A comparison of the foliar nutrient status of elfinwood and symmetrically formed tall trees, Colorado Front Range, U.S.A.

1996 ◽  
Vol 74 (9) ◽  
pp. 1461-1475 ◽  
Kenneth A. Barrick ◽  
Anna W. Schoettle

We tested the hypothesis of nutrient limitation in the trees of the alpine forest – tundra ecotone by comparing the foliar nutrient status of windsculpted elfinwood (also called krummholz) growing at the upper limit of tree success with symmetrically formed toll trees growing at the nearby timberline. The species investigated included Picea engelmannii (Parry) Engelmann, Abies lasiocarpa (Hooker) Nuttall, pinus flexilis james, and Pinus aristata Bailey. The foliar nutrient concentrations of the ecotone trees were similar to other healthy montane forests. Most of the significant differences in mean foliar nutrient concentrations between elfinwood and tall trees indicate lower concentrations in elfinwood trees. We found significantly lower mean phosphorus concentrations in Picea engelmannii and Abies lasiocarpa elfinwood compared with tall trees, but the mean nitrogen–phosphorus ratios were within the normal range. The foliar nutrient status of Pinus aristata elfinwood was similar to tall trees, while Pinus flexilis had considerably more significant differences in nutrient concentrations between the tree forms. Although there are many theoretical processes that could cause nutrient deficiencies at treeline, this study suggests that the elfinwood along the Colorado Front Range is not currently nutrient deficient. We discuss the potential differences in nutrient ecology between elfinwood and tall trees. Keywords: foliar nutrients, alpine ecotone, treeline, elfinwood, krummholz, conifer.

1993 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 743-748 ◽  
André J. Hudson

The natural invasion of mountain alder (Alnuscrispa (Ait.) Pursh) into monoculture plantations of black spruce (Piceamariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) and Sitka spruce (Piceasitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) afforded an opportunity to assess the effects of mountain alder on soils, and on the growth, nutrient status, and survival of spruce in eastern Newfoundland. The plantations were established on ploughed Kalmia–Vaccinium heath in 1968–1969. Significant increases in the growth of spruce were associated with the presence of high densities of mountain alder in the two plantations studied. The increases began 3–6 years after the invasion and establishment of mountain alder. Estimated nitrogen (N) contributions to each plantation from mountain alder leaf litter fall were approximately 50 kg•ha−1•year−1. Spruce foliage N content was 10–15% higher in high-density mountain alder (HD-alder) plots than in low-density mountain alder (LD-alder) plots, but other foliar nutrient concentrations were low and possibly deficient in the HD-alder plots. Development of a litter fall–humus layer was observed in HD-alder plots but not in LD-alder plots; however, B-horizon soil-N values did not differ significantly between HD-alder and LD-alder plots. The mountain alder invasion did not reduce the densities (stems/ha) of spruce. Additional studies on the autecology of Alnus spp. native to Newfoundland, and on alder-spruce interaction are recommended to further the development of an adequate ecological basis for heathland and peatland afforestation in the region.

2004 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24 ◽  
James A. Moore ◽  
Peter G. Mika ◽  
Terry M. Shaw ◽  
Mariann I. Garrison-Johnston

Abstract This article provides foliar nutrient concentration distributions and sample size calculations for Douglas-fir, grand fir, ponderosa pine, and lodgepole pine. Managers can obtain foliar nutrient values from their own lands and use this information to make judgments on the relative nutrient status of forest stands. Foliage was collected from unfertilized trees at 160 different research sites of the Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative spanning a 16 yr period from 1982 to 1997. Douglas-fir showed the lowest variation in foliar nutrient concentrations, while grand fir was the most variable of the species sampled. Nitrogen was the least variable and Mn and Mo generally the most variable elements for all species. Grand fir had much higher foliar concentrations of K and Ca than the other species. Ponderosa pine had the highest foliar N concentrations. The pines generally have lower nutrient concentrations than the firs, with the exception of Zn. Western hemlock habitat types showed lower Douglas-fir foliar Ca, Mg, and B concentrations, but higher K concentrations than other habitat type series. Douglas-fir growing on soils derived from meta-sedimentary rocks generally had lower foliar nutrient concentrations than those growing on other rock types. West. J. Appl. For. 19(1):13–24.

1996 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 185 ◽  
SA Munks ◽  
R Corkrey ◽  
WJ Foley

The distribution of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) and the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) within the Prairie-Torrens Creek Alluvials province of the Desert Upland region of north-western Queensland was examined. The optimum habitat for each species as indicated by the occurrence of faecal pellet groups was found to be that associated with creek-lines. However, other land types were also used by each species to varying degrees. The relationship between various habitat variables and pellet group counts was investigated using Multiple regression and a Generalised linear model. Proximity to creek-bed, total basal area of trees, species richness and Acacia basal area (negative) best explained the occurrence of koalas. Proximity to creek-bed, Acacia basal area (negative), total basal area of trees, and available water (negative) best explained the occurrence of brushtail possums. In contrast to studies of arboreal species in the moist-south-eastern forests of Australia no relationship was found between foliar nutrient concentrations and the occurrence of koalas or brushtail possums. However, a significant relationship was found between leaf water concentration and the occurrence of koalas. It is suggested that water availability is the paramount factor defining preferred arboreal habitat in arid and semi-arid woodlands.

2013 ◽  
Vol 59 (No. 8) ◽  
pp. 306-318 ◽  
I. Kuneš ◽  
M. Baláš ◽  
V. Balcar ◽  
D. Kacálek ◽  
K. Millerová ◽  

We evaluated the potential of crushed amphibolite and artificial slow-release N-P-K-Mg fertiliser to stimulate the survival, growth and nutrition of Norway spruce planted on an acidified air-polluted mountain site. Control plots and treatments with slow-release fertiliser (SRF) and amphibolite (AMT) were installed. In the SRF, forty grams of tabletted amendment were applied in the close vicinity of the trees. In the AMT, two kilograms of amendment were incorporated into the soil inside the planting hole of each tree at planting. The SRF application resulted in a significant growth stimulation of spruces. The growth stimulation by amphibolite was perceptible but not significant; this amendment, however, significantly reduced mortality. None of the amendments induced marked changes in foliar nutrient concentrations.  

Genome ◽  
1988 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-107 ◽  
Kathleen L. Shea

Segregation ratios and linkage of 10 allozyme loci were examined in haploid megagametophytes obtained from natural populations of Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) in the Colorado Front Range. For data pooled over trees, the 1:1 segregation ratio expected at Mendelian loci was obtained for five polymorphic loci in 32 Engelmann spruce trees and for seven polymorphic loci in 40 subalpine fir trees. The Gdh and Idh loci in spruce were very tightly linked: no recombinants were detected among 60 megagametophytes of trees heterozygous for both loci. In fir only the Aco and Pgm-1 loci were linked, with an estimated recombination rate of 0.317 ± 0.073. The low levels of among-tree heterogeneity and of segregation distortion found in these populations suggest that reliable estimates of both genetic variation and outcrossing rates can be obtained using allozyme data from these wind-pollinated species.Key words: segregation, linkage, allozymes, Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir.

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