scholarly journals ‘Making the Invisible Visible’: an audience response to an art installation representing the complexity of congenital heart disease and heart transplantation

2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 399-405 ◽  
Giovanni Biglino ◽  
Sofie Layton ◽  
Matthew Lee ◽  
Froso Sophocleous ◽  
Susannah Hall ◽  

The arts can aid the exploration of individual and collective illness narratives, with empowering effects on both patients and caregivers. The artist, partly acting as conduit, can translate and re-present illness experiences into artwork. But how are these translated experiences received by the viewer—and specifically, how does an audience respond to an art installation themed around paediatric heart transplantation and congenital heart disease? The installation, created by British artist Sofie Layton and titled Making the Invisible Visible, was presented at an arts-and-health event. The piece comprised three-dimensional printed medical models of hearts with different congenital defects displayed under bell jars on a stainless steel table reminiscent of the surgical theatre, surrounded by hospital screens. The installation included a soundscape, where the voice of a mother recounting the journey of her son going through heart transplantation was interwoven with the voice of the artist reading medical terminology. A two-part survey was administered to capture viewers’ expectations and their response to the piece. Participants (n=125) expected to acquire new knowledge around heart disease, get a glimpse of patients’ experiences and be surprised by the work, while after viewing the piece they mostly felt empathy, surprise, emotion and, for some, a degree of anxiety. Viewers found the installation more effective in communicating the experience of heart transplantation than in depicting the complexity of cardiovascular anatomy (p<0.001, z=7.56). Finally, analysis of open-ended feedback highlighted the intimacy of the installation and the privilege viewers felt in sharing a story, particularly in relation to the soundscape, where the connection to the narrative in the piece was reportedly strengthened by the use of sound. In conclusion, an immersive installation including accurate medical details and real stories narrated by patients can lead to an empathic response and an appreciation of the value of illness narratives.

2005 ◽  
Vol 53 (S 3) ◽  
O Coskun ◽  
T Coskun ◽  
N Reiss ◽  
U Schulz ◽  
A Parsa ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
Tamara T. Bradford ◽  
Joshua A. Daily ◽  
Sean M. Lang ◽  
Jeffrey M. Gossett ◽  
Xinyu Tang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 583-588
Firat Altin ◽  
Bahaaldin Alsoufi ◽  
Kirk Kanter ◽  
Shriprasad R. Deshpande

Background: Congenital heart disease continues to be an important indication for pediatric heart transplantation (HT) and is often complicated by systemic venous anomalies. The need for reconstruction, surgical technique used, as well as the outcomes of these have limited documentation. Methods: Descriptive, retrospective study of patients transplanted at Emory University between 2006 and 2017. We reviewed surgical data, follow-up, and interventions for patients necessitating venous reconstruction during transplantation. Results: A total of 179 transplants were performed during the time period of which 74 (41%) required systemic venous reconstruction. Mean age at transplant was 6.3 (±6.16) years, and 74.3% of these patients carried a diagnosis of single ventricle; 51 (68.9%) of 74 patients required pulmonary artery reconstruction at the time of HT. Forty patients required superior vena caval reconstruction, while 22 patients required inferior vena caval reconstruction due to prior palliation or anomaly. Venous anomalies along with other anatomic features necessitated biatrial transplantation in four patients. Posttransplant evaluation revealed systemic venous stenosis in 14 (18.9%) of 74 patients. Eight (10.8%) patients required 12 interventions for the systemic veins. Patients with bilateral Glenn anastomosis prior to transplant were at high risk for the development of stenosis and needing interventions. Systemic venous complications were uncommon in those with native systemic veins without Glenn or Fontan procedure. Conclusion: Systemic venous reconstruction needs are high in pediatric HT. Posttransplant stenosis and the need for interventions are relatively common. Current techniques for systemic venous reconstruction for complex congenital heart disease patients may deserve further review to optimize these outcomes.

1983 ◽  
Vol 71 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-145

To the Editor.— Congenital asymmetric crying facies is generally considered to be due to unilateral agenesis or hypoplasia of the anguli oris depressor muscle (HAODM). Electromyographic (EMG) examinations of the affected sides have revealed absent spontaneous activity or diminished motor unit activity.1-3 Association of HAODM syndrome with congenital heart disease, the "cardiofacial syndrome," has been described.4 Major defects of other organ systems and minor congenital defects may be associated with asymmetric crying facies as well.5 Monreal6 reported five patients with asymmetric congenital crying facies syndroms who besides this anomaly displayed juxtaoral defects, egm atresia of one side of the jaw and soft palate, cleft lip, hypoplasis of mandible and ear.

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