The structure of Archean–Ketilidian crust along the continental shelf of southwestern Greenland from a seismic refraction profile

1992 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-313 ◽  
Deping Chian ◽  
Keith Louden

The velocity structure of the continental crust on the outer shelf of southwestern Greenland is determined from dense wide-angle reflection–refraction data obtained with large air-gun sources and ocean bottom seismometers along a 230 km seismic line. This line crosses the geological boundary between the Archean block and the Ketilidian mobile belt. Although the data have high noise levels, P- and S-wave arrivals from within the upper, intermediate, and lower crust, and at the Moho boundary, can be consistently identified and correlated with one-dimensional WKBJ synthetic seismograms. In the Archean, P- and S-wave velocities in the upper crust are 6.0 and 3.4 km/s, while in the intermediate crust they are 6.4 and 3.6 km/s. These velocities match for the upper crust a quartz–feldspar gneiss composition and for the intermediate crust an amphibolitized pyroxene granulite. In the Ketilidian mobile belt, P- and S-wave velocities are 5.6 and 3.3 km/s for the upper crust and 6.3 and 3.6 km/s for the intermediate crust. These velocities may represent quartz granite in the upper crust and granite and granitic gneiss in the intermediate crust. The upper crust is ~5 km thick in the Archean block and the Ketilidian mobile belt, and thickens to ~9 km in the southern part of the Archean. This velocity structure supports a Precambrian collisional mechanism between the Archean block and Ketilidian mobile belt. The lower crust has a small vertical velocity gradient from 6.6 km/s at 15 km depth to 6.9 km/s at 30 km depth (Moho) along the refraction line, with a nearly constant S-wave velocity around 3.8 km/s. These velocities likely represent a gabbroic and hornblende granulite composition for the lower crust. This typical (but somewhat thin) Precambrian crustal velocity structure in southwestern Greenland shows no evidence for a high-velocity, lower crustal, underplated layer caused by the Mesozoic opening of the Labrador Sea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Haoyu Tian ◽  
Chuansong He

AbstractThe destruction of the North China Craton (NCC) is a controversial topic among researchers. In particular, the crustal structure associated with the craton’s destruction remains unclear, even though a large number of seismic studies have been carried out in this area. To investigate the crustal structure and its dynamic implications, we perform noise tomography in the central part of the NCC. In this study, continuous vertical-component waveforms spanning one year from 112 broadband seismic stations are used to obtain the group velocity dispersion curves of Rayleigh waves at different periods, and surface wave tomography is employed to extract the Rayleigh wave group velocity distributions at 9–40 s. Finally, the S-wave velocity structure at depths of 0–60 km is determined by the inversion of pure-path dispersion data. The results show obvious differences in the crustal structure among the Western Block (WB), the Trans-North China Orogen (TNCO) and the Eastern Block (EB). The lower crust of the northern part of the EB exhibits a high-velocity S-wave anomaly, which may be related to magmatic underplating in the lower crust induced by an upwelling mantle plume. The S-wave velocity of the WB is lower than that of the TNCO in the upper and middle crust and is lower than that of both the TNCO and the EB in the lower crust. The crust of the TNCO shows higher S-wave velocities than the WB and EB in the upper and middle crust, and its overall S-wave velocity structure is clearly different from those of the WB and EB, implying that the crustal structure of the TNCO may contain vestiges of the Paleoproterozoic collision between the WB and EB and their subsequent assembly. This study marks the first time these findings are identified for the NCC.

1996 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 460-471 ◽  
Ian Reid

A detailed seismic refraction profile was shot along the continental shelf off Labrador, across the boundary between the Archean Nain Province to the north and the Proterozoic Makkovik orogenic zone to the south. A large air-gun source was used, with five ocean-bottom seismometers as receivers. The data were analysed by forward modelling of traveltimes and amplitudes and provided a well-determined seismic velocity structure of the crust along the profile. Within the Nain province, thin postrift sediments are underlain by crust with a P-wave velocity of 6.1 km/s, which increases with depth and reaches 6.6 km/s at about 8 km. Moho is at around 28 km, and there is no evidence for a high-velocity (>7 km/s) lower crust. The P- and S-wave velocity structure is consistent with a gneissic composition for the Archean upper crust, and with granulites becoming gradually more mafic with depth for the intermediate and lower crust. In the Makkovik zone, the sediments are thicker, and a basement layer of P-wave velocity 5.5–5.7 km/s is present, probably due to reworking of the crust and the presence of Early Proterozoic volcanics and metasediments. Upper crustal velocities are lower than in the Nain Province. The crustal thickness, at 23 km, is less, possibly due in part to greater crustal stretching during the Mesozoic rifting of the Labrador Sea. The crustal structure across the Nain–Makkovik boundary is similar to that across the corresponding Archean–Ketilidian boundary off southwest Greenland.

1988 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 760-772 ◽  
I. Reid

A seismic-refraction profile was shot on the southern Grand Banks using large air-gun sources and an array of ocean-bottom seismograph receivers. A sediment column 1–2 km thick directly overlies Paleozoic basement with velocity structure similar to that of the Meguma Zone of Nova Scotia. The main crustal layer is 27 km thick, with seismic velocity of 6.3 km/s increasing to about 6.5 km/s in the lowest few kilometres. Complexity is apparent in the crust–mantle transition around 32 km depth. Comparison with deep multichannel reflection data suggests that the increased velocity in the lower part of the crust may be associated with a reflective zone and shows the Mohorovičić discontinuity to be delineated by a well-defined reflection. The absence of a major lower crustal layer of intermediate velocity (> 7 km/s) is consistent with observations elsewhere in the region.

1996 ◽  
Vol 86 (6) ◽  
pp. 1704-1713 ◽  
R. D. Catchings ◽  
W. H. K. Lee

Abstract The 17 January 1994, Northridge, California, earthquake produced strong ground shaking at the Cedar Hills Nursery (referred to here as the Tarzana site) within the city of Tarzana, California, approximately 6 km from the epicenter of the mainshock. Although the Tarzana site is on a hill and is a rock site, accelerations of approximately 1.78 g horizontally and 1.2 g vertically at the Tarzana site are among the highest ever instrumentally recorded for an earthquake. To investigate possible site effects at the Tarzana site, we used explosive-source seismic refraction data to determine the shallow (<70 m) P-and S-wave velocity structure. Our seismic velocity models for the Tarzana site indicate that the local velocity structure may have contributed significantly to the observed shaking. P-wave velocities range from 0.9 to 1.65 km/sec, and S-wave velocities range from 0.20 and 0.6 km/sec for the upper 70 m. We also found evidence for a local S-wave low-velocity zone (LVZ) beneath the top of the hill. The LVZ underlies a CDMG strong-motion recording site at depths between 25 and 60 m below ground surface (BGS). Our velocity model is consistent with the near-surface (<30 m) P- and S-wave velocities and Poisson's ratios measured in a nearby (<30 m) borehole. High Poisson's ratios (0.477 to 0.494) and S-wave attenuation within the LVZ suggest that the LVZ may be composed of highly saturated shales of the Modelo Formation. Because the lateral dimensions of the LVZ approximately correspond to the areas of strongest shaking, we suggest that the highly saturated zone may have contributed to localized strong shaking. Rock sites are generally considered to be ideal locations for site response in urban areas; however, localized, highly saturated rock sites may be a hazard in urban areas that requires further investigation.

Geophysics ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 74 (6) ◽  
pp. WCB47-WCB55 ◽  
Donghong Pei ◽  
John A. Quirein ◽  
Bruce E. Cornish ◽  
Dan Quinn ◽  
Norman R. Warpinski

To accurately locate microearthquakes that are genetically related to hydraulic fracture stimulation, a thorough knowledge of the velocity structure between monitoring and fracturing treatment wells is essential. Very fast simulated annealing (VFSA) is implemented to invert for a flat-layered velocity model between wells using perforation or string-shot data. A two-point ray-tracing method is used to find the ray parameter [Formula: see text] for a ray traveling from a source to a receiver. The original traveltime-calculation formula is modified to account for the borehole source-receiver geometry. VFSA is used as a tool to optimize P- and S-wave velocities simultaneously. Unlike previous applications of VFSA, two improvements result from a new study: (1) both P- and S-wave arrival-time misfits are considered in a joint-objective function, and (2) P- and S-wave velocities are perturbed simultaneously during annealing. The inverted velocities follow the true values closely with a very small root-mean-square error, indicating the inverted model is close to the global minimum solution whose rms error should be zero for synthetic examples. Data noise contaminates inverted models, but not substantially in synthetic test results. A comparison of models inverted using VFSA and Occam’s inversion technique indicates that inverted models using VFSA are superior to those using Occam’s method in terms of velocity accuracy.

2007 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 711-726 ◽  
Robert A. Williams ◽  
Jack K. Odum ◽  
William J. Stephenson ◽  
Robert B. Herrmann

As part of the seismic hazard–mapping efforts in the St. Louis metropolitan area we determined the compressional and shear-wave velocities (Vp and Vs) to about a 40-m depth at 17 locations in this area. The Vs measurements were made using high-resolution seismic refraction and reflection methods. We find a clear difference in the Vs profiles between sites located on the river floodplains and those located in the upland urban areas of St. Louis. Vs30 (average Vs to 30-m depth) values in floodplain areas range from 200 to 290 m/s (NEHRP category D) and contrast with sites on the upland areas of St. Louis, which have Vs30 values ranging from 410 to 785 m/s (NEHRP categories C and B). The lower Vs30 values and earthquake recordings in the floodplains suggest a greater potential for stronger and more prolonged ground shaking in an earthquake. Spectral analysis of a M3.6 earthquake recorded on the St. Louis–area ANSS seismograph network indicates stronger shaking and potentially damaging S-wave resonant frequencies at NEHRP category D sites compared to ground motions at a rock site located on the Saint Louis University campus.

1998 ◽  
Vol 35 (11) ◽  
pp. 1238-1251 ◽  
Deping Chian ◽  
François Marillier ◽  
Jeremy Hall ◽  
Garry Quinlan

New modelling of wide-angle reflection-refraction data of the Canadian Lithoprobe East profile 91-1 along the central mobile belt of the Newfoundland Appalachian orogen reveals new features of the upper mantle, and establishes links in the crust and upper mantle between existing land and marine wide-angle data sets by combining onshore-offshore recordings. The revised model provides detailed velocity structure in the 30-34 km thick crust and the top 30 km of upper mantle. The lower crust is characterized by a velocity of 6.6-6.8 km/s onshore, increasing by 0.2 km/s to the northeast offshore beneath the sedimentary basins. This seaward increase in velocity may be caused by intrusion of about 4 km of basic rocks into the lower crust during the extension that formed the overlying Carboniferous basins. The Moho is found at 34 km depth onshore, rising to 30 km offshore to the northeast with a local minimum of 27 km. The data confirm the absence of deep crustal roots under the central mobile belt of Newfoundland. Our long-range (up to 450 km offset) wide-angle data define a bulk velocity of 8.1-8.3 km/s within the upper 20 km of mantle. The data also contain strong reflective phases that can be correlated with two prominent mantle reflectors. The upper reflector is found at 50 km depth under central Newfoundland, rising abruptly towards the northeast where it reaches a minimum depth of 36 km. This reflector is associated with a thin layer (1-2 km) unlikely to coincide with a discontinuity with a large cross-boundary change in velocity. The lower reflector at 55-65 km depths is much stronger, and may have similar origins to reflections observed below the Appalachians in the Canadian Maritimes which are associated with a velocity increase to 8.5 km/s. Our data are insufficient for discriminating among various interpretations for the origins of these mantle reflectors.

1993 ◽  
Vol 30 (7) ◽  
pp. 1440-1452 ◽  
J. A. Hole ◽  
R. M. Clowes ◽  
R. M. Ellis

As part of a multidisciplinary investigation of the structure and tectonics of the Queen Charlotte Basin and underlying crust, deep multichannel seismic reflection and coincident crustal refraction data were collected in 1988. Energy from the reflection air-gun array source was recorded at land sites at offsets appropriate to record crustal refraction and wide-angle reflection data. Refraction data recorded in a broadside geometry provide good three-dimensional coverage of western Hecate Strait. These data are modelled using tomographic inversion techniques to determine the three-dimensional velocity structure of the crust in this region. The one-dimensional average velocity increases rapidly with depth to 6.5 km/s at 7 km depth. Velocities from 7 to at least 12 km depth remain approximately constant and are associated with rocks of the Wrangellia terrane. Significant lateral velocity variations, including large differences in near-surface velocities attributable to surface features, relatively low velocities representing interbedded Tertiary sediments and volcanics, and a deep high-velocity anomaly that may represent the root of an igneous intrusion, are mapped. Wide-angle reflections from the Moho are used to determine the thickness of the crust. The Moho is at 29 km depth beneath the east coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands. This is deeper than the Moho observed below Queen Charlotte Sound and as deep as, or deeper than, that below Hecate Strait. Crustal thinning during Tertiary extension was thus greatest beneath the surface expression of the Queen Charlotte Basin, leaving the crust under the islands considerably thicker than under the basin. In an alternate or additional explanation, compression at the continental margin during the last 4 Ma may have been taken up by thickening or underplating of the continental crust beneath the islands. If the Pacific plate is subducting beneath the islands, the Moho observations constrain the slab to dip greater than 20–26°.

2002 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
Basant Kafle ◽  
Hiroaki Yamanaka

Microtremor array is the most inexpensive and easy to perform technique for the estimation of S-wave velocity structure. Microtremor array measurements have been carried out in the Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan to estimate S-wave velocity structure up to the basement. Phase velocities at wide period range were determined by frequency-wavenumber spectral analysis of vertical microtremor array records. The determined phase velocity is inverted to obtain one-dimensional S-wave velocity profile by genetic algorithm inversion method. A four layer S-wave velocity model with a basement velocity of 3.5 km/s was constructed. Simulation of ground motion has been carried out with two-dimensional finite difference method. Simulation of subsurface structural model was derived from the microtremor array measurement and previous seismic refraction survey. Two profiles were taken for simulation one from Hamaoka to Ryuhyoh and another from Hamaoka to Shimada. 2-D effect of subsurface structure is observed in the propagation of ground motion in the basin. The importance of determination of 2-D subsurface structure for the estimation of ground motion is shown.

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