Trouts of the Upper Kern River Basin, California, with Reference to Systematics and Evolution of Western North American Salmo

1971 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 987-998 ◽  
Carl B. Schreck ◽  
Robert J. Behnke

The five endemic species and subspecies of trout named from the upper Kern River drainage of the southern Sierras are revised to two subspecies of Salmo aguabonita: S. a. aguabonita and S. a. gilberti. Analysis of various characters led us to conclude that S. a. aguabonita did not differentiate from a coastal rainbow trout as surmised by other workers. This conclusion was based on: (1) morphological similarities with the inland cutthroat trout; (2) apparent relationships with the Gila, Apache, and Mexican golden trouts of New Mexico, Arizona, and northern Mexico, respectively; (3) a chromosomal complement identical to that of the Apache trout and more readily derived from that of S. clarki than from that of S. gairdneri; and (4) geomorphogeny and zoogeography of the southern Sierras. This evidence suggests the golden trout represents an ancient form whose origin was associated with a widely distributed group of goldenlike trouts.The trout originally from the Kern River has a chromosome count and a chromosome arm number identical to those of S. a. aguabonita and therefore is classified as S. aguabonita gilberti. The Little Kern golden trout, S. whitei, is considered a synonym of S. a. gilberti. Similarities with an undescribed form of the McCloud-Pit drainage of northern California suggests a common ancestry. Today, S. a. gilberti is best represented by populations in the upper Little Kern watershed. Salmo roosevelti is considered a synonym of S. a. aguabonita, and S. rosei most likely had a hybrid origin derived from introductions of S. a. gilberti and S. a. aguabonita.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-242 ◽  
Kevin A. Meyer ◽  
Erin I. Larson ◽  
Christopher L. Sullivan ◽  
Brett High

Abstract The distribution and abundance of Yellowstone cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri across their native range is relatively well-known, but evaluations of trends in distribution and abundance over time are lacking. In 2010–2011, we resurveyed 74 stream reaches in the upper Snake River basin of Idaho that were sampled in the 1980s and again in 1999–2000 to evaluate changes in the distribution and abundance of Yellowstone cutthroat trout and nonnative trout over time. Yellowstone cutthroat trout occupied all 74 reaches in the 1980s, 70 reaches in 1999–2000, and 69 reaches in 2010–2011. In comparison, rainbow trout O. mykiss and rainbow × cutthroat hybrid occupancy increased from 23 reaches in the 1980s to 36 reaches in 1999–2000, and then declined back to 23 reaches in 2010–2011. The proportion of reaches occupied by brown trout Salmo trutta and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis was largely unchanged across time periods. Yellowstone cutthroat trout abundance declined from a mean of 40.0 fish/100 linear meters of stream in the 1980s to 32.8 fish/100 m in 2010–2011. In contrast, estimates of abundance increased over time for all species of nonnative trout. Population growth rate (λ) was therefore below replacement for Yellowstone cutthroat trout (mean  =  0.98) and above replacement for rainbow trout (1.07), brown trout (1.08), and brook trout (1.04), but 90% confidence intervals overlapped unity for all species. However, λ differed statistically from 1.00 within some individual drainages for each species. More pronounced drought conditions in any given year resulted in lower Yellowstone cutthroat trout abundance 1 y later. Our results suggest that over a span of up to 32 y, the distribution and abundance of Yellowstone cutthroat trout in the upper Snake River basin of Idaho appears to be relatively stable, and nonnative trout do not currently appear to be expanding across the basin.

1972 ◽  
Vol 29 (11) ◽  
pp. 1615-1624 ◽  
James E. Bryan ◽  
P. A. Larkin

Analyses of stomach contents showed that the kinds of prey eaten by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), cutthroat trout (Salmo clarki), and rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) were seldom distributed at random among the individuals. Repeated observation of food eaten by individuals in a stream and ponds showed that prey types were eaten in proportions which were characteristic for an individual.Specialization occurred on several different kinds of prey. Although the degree of specialization was higher during shorter intervals, the data suggested that some specialization persisted for half a year. There were no striking correlations between degree of specialization and other individual properties such as size, growth rate, weight of food, number of food items, previous specialization, or area of recapture.In addition to the observations on trout in relatively undisturbed habitats, a field experiment was conducted using laboratory-reared rainbow trout held in small ponds. The food of each trout in the experiment was sampled repeatedly. In analysis of variance, interaction among the individuals and kinds of prey eaten showed that food specialization occurred. Both the absolute and relative abundance of potential prey were constant during the experiment.

1999 ◽  
Vol 77 (12) ◽  
pp. 1984-1990 ◽  
James R Lovvorn ◽  
Daniel Yule ◽  
Clayton E Derby

We studied the relative vulnerability of Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri) versus rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) stocked as fingerlings in the North Platte River, Wyoming, to Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) predation. Cutthroat fingerlings decreased as a fraction of the population from stocking in late June to electrofishing surveys in the following October and March. In contrast, the fraction of cutthroat fingerlings among tagged fingerlings eaten by cormorants collected on the river was significantly greater than that in the population when originally stocked. More limited data from pellets regurgitated by adult cormorants at a nearby colony and in American White Pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) collected on the river showed the same trend toward greater percentages of cutthroat trout being consumed than were present among trout stocked. There were no differences in cormorant predation rates on the Eagle Lake strain of rainbow trout reared under shaded versus partially shaded conditions, or between Auburn and Bar BC strains of Snake River (Yellowstone) cutthroat trout. On the North Platte River, cutthroat trout fingerlings were more susceptible to cormorant predation than rainbow trout of similar size that were stocked simultaneously.

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