scholarly journals Cloning of the Koi Herpesvirus Genome as an Infectious Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Demonstrates That Disruption of the Thymidine Kinase Locus Induces Partial Attenuation in Cyprinus carpio koi

2008 ◽  
Vol 82 (10) ◽  
pp. 4955-4964 ◽  
B. Costes ◽  
G. Fournier ◽  
B. Michel ◽  
C. Delforge ◽  
V. Stalin Raj ◽  

ABSTRACT Koi herpesvirus (KHV) is the causative agent of a lethal disease in koi and common carp. In the present study, we describe the cloning of the KHV genome as a stable and infectious bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone that can be used to produce KHV recombinant strains. This goal was achieved by the insertion of a loxP-flanked BAC cassette into the thymidine kinase (TK) locus. This insertion led to a BAC plasmid that was stably maintained in bacteria and was able to regenerate virions when permissive cells were transfected with the plasmid. Reconstituted virions free of the BAC cassette but carrying a disrupted TK locus (the FL BAC-excised strain) were produced by the transfection of Cre recombinase-expressing cells with the BAC. Similarly, virions with a wild-type revertant TK sequence (the FL BAC revertant strain) were produced by the cotransfection of cells with the BAC and a DNA fragment encoding the wild-type TK sequence. Reconstituted recombinant viruses were compared to the wild-type parental virus in vitro and in vivo. The FL BAC revertant strain and the FL BAC-excised strain replicated comparably to the parental FL strain. The FL BAC revertant strain induced KHV infection in koi carp that was indistinguishable from that induced by the parental strain, while the FL BAC-excised strain exhibited a partially attenuated phenotype. Finally, the usefulness of the KHV BAC for recombination studies was demonstrated by the production of an ORF16-deleted strain by using prokaryotic recombination technology. The availability of the KHV BAC is an important advance that will allow the study of viral genes involved in KHV pathogenesis, as well as the production of attenuated recombinant candidate vaccines.

2007 ◽  
Vol 81 (17) ◽  
pp. 9024-9033 ◽  
Zhen Zhang ◽  
Jenny Rowe ◽  
Weijia Wang ◽  
Marvin Sommer ◽  
Ann Arvin ◽  

ABSTRACT To efficiently generate varicella-zoster virus (VZV) mutants, we inserted a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector in the pOka genome. We showed that the recombinant VZV (VZVBAC) strain was produced efficiently from the BAC DNA and behaved indistinguishably from wild-type virus. Moreover, VZV's cell-associated nature makes characterizing VZV mutant growth kinetics difficult, especially when attempts are made to monitor viral replication in vivo. To overcome this problem, we then created a VZV strain carrying the luciferase gene (VZVLuc). This virus grew like the wild-type virus, and the resulting luciferase activity could be quantified both in vitro and in vivo. Using PCR-based mutagenesis, open reading frames (ORF) 0 to 4 were individually deleted from VZVLuc genomes. The deletion mutant viruses appeared after transfection into MeWo cells, except for ORF4, which was essential. Growth curve analysis using MeWo cells and SCID-hu mice indicated that ORF1, ORF2, and ORF3 were dispensable for VZV replication both in vitro and in vivo. Interestingly, the ORF0 deletion virus showed severely retarded growth both in vitro and in vivo. The growth defects of the ORF0 and ORF4 mutants could be fully rescued by introducing wild-type copies of these genes back into their native genome loci. This work has validated and justified the use of the novel luciferase VZV BAC system to efficiently generate recombinant VZV variants and ease subsequent viral growth kinetic analysis both in vitro and in vivo.

2007 ◽  
Vol 81 (6) ◽  
pp. 2957-2969 ◽  
Ryan D. Estep ◽  
Michael F. Powers ◽  
Bonnie K. Yen ◽  
He Li ◽  
Scott W. Wong

ABSTRACT Rhesus rhadinovirus (RRV) is closely related to Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV)/human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) and causes KSHV-like diseases in immunocompromised rhesus macaques (RM) that resemble KSHV-associated diseases including multicentric Castleman's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. RRV retains a majority of open reading frames (ORFs) postulated to be involved in the pathogenesis of KSHV and is the closest available animal model to KSHV infection in humans. Here we describe the generation of a recombinant clone of RRV strain 17577 (RRV17577) utilizing bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology. Characterization of the RRV BAC demonstrated that it is a pathogenic molecular clone of RRV17577, producing virus that behaves like wild-type RRV both in vitro and in vivo. Specifically, BAC-derived RRV displays wild-type growth properties in vitro and readily infects simian immunodeficiency virus-infected RM, inducing B cell hyperplasia, persistent lymphadenopathy, and persistent infection in these animals. This RRV BAC will allow for rapid genetic manipulation of the RRV genome, facilitating the creation of recombinant versions of RRV that harbor specific alterations and/or deletions of viral ORFs. This system will provide insights into the roles of specific RRV genes in various aspects of the viral life cycle and the RRV-associated pathogenesis in vivo in an RM model of infection. Furthermore, the generation of chimeric versions of RRV containing KSHV genes will allow analysis of the function and contributions of KSHV genes to viral pathogenesis by using a relevant primate model system.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Kalpana Dulal ◽  
Benjamin Silver ◽  
Hua Zhu

Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology has contributed immensely to manipulation of larger genomes in many organisms including large DNA viruses like human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). The HCMV BAC clone propagated and maintained insideE. coliallows for accurate recombinant virus generation. Using this system, we have generated a panel of HCMV deletion mutants and their rescue clones. In this paper, we describe the construction of HCMV BAC mutants using a homologous recombination system. A gene capture method, or gap repair cloning, to seize large fragments of DNA from the virus BAC in order to generate rescue viruses, is described in detail. Construction of rescue clones using gap repair cloning is highly efficient and provides a novel use of the homologous recombination-based method inE. colifor molecular cloning, known colloquially as recombineering, when rescuing large BAC deletions. This method of excising large fragments of DNA provides important prospects forin vitrohomologous recombination for genetic cloning.

1984 ◽  
Vol 4 (12) ◽  
pp. 2594-2609 ◽  
C R Mueller ◽  
A M Mes-Masson ◽  
M Bouvier ◽  
J A Hassell

To define the DNA sequences required for the expression of the polyomavirus early transcription unit, we cloned part of the viral genome in a plasmid vector, isolated mutants bearing lesions introduced in vitro within DNA sequences upstream of the transcriptional start site, and measured the capacity of these various mutant genomes to transform cells and to function as templates for transcription in vitro by comparison with wild-type DNA. One set of mutants bore 5' unidirectional deletions beginning at position -810 and extending downstream to position +4. Another set of mutants bore 3' undirectional deletions starting at position +4 and progressing upstream to position -311. The last set of mutants bore internal deletions between positions -810 and +4. Analyses of the properties of these mutant DNAs led us to conclude that the region between positions -403 and -311 includes an enhancer of gene expression. Deletion of this area from the viral genome reduced gene expression in vivo to 1 to 2% of wild-type levels, as measured by transformation assays. Moreover, this region increased the frequency of transformation of thymidine kinase-negative Rat-2 cells by the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk) gene from 5- to 20-fold. This occurred only if the polyomavirus sequences were covalently linked to the tk gene and then occurred independently of their orientation or position relative to the tk gene. A second transcriptional element is located downstream of the enhancer between positions -311 and -213. This element together with the enhancer was sufficient to bring about transformation of Rat-1 cells at nearly wild-type frequencies, and together these elements constitute the minimal sequences required for gene expression in vivo. The sequences making up the second element may be functionally duplicated downstream of position -165 (between positions -165 and -60). This was revealed by the characterization of mutant genomes with deletions between positions -349 and -60. The role of these redundant elements is not known; however, they may be analogous to the 21-base-pair repeats of simian virus 40. Finally, sequences between positions -57 and -1 were required for accurate and efficient transcription in vitro. However, this DNA stretch, which includes the TATA box and major transcriptional start sites, was not absolutely required for gene expression in vivo. We conclude that the polyomavirus promoter comprises multiple functional elements which are distributed across a DNA stretch of about 400 base pairs.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (9) ◽  
pp. 4628-4637 ◽  
Jing Lu ◽  
Prakash Sista ◽  
Françoise Giguel ◽  
Michael Greenberg ◽  
Daniel R. Kuritzkes

ABSTRACT Resistance to enfuvirtide (ENF; T-20), a fusion inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), is conferred by mutations in the first heptad repeat of the gp41 ectodomain. The replicative fitness of recombinant viruses carrying ENF resistance mutations was studied in growth competition assays. ENF resistance mutations, selected in vitro or in vivo, were introduced into the env gene of HIV-1NL4-3 by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in HIV-1 recombinants carrying sequence tags in nef. The doubling time of ENF-resistant viruses was highly correlated with decreasing ENF susceptibility (R 2 = 0.859; P < 0.001). Initial fitness experiments focused on mutants identified by in vitro selection in the presence of ENF (L. T. Rimsky, D. C. Shugars, and T. J. Matthews, J. Virol. 72:986-993, 1998). In the absence of drug, these mutants displayed reduced fitness compared to wild-type virus with a relative order of fitness of wild type > I37T > V38 M > D36S/V38 M; this order was reversed in the presence of ENF. Likewise, recombinant viruses carrying ENF resistance mutations selected in vivo displayed reduced fitness in the absence of ENF with a relative order of wild type > N42T > V38A > N42T/N43K ≈ N42T/N43S > V38A/N42D ≈ V38A/N42T. Fitness and ENF susceptibility were inversely correlated (r = −0.988; P < 0.001). Similar results were obtained with recombinants expressing molecularly cloned full-length env genes obtained from patient-derived HIV-1 isolates before and after ENF treatment. Further studies are needed to determine whether the reduced fitness of ENF-resistant viruses alters their pathogenicity in vivo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 (9) ◽  
Diana D. Wong ◽  
Wendy J. van Zuylen ◽  
Stuart T. Hamilton ◽  
Mirjam Steingruber ◽  
Eric Sonntag ◽  

ABSTRACT Mutations in the cytomegalovirus UL97 kinase gene contribute to antiviral resistance. Mutations A594S and G598D from two clinical isolates were analyzed, and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-engineered A594S recombinant cytomegalovirus exhibited a ganciclovir-resistant phenotype on plaque reduction. Viral replication was comparable to that of the wild type. Cell-based kinase activity and autophosphorylation of ectopically expressed proteins showed that mutants retained some kinase activity. This study showed that patient-derived cytomegalovirus with different ganciclovir sensitivities retained replication efficiency and exhibited some kinase activity in vitro.

2011 ◽  
Vol 92 (7) ◽  
pp. 1500-1507 ◽  
Stephen J. Spatz ◽  
Lorraine P. Smith ◽  
Susan J. Baigent ◽  
Lawrence Petherbridge ◽  
Venugopal Nair

The identification of specific genetic changes associated with differences in the pathogenicity of Marek's disease virus strains (GaHV-2) has been a formidable task due to the large number of mutations in mixed-genotype populations within DNA preparations. Very virulent UK isolate C12/130 induces extensive lymphoid atrophy, neurological manifestations and early mortality in young birds. We have recently reported the construction of several independent full-length bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones of C12/130 capable of generating fully infectious viruses with significant differences in their pathogenicity profiles. Two of these clones (vC12/130-10 and vC12/130-15), which showed differences in virulence relative to each other and to the parental strain, had similar replication kinetics both in vitro and in vivo in spite of the fact that vC12/130-15 was attenuated. To investigate the possible reasons for this, the nucleotide sequences of both clones were determined. Sequence analysis of the two genomes identified mutations within eight genes. A single 494 bp insertion was identified within the genome of the virulent vC12/130-10 clone. Seven non-synonymous substitutions distinguished virulent vC12/130-10 from that of attenuated vC12/130-15. By sequencing regions of parental DNA that differed between the two BAC clones, we confirmed that C12/130 does contain these mutations in varying proportions. Since the individual reconstituted BAC clones were functionally attenuated in vivo and derived from a single DNA source of phenotypically very virulent C12/130, this suggests that the C12/130 virus population exists as a collection of mixed genotypes.

2007 ◽  
Vol 88 (6) ◽  
pp. 1667-1676 ◽  
Caroline Gubser ◽  
Rory Goodbody ◽  
Andrea Ecker ◽  
Gareth Brady ◽  
Luke A. J. O'Neill ◽  

Camelpox virus (CMLV) gene 176R encodes a protein with sequence similarity to murine schlafen (m-slfn) proteins. In vivo, short and long members of the m-slfn family inhibited T-cell development, whereas in vitro, only short m-slfns caused arrest of fibroblast growth. CMLV 176 protein (v-slfn) is most closely related to short m-slfns; however, when expressed stably in mammalian cells, v-slfn did not inhibit cell growth. v-slfn is a predominantly cytoplasmic 57 kDa protein that is expressed throughout infection. Several other orthopoxviruses encode v-slfn proteins, but the v-slfn gene is fragmented in all sequenced variola virus and vaccinia virus (VACV) strains. Consistent with this, all 16 VACV strains tested do not express a v-slfn detected by polyclonal serum raised against the CMLV protein. In the absence of a small animal model to study CMLV pathogenesis, the contribution of CMLV v-slfn to orthopoxvirus virulence was studied via its expression in an attenuated strain of VACV. Recombinant viruses expressing wild-type v-slfn or v-slfn tagged at its C terminus with a haemagglutinin (HA) epitope were less virulent than control viruses. However, a virus expressing v-slfn tagged with the HA epitope at its N terminus had similar virulence to controls, implying that the N terminus has an important function. A greater recruitment of lymphocytes into infected lung tissue was observed in the presence of wild-type v-slfn but, interestingly, these cells were less activated. Thus, v-slfn is an orthopoxvirus virulence factor that affects the host immune response to infection.

1999 ◽  
Vol 73 (8) ◽  
pp. 7056-7060 ◽  
Markus Wagner ◽  
Stipan Jonjić ◽  
Ulrich H. Koszinowski ◽  
Martin Messerle

ABSTRACT Recently the mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) genome was cloned as an infectious bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) (M. Messerle, I. Crnković, W. Hammerschmidt, H. Ziegler, and U. H. Koszinowski, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:14759–14763, 1997). The virus obtained from this construct is attenuated in vivo due to deletion of viral sequences and insertion of the BAC vector. We reconstituted the full-length MCMV genome and flanked the BAC vector with identical viral sequences. This new construct represents a versatile basis for construction of MCMV mutants since virus generated from the construct loses the bacterial sequences and acquires wild-type properties.

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