scholarly journals SpoIVB and CtpB Are Both Forespore Signals in the Activation of the Sporulation Transcription Factor σK in Bacillus subtilis

2007 ◽  
Vol 189 (16) ◽  
pp. 6021-6027 ◽  
Nathalie Campo ◽  
David Z. Rudner

ABSTRACT The proteolytic activation of the mother cell transcription factor pro-σK is controlled by a signal transduction pathway during sporulation in the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. The pro-σK processing enzyme SpoIVFB, a membrane-embedded metalloprotease, is held inactive by two other integral membrane proteins, SpoIVFA and BofA, in the mother cell membrane that surrounds the forespore. Two signaling serine proteases, SpoIVB and CtpB, trigger pro-σK processing by cleaving the regulatory protein SpoIVFA. The SpoIVB signal is absolutely required to activate pro-σK processing and is derived from the forespore compartment. CtpB is necessary for the proper timing of σK activation and was thought to be a mother cell signal. Here, we show that the ctpB gene is expressed in both the mother cell and forespore compartments but that synthesis in the forespore under the control of σG is both necessary and sufficient for the proper timing of pro-σK processing. We further show that SpoIVB cleaves CtpB in vitro and in vivo but that this cleavage does not appear to be necessary for CtpB activation. Thus, both signaling proteins are made in the forespore and independently target the same regulatory protein.

Development ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 124 (13) ◽  
pp. 2527-2536 ◽  
N. Serrano ◽  
H.W. Brock ◽  
F. Maschat

In Drosophila, Engrailed is a nuclear regulatory protein with essential roles during embryonic development. Although Engrailed is a transcription factor, little progress has been achieved in identifying its target genes. We report here the identification of an effector gene, the beta3-tubulin gene, as a direct target of Engrailed. The cytological location of beta3-tubulin, 60C, is a strong site of Engrailed binding on polytene chromosomes. Immunostaining analysis of a transgenic line containing a P[beta3-tubulin-lacZ] construct shows an additional site of Engrailed binding at the location of the transgene. Molecular analysis allowed identification of several Engrailed binding sites, both in vitro and in vivo, within the first intron of the beta3-tubulin locus. Engrailed binding sites identified in vitro are active in larvae. Furthermore, expression of beta3-tubulin is derepressed in the ectoderm of engrailed mutant embryos. Repression of beta3-tubulin by Engrailed is also obtained when Engrailed is ectopically expressed in embryonic mesoderm. Finally, two different sets of Engrailed binding sites are shown to be involved in the early and late regulation of beta3-tubulin by Engrailed during embryogenesis.

2012 ◽  
Vol 303 (7) ◽  
pp. F939-F943 ◽  
Kohei Uchimura ◽  
Yutaka Kakizoe ◽  
Tomoaki Onoue ◽  
Manabu Hayata ◽  
Jun Morinaga ◽  

Aldosterone plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure by modulating the activity of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) that consists of α-, β-, and γ-subunits. Aldosterone induces a molecular weight shift of γENaC from 85 to 70 kDa that is necessary for the channel activation. In vitro experiments demonstrated that a dual cleavage mechanism is responsible for this shift. It has been postulated that furin executes the primary cleavage in the Golgi and that the second cleavage is provided by other serine proteases such as prostasin or plasmin at the plasma membrane. However, the in vivo contribution of serine proteases to this cleavage remains unclear. To address this issue, we administered the synthetic serine protease inhibitor camostat mesilate (CM) to aldosterone-infused rats. CM decreased the abundance of the 70-kDa form of ENaC and led to a new 75-kDa form with a concomitant increase in the urinary Na-to-K ratio. Because CM inhibits the protease activity of serine proteases such as prostasin and plasmin, but not furin, our findings strongly indicate that CM inhibited the second cleavage of γENaC and subsequently suppressed ENaC activity. The results of our current studies also suggest the possibility that the synthetic serine protease inhibitor CM might represent a new strategy for the treatment of salt-sensitive hypertension in humans.

2003 ◽  
Vol 185 (16) ◽  
pp. 4764-4771 ◽  
Hesheng Zhang ◽  
Robert L. Switzer

ABSTRACT The genes encoding the enzymes of pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis (pyr genes) are regulated in Bacillus subtilis and many other bacterial species by transcriptional attenuation. When UMP or UTP is bound to the PyrR regulatory protein, it binds to pyr mRNA at specific sequences and secondary structures in the RNA. Binding to this site prevents formation of an antiterminator stem-loop in the RNA and permits formation of a downstream terminator, leading to reduced expression of the pyr genes lying downstream from the terminator. The functioning of several other transcriptional attenuation systems has been shown to involve transcriptional pausing; this observation stimulated us to use single-round transcription of pyr genes to test for formation of paused transcripts in vitro. Using templates with each of the three known B. subtilis pyr attenuation sites, we identified one major pause site in each in which the half-life of the paused transcript was increased four- to sixfold by NusA. In each case pausing at the NusA-stimulated site prevented formation of a complete antiterminator stem-loop, while it resulted in increased time for a PyrR binding loop to form and for PyrR to bind to this loop. Thus, the pausing detected in vitro is potentially capable of playing a role in establishing the correct timing for pyr attenuation in vivo. With two of three pyr templates the combination of NusA with PyrR markedly stimulated termination of transcription at the normal termination sites. This suggests that NusA, by stabilizing pausing, plays a role in termination of pyr transcription in vivo.

2004 ◽  
Vol 186 (4) ◽  
pp. 1120-1128 ◽  
K. A. Susanna ◽  
A. F. van der Werff ◽  
C. D. den Hengst ◽  
B. Calles ◽  
M. Salas ◽  

ABSTRACT The development of genetic competence in Bacillus subtilis is regulated by a complex signal transduction cascade, which results in the synthesis of the competence transcription factor, encoded by comK. ComK is required for the transcription of the late competence genes that encode the DNA binding and uptake machinery and of genes required for homologous recombination. In vivo and in vitro experiments have shown that ComK is responsible for transcription activation at the comG promoter. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of this transcription activation. The intrinsic binding characteristics of RNA polymerase with and without ComK at the comG promoter were determined, demonstrating that ComK stabilizes the binding of RNA polymerase to the comG promoter. This stabilization probably occurs through interactions with the upstream DNA, since a deletion of the upstream DNA resulted in an almost complete abolishment of stabilization of RNA polymerase binding. Furthermore, a strong requirement for the presence of an extra AT box in addition to the common ComK-binding site was shown. In vitro transcription with B. subtilis RNA polymerase reconstituted with wild-type α-subunits and with C-terminal deletion mutants of the α-subunits was performed, demonstrating that these deletions do not abolish transcription activation by ComK. This indicates that ComK is not a type I activator. We also show that ComK is not required for open complex formation. A possible mechanism for transcription activation is proposed, implying that the major stimulatory effect of ComK is on binding of RNA polymerase.

Development ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 121 (12) ◽  
pp. 4127-4135 ◽  
C.L. Smith ◽  
H. Giordano ◽  
M. Schwartz ◽  
R. DeLotto

Positional information along the dorsal-ventral axis of the Drosophila embryo is acquired through a signal transduction pathway which employs a extracellular protease cascade. The sequential activation of serine protease zymogens results in the ventrally localized production of a ligand in the perivitelline space of the embryo. Snake is one of several serine proteases which function in generating the ventralizing signal. Here, we investigate the biochemical properties of Snake in vivo and in vitro using recombinant forms of the protease. Wild-type Snake zymogen completely rescues embryos from snake null females when microinjected into the perivitelline space. Biochemical evidence for a covalently associated two-chain form of the activated protease is presented. The contribution of the activation peptide region to zymogen activation was addressed using site-directed mutagenesis. The phenotypic rescue properties of an autoactivated form of Snake reveal that the covalently associated proenzyme polypeptide chain suppresses a dominant effect associated with the activated catalytic chain alone. Recombinant active catalytic chain was produced and found to be short lived as a recombinant protein. These results suggest a model in which the proenzyme polypeptide both stabilizes and targets the Snake catalytic chain to a ventrally localized activation complex within the perivitelline space.

2007 ◽  
Vol 189 (9) ◽  
pp. 3348-3358 ◽  
Ankita Puri-Taneja ◽  
Matthew Schau ◽  
Yinghua Chen ◽  
F. Marion Hulett

ABSTRACT The cydABCD operon of Bacillus subtilis encodes products required for the production of cytochrome bd oxidase. Previous work has shown that one regulatory protein, YdiH (Rex), is involved in the repression of this operon. The work reported here confirms the role of Rex in the negative regulation of the cydABCD operon. Two additional regulatory proteins for the cydABCD operon were identified, namely, ResD, a response regulator involved in the regulation of respiration genes, and CcpA, the carbon catabolite regulator protein. ResD, but not ResE, was required for full expression of the cydA promoter in vivo. ResD binding to the cydA promoter between positions −58 and −107, a region which includes ResD consensus binding sequences, was not enhanced by phosphorylation. A ccpA mutant had increased expression from the full-length cydA promoter during stationary growth compared to the wild-type strain. Maximal expression in a ccpA mutant was observed from a 3′-deleted cydA promoter fusion that lacked the Rex binding region, suggesting that the effect of the two repressors, Rex and CcpA, was cumulative. CcpA binds directly to the cydA promoter, protecting the region from positions −4 to −33, which contains sequences similar to the CcpA consensus binding sequence, the cre box. CcpA binding was enhanced upon addition of glucose-6-phosphate, a putative cofactor for CcpA. Mutation of a conserved residue in the cre box reduced CcpA binding 10-fold in vitro and increased cydA expression in vivo. Thus, CcpA and ResD, along with the previously identified cydA regulator Rex (YdiH), affect the expression of the cydABCD operon. Low-level induction of the cydA promoter was observed in vivo in the absence of its regulatory proteins, Rex, CcpA, and ResD. This complex regulation suggests that the cydA promoter is tightly regulated to allow its expression only at the appropriate time and under the appropriate conditions.

2010 ◽  
Vol 391 (4) ◽  
Georgia Sotiropoulou ◽  
Georgios Pampalakis

Abstract Kallikrein-related peptidases (KLKs) constitute a family of 15 highly conserved serine proteases encoded by the largest uninterrupted cluster of protease-encoding genes within the human genome. Recent studies, mostly relying on in vitro proteolysis of recombinant proteins, have suggested that KLK activities are regulated by proteolytic activation cascades that can operate in a tissue-specific manner, such as the semen liquefaction and skin desquamation cascades. The validity of KLK activation cascades in vivo largely remains to be demonstrated. Here, we focus on recent investigations showing that KLKs represent interesting players in the broader field of immunology based on their ability to bridge their inherent ability to degrade the extracellular matrix with major functions of the immune system. More specifically, KLKs assist in the infiltration of immune cells through the skin and the blood brain barrier, whereas they catalyze the generation of antimicrobial peptides by proteolytic activation and further processing of protein precursors. In an attempt to integrate current knowledge, we propose KLK-mediated pathways that are putatively involved in inflammation associated with skin wounding and central nervous system disorders, including multiple sclerosis. Finally, we present evidence of KLK participation in autoimmune diseases and allergies.

2001 ◽  
Vol 183 (4) ◽  
pp. 1329-1338 ◽  
Samina Akbar ◽  
Tatiana A. Gaidenko ◽  
Choong Min Kang ◽  
Mary O'Reilly ◽  
Kevin M. Devine ◽  

ABSTRACT Expression of the general stress regulon of Bacillus subtilis is controlled by the alternative transcription factor ςB, which is activated when cells encounter growth-limiting energy or environmental stresses. The RsbT serine-threonine kinase is required to convey environmental stress signals to ςB, and this kinase activity is magnified in vitro by the RsbR protein, a positive regulator important for full in vivo response to salt or heat stress. Previous genetic analysis suggested that RsbR function is redundant with other unidentified regulators. A search of the translated B. subtilis genome found six paralogous proteins with significant similarity to RsbR: YetI, YezB, YkoB, YojH, YqhA, and YtvA. Their possible regulatory roles were investigated using three different approaches. First, genetic analysis found that null mutations in four of the six paralogous genes have marked effects on the ςB environmental signaling pathway, either singly or in combination. The two exceptions wereyetI and yezB, adjacent genes which appear to encode a split paralog. Second, biochemical analysis found that YkoB, YojH, and YqhA are specifically phosphorylated in vitro by the RsbT environmental signaling kinase, as had been previously shown for RsbR, which is phosphorylated on two threonine residues in its C-terminal region. Both residues are conserved in the three phosphorylated paralogs but are absent in the ones that were not substrates of RsbT: YetI and YezB, each of which bears only one of the conserved residues; and YtvA, which lacks both residues and instead possesses an N-terminal PAS domain. Third, analysis in the yeast two-hybrid system suggested that all six paralogs interact with each other and with the RsbR and RsbS environmental regulators. Our data indicate that (i) RsbR, YkoB, YojH, YqhA, and YtvA function in the environmental stress signaling pathway; (ii) YtvA acts as a positive regulator; and (iii) RsbR, YkoB, YojH, and YqhA collectively act as potent negative regulators whose loss increases ςB activity more than 400-fold in unstressed cells.

2002 ◽  
Vol 184 (2) ◽  
pp. 564-571 ◽  
Sasha H. Shafikhani ◽  
Ines Mandic-Mulec ◽  
Mark A. Strauch ◽  
Issar Smith ◽  
Terrance Leighton

ABSTRACT The expression of many gene products required during the early stages of Bacillus subtilis sporulation is regulated by sinIR operon proteins. Transcription of sinIR from the P1 promoter is induced at the end of exponential growth. In vivo transcription studies suggest that P1 induction is repressed by the transition-state regulatory protein Hpr and is induced by the phosphorylated form of Spo0A. In vitro DNase I footprinting studies confirmed that Hpr, AbrB, and Spo0A are trans-acting transcriptional factors that bind to the P1 promoter region of sinIR. We have also determined that the P1 promoter is transcribed in vitro by the major vegetative sigma factor, ςA, form of RNA polymerase.

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