Extreme thermal metamorphism associated with Gondwana assembly: Evidence from sapphirine-bearing granulites of Rajapalayam, southern India

2019 ◽  
Vol 132 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 1013-1030 ◽  
Shan-Shan Li ◽  
Richard M. Palin ◽  
M. Santosh ◽  
E. Shaji ◽  
T. Tsunogae

Abstract The Madurai block is the largest composite crustal block in the Southern Granulite terrane of India, where granulite-facies rocks metamorphosed at ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) conditions occur in several localities. Here, we investigated UHT rocks from Rajapalayam, in the southern domain of the Southern Granulite terrane, using integrated thermobarometry and in situ monazite geochronology to precisely constrain the nature and timing of this extreme metamorphism and its implications for regional tectonics. Conventional thermobarometry and petrological phase equilibrium modeling reveal prograde pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions at 0.75–1.2 GPa and <900 °C, followed by peak/postpeak UHT metamorphism at 0.72–0.82 GPa and 1025–1050 °C, and retrograde reequilibration at 0.72–0.80 GPa and 875–895 °C. The granulites thus record a clockwise P-T path defining geothermal gradients of 1200–1500 °C/GPa at peak metamorphism, indicating the presence of an extreme thermal perturbation in the middle to lower continental crust. In situ monazite dating indicates prograde metamorphism at 607–585 Ma, peak metamorphism at 546–543 Ma, and retrograde cooling and exhumation at 539–483 Ma. As such, the entire tectonothermal cycle was complete within ∼120 m.y., although temperatures exceeding 900 °C were likely sustained for at least 30 m.y. Such extreme thermal events preserved in geological terranes worldwide are commonly associated with lithospheric extension, although our data show that prolonged heating can occur during continental convergence instead, supporting inferences made by thermomechanical models. Thus, supercontinent formation may act as a driver for spatially distributed UHT tectonometamorphism, as shown by the episodic records in geological history. The age of peak metamorphism constrained here was synchronous with UHT metamorphism in other localities in the Southern Granulite terrane, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Antarctica, indicating their correlation with the final amalgamation of eastern Gondwana at ca. 550 Ma.

2009 ◽  
Vol 147 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-58 ◽  

AbstractSapphirine-bearing Mg–Al granulites from Rajapalaiyam in the southern part of the Madurai Block provide critical evidence for Late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism in southern India. Poikiloblastic garnet in quartzo-feldspathic and pelitic granulites contain inclusions of fine-grained subidioblastic to xenoblastic sapphirine associated with quartz, suggesting that the rocks underwent T > 1000°C peak metamorphism. Quartz inclusions in spinel within garnet are also regarded as clear evidence for a UHT condition. Inclusions of orthopyroxene within porphyroblastic garnet in the sapphirine-bearing rocks show the highest Al2O3 content of up to 10.3 wt%, suggesting T = 1050–1070°C and P = 8.5–9.5 kbar. Temperatures estimated from ternary feldspar and other geothermometers (T = 950–1000°C) further support extreme thermal metamorphism in this region. Xenoblastic spinel inclusions in sapphirine coexisting with quartz suggest that the spinel + quartz assemblage pre-dates the sapphirine + quartz assemblage, probably implying a cooling from T ~ 1050°C or an anticlockwise P–T path. The FMAS reaction sapphirine + quartz + garnet → orthopyroxene + sillimanite indicates a cooling from the sapphirine + quartz stability field after the peak metamorphism. Corona textures of orthopyroxene + cordierite (± sapphirine), orthopyroxene + sapphirine + cordierite, and cordierite + spinel around garnet suggest subsequent near-isothermal decompression followed by decompressional cooling toward T = 650–750°C and P = 4.5–5.5 kbar. The sapphirine–quartz association and related textures described in this study have an important bearing on the UHT metamorphism and exhumation history of the Madurai Block, as well as on the tectonic evolution of the continental deep crust in southern India. Our study provides a typical example for extreme metamorphism associated with collisional tectonics during the Late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian assembly of the Gondwana supercontinent.

Lu Wang ◽  
Stephen T. Johnston ◽  
Nengsong Chen ◽  
Heng Wang ◽  
Bin Xia ◽  

Regional metamorphism provides critical constraints for unravelling lithosphere evolution and geodynamic settings, especially in an orogenic system. Recently, there has been a debate on the Rodinia-forming Tarimian orogeny within the Greater Tarim block in NW China. The North Wulan terrane, involved in the Paleozoic Qilian orogen, was once part of the Greater Tarim block. This investigation of petrography, whole-rock and mineral geochemistry, phase equilibrium modeling, and in situ monazite U-Pb dating of garnetite, pelitic gneiss, and quartz schist samples from the Statherian−Calymmian unit of the North Wulan terrane provides new constraints on the evolutionary history of the Greater Tarim block at the end of the Mesoproterozoic during the assembly of Rodinia. The studied samples yielded three monazite U-Pb age groups of ca. 1.32 Ga, 1.1 Ga, and 0.45 Ga that are interpreted to be metamorphic in origin. The tectonic significance of the early ca. 1.32 Ga metamorphism is uncertain and may indicate an extensional setting associated with the final breakup of Columbia. The ca. 1.1 Ga low-pressure, high-temperature (low-P/T)−type granulite-facies metamorphism is well preserved and characterized by a clockwise P-T path with a minimum estimation of ∼840−900 °C and ∼7−11 kbar for peak metamorphism, followed by postpeak decompression and cooling. A tectonothermal disturbance occurred at ca. 0.45 Ga, but with limited influence on the preexisting mineral compositions of the studied samples. The characteristics of the metamorphism indicate an arc−back-arc environment with ongoing subduction of oceanic lithosphere at ca. 1.1 Ga. Combined with previous studies, we suggest that the Greater Tarim block probably experienced a prolonged subduction-to-collision process at ca. 1.1−0.9 Ga during the assembly of Rodinia, with a position between western Laurentia and India−East Antarctica.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
Victor E Guevara ◽  
Scott A MacLennan ◽  
Besim Dragovic ◽  
Mark J Caddick ◽  
Blair Schoene ◽  

Abstract Quantifying the timescales of Archean ultrahigh temperature (UHT) metamorphism is essential for constraining the style of plate tectonics on the early Earth. However, such timescales can be difficult to quantify, due to the antiquity of Archean rocks and the extreme thermal conditions of UHT metamorphism. We constrain the timescales of Archean UHT metamorphic processes recorded by a single rock sample from the Pikwitonei granulite domain (northwestern Superior Province), through the integration of two U–Pb zircon petrochronologic techniques. In this study we combine: (1) high-spatial resolution laser ablation split-stream inductively coupled mass spectrometry (LASS) on in situ zircon (in thin section) and hand-picked zircon; and (2) high-precision isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) analyses on microsampled fragments from the same hand-picked zircon analysed by LASS. Phase equilibria modelling and Zr-in-rutile thermometry suggest the rock followed a P–T path characterized by decompression at > 960 °C, followed by near-isobaric cooling at ∼0·8 GPa. In situ LASS zircon analyses could be interpreted to record zircon growth at broadly ∼2665 Ma, though the large uncertainties on isotopic dates make potentially distinct growth episodes difficult to distinguish. ID-TIMS U–Pb dates of zircon fragments reveal a polyphase zircon growth history over a 24 Ma duration, from 2673 to 2649 Ma. Zircon trace element compositions, textures, and microstructural relationships, as well as evaluation of zircon-garnet equilibrium, suggest zircon grew during melt crystallization, after UHT decompression and garnet resorption. Variable Ti concentrations within zircon domains indicate: (1) zircon crystallized through the temperature interval of ∼875 °C to ∼730 °C, potentially in isolated rock domains with variable zircon saturation temperature; and/or (2) zircon crystallized over a narrower temperature interval in isolated rock domains with variable aTiO2 and/or aSiO2. Collectively, the data suggest the west-central Pikwitonei granulite domain reached peak UHT conditions prior to 2673 Ma, after which suprasolidus conditions in the lower crust persisted for at least 24 Ma. Such an interpretation would be impossible if based on either the LASS or ID-TIMS zircon data alone, which highlights the utility of applying both techniques in tandem to constrain metamorphic timescales in ancient UHT terranes.

Geosphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Ellen P. Metzger ◽  
Mary L. Leech ◽  
Michael W. Davis ◽  
Jackson V. Reeder ◽  
Brandon A. Swanson ◽  

This study combines field observations, mineral and whole-rock geochemistry, phase equilibrium modeling, and U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon geochronology to investigate sillimanite-bearing felsic migmatites exposed on Ledge Mountain in the central Adirondack Highlands (New York, USA), part of an extensive belt of mid-crustal rocks comprising the hinterland of the Mesoproterozoic Grenville orogen. Phase equilibrium modeling suggests minimum peak metamorphic conditions of 960–1025 °C and 11–12.5 kbar during the Ottawan orogeny—significantly higher pressure-temperature conditions than previously determined—followed by a period of near-isothermal decompression, then isobaric cooling. Petrography reveals abundant melt-related microstructures, and pseudosection models show the presence of at least ~15%–30% melt during buoyancy-driven exhumation and decompression. New zircon data document late Ottawan (re)crystallization at ca. 1047 ± 5 to 1035 ± 2 Ma following ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism and anatexis on the retrograde cooling path. Inherited zircon cores give a mean date of 1136 ± 5 Ma, which suggests derivation of these felsic granulites by partial melting of older igneous rocks. The ferroan, anhydrous character of the granulites is similar to that of the ca. 1050 Ma Lyon Mountain Granite and consistent with origin in a late- to post-Ottawan extensional environment. We present a model for development of a late Ottawan migmatitic gneiss dome in the central Adirondacks that exhumed deep crustal rocks including the Snowy Mountain and Oregon anorthosite massifs with UHT Ledge Mountain migmatites. Recognition of deep crustal meta-plutonic rocks recording UHT metamorphism in a migmatite gneiss dome has significant implications for crustal behavior in this formerly thickened orogen.

1999 ◽  
Vol 587 ◽  
Z.Y. Fan ◽  
G. Rong ◽  
N. Newman ◽  
David J. Smith ◽  
D. Chandrasekhar

AbstractMolecular beam epitaxial growth of AlN on sapphire and 6H-SiC has been performed utilizing mono-energetic activated nitrogen ion beams (2-80 eV kinetic energies). The growth temperature of AlN in MBE is found to be limited by the sticking coefficient of incident reactants. The combination of elevated growth temperatures (1050-1150°C), high kinetic-energy reactive nitrogen (>40 eV) and post-growth thermal processing (1150-1350°C) produces high-quality AlN thin-f ilms with narrow rocking curve widths (<2 arcmin) and low dislocation densities (<∼3×108cm−2). In contrast, the use of in-situ step anneals during synthesis did not achieve similar quality materials.

William H Peck ◽  
Matthew P Quinan

The Morin terrane is an allochthonous crustal block in the southwestern Grenville Province with a relatively poorly-constrained metamorphic history. In this part of the Grenville Province, some terranes were part of the ductile middle crust during the 1.09–1.02 Ga collision of Laurentia with the Amazon craton (the Ottawan phase of the Grenvillian orogeny), while other terranes were part of the orogen’s superstructure. New U-Pb geochronology suggests that the Morin terrane experienced granulite-facies metamorphism during the accretionary Shawinigan orogeny (1.19–1.14 Ga) and again during the Ottawan. Seven zircon samples from the 1.15 Ga Morin anorthosite suite were dated to confirm earlier age determinations, and Ottawan metamorphic rims (1.08–1.07 Ga) were observed in two samples. U-Pb dating of titanite in nine marble samples surrounding the Morin anorthosite suite yielded mixed ages spanning between the Shawinigan and Ottawan metamorphisms (n=7), and predominantly Ottawan ages (n=2). Our results show that Ottawan zircon growth and resetting of titanite ages is spatially heterogeneous in the Morin terrane. Ages with a predominantly Ottawan signature are recognized in the Morin shear zone, which deforms the eastern lobe of the anorthosite, in an overprinted skarn zone on the western side of the massif, and in the Labelle shear zone that marks its western boundary. In the rest of the Morin terrane titanite with Shawinigan ages appear to have been only partially reset during the Ottawan. Further work is needed to better understand the relationship between the character of Ottawan metamorphism and resetting in different parts of the Morin terrane.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 50 ◽  
Mahyar Aboutalebi ◽  
Alfonso F. Torres-Rua ◽  
Mac McKee ◽  
William P. Kustas ◽  
Hector Nieto ◽  

In recent years, the deployment of satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has led to production of enormous amounts of data and to novel data processing and analysis techniques for monitoring crop conditions. One overlooked data source amid these efforts, however, is incorporation of 3D information derived from multi-spectral imagery and photogrammetry algorithms into crop monitoring algorithms. Few studies and algorithms have taken advantage of 3D UAV information in monitoring and assessment of plant conditions. In this study, different aspects of UAV point cloud information for enhancing remote sensing evapotranspiration (ET) models, particularly the Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB), over a commercial vineyard located in California are presented. Toward this end, an innovative algorithm called Vegetation Structural-Spectral Information eXtraction Algorithm (VSSIXA) has been developed. This algorithm is able to accurately estimate height, volume, surface area, and projected surface area of the plant canopy solely based on point cloud information. In addition to biomass information, it can add multi-spectral UAV information to point clouds and provide spectral-structural canopy properties. The biomass information is used to assess its relationship with in situ Leaf Area Index (LAI), which is a crucial input for ET models. In addition, instead of using nominal field values of plant parameters, spatial information of fractional cover, canopy height, and canopy width are input to the TSEB model. Therefore, the two main objectives for incorporating point cloud information into remote sensing ET models for this study are to (1) evaluate the possible improvement in the estimation of LAI and biomass parameters from point cloud information in order to create robust LAI maps at the model resolution and (2) assess the sensitivity of the TSEB model to using average/nominal values versus spatially-distributed canopy fractional cover, height, and width information derived from point cloud data. The proposed algorithm is tested on imagery from the Utah State University AggieAir sUAS Program as part of the ARS-USDA GRAPEX Project (Grape Remote sensing Atmospheric Profile and Evapotranspiration eXperiment) collected since 2014 over multiple vineyards located in California. The results indicate a robust relationship between in situ LAI measurements and estimated biomass parameters from the point cloud data, and improvement in the agreement between TSEB model output of ET with tower measurements when employing LAI and spatially-distributed canopy structure parameters derived from the point cloud data.

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