Secondary biosynthesis of aflatoxin B1 in Aspergillus parasiticus
The effect of two inhibitors on the formation of aflatoxin B1 synthetase activity in strain NRRL 2999 Aspergillus parasiticus has been studied. Aflatoxin B1 synthesizing activity was measured in vivo by incorporation of the 14C-methionine methyl group into aflatoxin B1. Cycloheximide at a concentration of 150 μg/ml blocks protein synthesis completely. If addition of cycloheximide is made before B1 synthetase appears, no activity accumulates; if added during accumulation, activity is frozen at the level reached at the time of addition. The cycloheximide effect is reversible since morphogenesis, total protein synthesis, and aflatoxin B1 synthetase activity all resume after removal of the inhibitor.DL-p-Fluorophenylalanine partially inhibits aflatoxin B1 synthesis in vivo; however, its effect upon macromolecular synthesis is incomplete even at high concentration levels. Once formed, the aflatoxin synthetase appears to maintain B1 synthesis when further protein synthesis is blocked; i.e., it is not rapidly degraded.