the cAMP receptors cAR1 constitutively, and exhibits cAMP-induced Ca2+ influx, albeit at a reduced level. In order to decide whether the inability of PAF to elicit a Ca2+ response in JM1 cells was due to the lack of differentiation and/or the lack of G alpha 2, we inhibited the IP3-dependent pathway with compound U73122 and found that Ca2+ entry was blocked, whereas a closely related inactive compound, U73343, did not alter the response. In agreement with this, NBD-Cl, an inhibitor of Ca2+ uptake into the IP3-sensitive store in Dictyostelium, also abolished PAF activity. The latter was not inhibited by the plasma membrane antagonists BN-52021 or WEB 2170. Therefore PAF seems to operate intracellularly via the IP3-signalling pathway at or upstream of the IP3-sensitive store.

2003 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 516-528 ◽  
Xufeng Wu ◽  
Xiaohong Zhao ◽  
Rosa Puertollano ◽  
Juan S. Bonifacino ◽  
Evan Eisenberg ◽  

We previously demonstrated, using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, that clathrin in clathrin-coated pits at the plasma membrane exchanges with free clathrin in the cytosol, suggesting that clathrin-coated pits are dynamic structures. We now investigated whether clathrin at the trans-Golgi network as well as the clathrin adaptors AP2 and AP1 in clathrin-coated pits at the plasma membrane and trans-Golgi network, respectively, also exchange with free proteins in the cytosol. We found that when the budding of clathrin-coated vesicle is blocked without significantly affecting the structure of clathrin-coated pits, both clathrin and AP2 at the plasma membrane and clathrin and AP1 at thetrans-Golgi network exchange rapidly with free proteins in the cytosol. In contrast, when budding of clathrin-coated vesicles was blocked at the plasma membrane or trans-Golgi network by hypertonic sucrose or K+ depletion, conditions that markedly affect the structure of clathrin-coated pits, clathrin exchange was blocked but AP2 at the plasma membrane and both AP1 and the GGA1 adaptor at the trans-Golgi network continue to rapidly exchange. We conclude that clathrin-coated pits are dynamic structures with rapid exchange of both clathrin and adaptors and that adaptors are able to exchange independently of clathrin when clathrin exchange is blocked.

2009 ◽  
Vol 77 (6) ◽  
pp. 2343-2355 ◽  
Douglas A. Johnston ◽  
Karen E. Eberle ◽  
Joy E. Sturtevant ◽  
Glen E. Palmer

ABSTRACT The vacuole has crucial roles in stress resistance and adaptation of the fungal cell. Furthermore, in Candida albicans it has been observed to undergo dramatic expansion during the initiation of hyphal growth, to produce highly “vacuolated” subapical compartments. We hypothesized that these functions may be crucial for survival within the host and tissue-invasive hyphal growth. We also considered the role of the late endosome or prevacuole compartment (PVC), a distinct organelle involved in vacuolar and endocytic trafficking. We identified two Rab GTPases, encoded by VPS21 and YPT72, required for trafficking through the PVC and vacuole biogenesis, respectively. Deletion of VPS21 or YPT72 led to mild sensitivities to some cellular stresses. However, deletion of both genes resulted in a synthetic phenotype with severe sensitivity to cellular stress and impaired growth. Both the vps21Δ and ypt72Δ mutants had defects in filamentous growth, while the double mutant was completely deficient in polarized growth. The defects in hyphal growth were not suppressed by an “active” RIM101 allele or loss of the hyphal repressor encoded by TUP1. In addition, both single mutants had significant attenuation in a mouse model of hematogenously disseminated candidiasis, while the double mutant was rapidly cleared. Histological examination confirmed that the vps21Δ and ypt72Δ mutants are deficient in hyphal growth in vivo. We suggest that the PVC and vacuole are required on two levels during C. albicans infection: (i) stress resistance functions required for survival within tissue and (ii) a role in filamentous growth which may aid host tissue invasion.

mSphere ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
Faiza Tebbji ◽  
Yaolin Chen ◽  
Adnane Sellam ◽  
Malcolm Whiteway

ABSTRACT Candida albicans is a natural component of the human microbiota but also an opportunistic pathogen that causes life-threatening infections in immunosuppressed patients. Current therapeutics include a limited number of molecules that suffer from limitations, including growing clinical resistance and toxicity. New molecules are being clinically investigated; however, the majority of these potential antifungals target the same processes as do the standard antifungals and might confront the same problems of toxicity and loss of efficiency due to the common resistance mechanisms. Here, we characterized the role of Snf6, a fungus-specific subunit of the chromatin-remodeling complex SWI/SNF. Our genomic and phenotypic data demonstrated a central role of Snf6 in biological processes that are critical for a fungal pathogen to colonize its host and cause disease, suggesting Snf6 as a possible antifungal target. SWI/SNF is an ATP-dependent chromatin-remodeling complex that is required for the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes. While most of the fungal SWI/SNF components are evolutionarily conserved with those of the metazoan SWI/SNF, subunits such as Snf6 are specific to certain fungi and thus represent potential antifungal targets. We have characterized the role of the Snf6 protein in Candida albicans. Our data showed that although there was low conservation of its protein sequence with other fungal orthologs, Snf6 was copurified with bona fide SWI/SNF complex subunits. The role of Snf6 in C. albicans was investigated by determining its genome-wide occupancy using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to tiling arrays in addition to transcriptional profiling of the snf6 conditional mutant. Snf6 directs targets that were enriched in functions related to carbohydrate and amino acid metabolic circuits, to cellular transport, and to heat stress responses. Under hypha-promoting conditions, Snf6 expanded its set of targets to include promoters of genes related to respiration, ribosome biogenesis, mating, and vesicle transport. In accordance with the genomic occupancy data, an snf6 doxycycline-repressible mutant exhibited growth defects in response to heat stress and also when grown in the presence of different fermentable and nonfermentable carbon sources. Snf6 was also required to differentiate invasive hyphae in response to different cues. This study represents the first comprehensive characterization, at the genomic level, of the role of SWI/SNF in the pathogenic yeast C. albicans and uncovers functions that are essential for fungal morphogenesis and metabolic flexibility. IMPORTANCE Candida albicans is a natural component of the human microbiota but also an opportunistic pathogen that causes life-threatening infections in immunosuppressed patients. Current therapeutics include a limited number of molecules that suffer from limitations, including growing clinical resistance and toxicity. New molecules are being clinically investigated; however, the majority of these potential antifungals target the same processes as do the standard antifungals and might confront the same problems of toxicity and loss of efficiency due to the common resistance mechanisms. Here, we characterized the role of Snf6, a fungus-specific subunit of the chromatin-remodeling complex SWI/SNF. Our genomic and phenotypic data demonstrated a central role of Snf6 in biological processes that are critical for a fungal pathogen to colonize its host and cause disease, suggesting Snf6 as a possible antifungal target.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 1165-1172 ◽  
Frans M. Klis ◽  
Stanley Brul

ABSTRACTThe wall proteome and the secretome of the fungal pathogenCandida albicanshelp it to thrive in multiple niches of the human body. Mass spectrometry has allowed researchers to study the dynamics of both subproteomes. Here, we discuss some major responses of the secretome to host-related environmental conditions. Three β-1,3-glucan-modifying enzymes, Mp65, Sun41, and Tos1, are consistently found in large amounts in culture supernatants, suggesting that they are needed for construction and expansion of the cell wall β-1,3-glucan layer and thus correlate with growth and might serve as diagnostic biomarkers. The genesENG1,CHT3, andSCW11, which encode an endoglucanase, the major chitinase, and a β-1,3-glucan-modifying enzyme, respectively, are periodically expressed and peak in M/G1. The corresponding protein abundances in the medium correlate with the degree of cell separation during single-yeast-cell, pseudohyphal, and hyphal growth. We also discuss the observation that cells treated with fluconazole, or other agents causing cell surface stress, form pseudohyphal aggregates. Fluconazole-treated cells secrete abundant amounts of the transglucosylase Phr1, which is involved in the accumulation of β-1,3-glucan in biofilms, raising the question whether this is a general response to cell surface stress. Other abundant secretome proteins also contribute to biofilm formation, emphasizing the important role of secretome proteins in this mode of growth. Finally, we discuss the relevance of these observations to therapeutic intervention. Together, these data illustrate thatC. albicansactively adapts its secretome to environmental conditions, thus promoting its survival in widely divergent niches of the human body.

eLife ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Michelle E Maxson ◽  
Xenia Naj ◽  
Teresa R O'Meara ◽  
Jonathan D Plumb ◽  
Leah E Cowen ◽  

Candida albicans hyphae can reach enormous lengths, precluding their internalization by phagocytes. Nevertheless, macrophages engulf a portion of the hypha, generating incompletely sealed tubular phagosomes. These frustrated phagosomes are stabilized by a thick cuff of F-actin that polymerizes in response to non-canonical activation of integrins by fungal glycan. Despite their continuity, the surface and invaginating phagosomal membranes retain a strikingly distinct lipid composition. PtdIns(4,5)P2 is present at the plasmalemma but is not detectable in the phagosomal membrane, while PtdIns(3)P and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 co-exist in the phagosomes yet are absent from the surface membrane. Moreover, endo-lysosomal proteins are present only in the phagosomal membrane. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching revealed the presence of a diffusion barrier that maintains the identity of the open tubular phagosome separate from the plasmalemma. Formation of this barrier depends on Syk, Pyk2/Fak and formin-dependent actin assembly. Antimicrobial mechanisms can thereby be deployed, limiting the growth of the hyphae.

2003 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-18 ◽  
Martine Bassilana ◽  
James Blyth ◽  
Robert A. Arkowitz

ABSTRACT Candida albicans, the most common human fungal pathogen, is particularly problematic for immunocompromised individuals. The reversible transition of this fungal pathogen to a filamentous form that invades host tissue is important for its virulence. Although different signaling pathways such as a mitogen-activated protein kinase and a protein kinase A cascade are critical for this morphological transition, the function of polarity establishment proteins in this process has not been determined. We examined the role of four different polarity establishment proteins in C. albicans invasive growth and virulence by using strains in which one copy of each gene was deleted and the other copy expressed behind the regulatable promoter MET3. Strikingly, mutants with ectopic expression of either the Rho G-protein Cdc42 or its exchange factor Cdc24 are unable to form invasive hyphal filaments and germ tubes in response to serum or elevated temperature and yet grow normally as a budding yeast. Furthermore, these mutants are avirulent in a mouse model for systemic infection. This function of the Cdc42 GTPase module is not simply a general feature of polarity establishment proteins. Mutants with ectopic expression of the SH3 domain containing protein Bem1 or the Ras-like G-protein Bud1 can grow in an invasive fashion and are virulent in mice, albeit with reduced efficiency. These results indicate that a specific regulation of Cdc24/Cdc42 activity is required for invasive hyphal growth and suggest that these proteins are required for pathogenicity of C. albicans.

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