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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 001-004
G. Priya

Background: Foramen of vesalius is an inconstant foramen that gives passage to an emissary vein that connects pterygoid venous plexus with cavernous sinus. It lies in the anteromedial side of the foramen ovale. Foramen ovale allows the passage for the mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve, the main site for the trigeminal rhizotomy. The presence and description of anatomical variations about the foramen of Vesalius is important during the surgical procedure on the trigeminal nerve which may injure the emissary vein in the foramen leading to intracranial bleeding. Objectives: The aim of the present study is to report the presence and to enlighten the anatomical variations of foramen vesalius which may serve as a guideline for surgeons. Methods: The study was conducted on 100 dry adult human skulls collected from the department of anatomy at Panimalar medical college hospital & research institute Chennai. The skulls were viewed both extracranially and intracranially to identify the presence of foramen of vesalius. The presence and variation of the foramen was noted and discussed. Result: A total of about 200 sides of 100 skulls were studied. Among them 20% of the skull showed presence of foramen of Vesalius bilaterally, 25% unilaterally and one particular skull showed doubled opening on the left side with the presence of a bony septum. This is a rare variation which was less documented in the literature. Conclusion: The knowledge of variations in foramen of Vesalius may help the surgeons for safer planning and execution of the trigeminal rhizotomy technique.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 250-274
Shokhan Abubakr Ali

The electronic site is one of the latest forms of communication facilities that governmental institutions use to establish public relations with their audiences. Governmental institutions utilize a variety of services and initiatives to develop good relationships with their audiences. To bring their work and actions to the majority of the public, they use various forms of mass media. The title of this research (Forms of public communication that are written to build relations between the audience and governmental institutions: a case study of governmental institutions' electronic sites). The significance of this research has focused on all of the subjects reported on the official websites of governmental institutions, as well as the review of the subjects and all of the aspects to know how to write the subjects and to be aware of all of the activities that the institutions conduct. Thus, all organizations must maintain their main sites and be able to better guide their matters to the public, which is one of the most critical circles of contact between governmental institutions and local and international audiences. The main question of this study is to determine what type of public relations writing is used, in which area, and what governmental institutions' activities are. The study aims to demonstrate the most popular writing styles and genres for public relations, as well as to be aware of the principles of writing, and to illustrate the subjects and actions that the institution does. Knowing the details and specifics of the topics published on the institution's website is also essential. This thesis is a descriptive study using the content analysis approach, intending to analyze the subjects of the main site of the governmental institutions in Sulaimaniyah. For this reason, the Directorate of the Sulaimaniyah Appeals Court, the Passport Office of Sulaimaniyah Province, and the Sulaimaniyah Traffic Directorate have set out all matters for six months from December ١, ٢٠١٩ to January ٦, ٢٠٢٠. As a consequence, the working style is one of the methods that the three institutions have used most often, and the articles written adhere to the standards of public relations writing. The majority of their activities included (visiting, conferences, courses, gathering) the majority of their publications, and then mentioning the institution's services, which were solely focused on news.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 330-359
Fabio Henrique Gomes Pontes ◽  
Fabiano De Oliveira Bringel

Desvendar a relação de poder assimétrica entre Neoextrativismo e o Campesinato na região mineradora de Carajás, é nesse viés em que consiste o esforço de pesquisa demonstrado, parcialmente, neste artigo. Destacamos para isso, ser necessário a relação entre a dimensão ambiental da Questão Agrária na Amazônia. No primeiro semestre de 2021 adentramos na Área de Proteção Ambiental do Igarapé Gelado, APA do Gelado, localizada na Floresta Nacional de Carajás – FLONACA, no Sudeste do Pará, l0cus do nosso estudo. Para a coleta de dados, utilizamos documentos institucionais (IBAMA, ICMBio e Vale/SA). Contudo, a etapa principal da nossa pesquisa foi o trabalho de campo. Utilizamos como técnica de pesquisa, gravações de áudio e entrevistas semiestruturadas, a qual busca dialogar entre o momento da conquista da terra e a relação estabelecida entre a Vale e as famílias camponesas. Além disso, utilizamos fotografias para aproximar o leitor da realidade imagética de nossa pesquisa. Em outros momentos, o uso do diário de campo foi imprescindível. Percorremos os lotes dos colonos que ainda resistem no território. Discorremos sobre isso porque muitas famílias sofreram impactos profundos em seu modo de vida e de produção e, logicamente, em sua reprodução social camponesa. Barragens, vigilância e uso restrito ao território na APA são alguns dos elementos constrangedores às territorialidades dessas unidades familiares. Os dados nos induzem a problematizar a ação da prática mineradora, promovida principalmente pela Vale, que reforça as contradições próprias da sua atividade, causando problemas ambientais ao converter os bens comuns em uma lógica de acumulação permanente. Como consequência, intensifica-se os conflitos territoriais e, contraditoriamente, se abrem possibilidades para a permanência das famílias camponesas que têm resistido no território e construindo sua liberdade tecidas no trabalho diário com a terra. Palavras-chave: Unidades de Conservação; Neoextrativismo; Vale; Direitos Territoriais; Campesinato.   Abstract Our research efforts involve revealing the asymmetrical power relations between neo-extractivism and the peasantry in the mining region of Carajás, as demonstrated in part in this article. In the first semester of 2021, we entered the Carajás Environmental Protection Area FLONACA in the southeast of Pará, the main site of our study. We used institutional documents from IBAMA, ICMBio and Vale/SA to collect data. However, the principal phase of our research was fieldwork. Our research techniques included using audio recordings and semi-structured interviews about the moment of winning land and about the relation between Vale and the peasant families. In addition, we used photography to bring the reader closer to the visual reality of our research. In other moments, the use of field notes was essential. We say this because many families suffered profound impacts to their livelihoods and their production and, logically, in their social reproduction as peasantry. Dams, security, and restrictions to land use in the environmental protection area are some of the elements constraining the territoriality of these family units. The data leads us to problematize the mining activity promoted primarily by Vale, which reinforces the very contradictions of its own activity, causing environmental problems upon converting common goods into a permanent logic of accumulation. As a result, territorial conflicts intensify and, paradoxically, possibilities to remain emerge for families who have resisted within the territory and built their freedom through daily labor with the land. Keywords: Conservation Areas; Neo-Extractivism; Vale; Land Rights; Peasantry.   ¿Para quién es la protección del ambiente? Disputas territoriales entre Vale y comunidades campesinas: El caso de la APA Rio Gelado en Carajás (PA)   Resumen Develar la relación asimétrica de poder entre neoextractivismo y campesinato en la región minera de Carajás fue lo que nuestro esfuerzo de investigación quedó parcialmente demostrado en este artículo. Para ello, destacamos la necesidad de una relación entre la dimensión ambiental de la Cuestión Agraria en la Amazonía. En el primer semestre de 2021 ingresamos al Área de Protección Ambiental Igarapé Gelado, APA do Gelado, ubicada en el Bosque Nacional Carajás – FLONACA, en el Sureste de Pará, el lugar de nuestro estudio. Para la recolección de datos utilizamos documentos institucionales (IBAMA, ICMBio y Vale/SA). Sin embargo, la etapa principal de nuestra investigación fue el trabajo de campo. Utilizamos como técnica de investigación, grabaciones de audio y entrevistas semiestructuradas, dialogando entre el momento de la conquista de la tierra y la relación entre Vale y las familias campesinas. Además, utilizamos fotografías para acercar al lector a la realidad imaginaria de nuestra investigación. En otras ocasiones, el uso del diario de campo fue fundamental. Recorrimos los lotes de colonos que aún resisten en el territorio. Decimos esto porque muchas familias han sufrido impactos profundos en su forma de vida y producción y, por supuesto, en su reproducción social campesina. Represas, vigilancia y uso restringido al territorio en la APA son algunos de los elementos que limitan la territorialidad de estas unidades familiares. Los datos nos llevan a problematizar la acción de la práctica minera impulsada, principalmente por Vale, que refuerza las contradicciones inherentes a su actividad, provocando problemas ambientales al convertir los bienes comunes en una lógica de acumulación permanente. Como consecuencia, se intensifican los conflictos territoriales y, contradictoriamente, se abren posibilidades para la permanencia de las familias campesinas, que han resistido en el territorio y construido su libertad entretejida en el trabajo diario con la tierra. Palabras clave: Unidades de conservación; Neoextractivismo; Vale; Derechos territoriales; Campesinado.

2021 ◽  
Xiaojuan Zhao ◽  
Dominic Alibhai ◽  
Tony Walsh ◽  
Nathalie Tarassova ◽  
Semra Birol ◽  

Abstract Platelets are small anucleate blood cells1,2 with critical roles in haemostasis, thrombosis, inflammation, vascularization, innate immunity and tissue regeneration3,4. In vitro-derived platelets, as an alternative to native platelets, are attractive for fundamental research because of their rapid genetic tractability, as vectors for drug and genetic component delivery5 and in clinical platelet transfusion. At present, however, their very low production rate, and poor agonist responsiveness, are major obstacles. Platelets are formed by fragmentation from mature polyploid megakaryocytes (MKs), their precursor cells6, although the process of their generation remains incompletely understood7,8. Bone marrow is proposed to be the main site of platelet production, however indirect evidence since the 1930s9,10 and recent direct observation11 has shown that the lung can also be a primary site of platelet biogenesis. Here we established an ex vivo mouse heart-lung model (Fig. 1a) through which we were able to perfuse murine MKs. Remarkably, we could show for the first time that MKs, despite their large size, can pass multiple times through the lung vasculature, and that this leads to the generation of very large numbers of fully functional platelets (up to 3,000 per megakaryocyte7,12). Using this system and a novel in vitro microfluidic chamber we show roles for ventilation, oxygenation and healthy pulmonary endothelial cells in platelet generation. We show that MKs undergo enucleation upon repeated passage through pulmonary vasculature before fragmentation to generate platelets, with this final process dependent on the actin regulator TPM4. This advances our understanding of platelet formation in the body and establishes a novel approach to generate large numbers of them outside the body.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (23) ◽  
pp. 13033
Ewan Richardson ◽  
Bartek J. Troczka ◽  
Oliver Gutbrod ◽  
Ulrich Ebbinghaus-Kintscher ◽  
Martin S. Williamson ◽  

Alterations to amino acid residues G4946 and I4790, associated with resistance to diamide insecticides, suggests a location of diamide interaction within the pVSD voltage sensor-like domain of the insect ryanodine receptor (RyR). To further delineate the interaction site(s), targeted alterations were made within the same pVSD region on the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) RyR channel. The editing of five amino acid positions to match those found in the diamide insensitive skeletal RyR1 of humans (hRyR1) in order to generate a human–Plutella chimeric construct showed that these alterations strongly reduce diamide efficacy when introduced in combination but cause only minor reductions when introduced individually. It is concluded that the sites of diamide interaction on insect RyRs lie proximal to the voltage sensor-like domain of the RyR and that the main site of interaction is at residues K4700, Y4701, I4790 and S4919 in the S1 to S4 transmembrane domains.

Michael P. Grant ◽  
Nathalie Henley ◽  
Marion Dubuissez ◽  
Nan Chen ◽  
Ursula Hartmann ◽  

Tungsten is a naturally occurring transition element used in a broad range of applications. As a result of its extensive use, we are increasingly exposed to tungsten from our environment, including potable water, since tungsten can become bioaccessible in ground sources. The kidneys are particularly susceptible to tungsten exposure as this is the main site for tungsten excretion. In this study, we investigated the prolonged effects of tungsten on the kidneys and how this may impact injury and function. When mice were exposed to tungsten in their drinking water for 1-month, kidney function had not significantly changed. Following 3-month exposure, mice were presented with deterioration in kidney function as determined by serum and urine creatinine levels. During 3-months of tungsten exposure, murine kidneys demonstrated significant increases in the myofibroblast marker ⍺SMA, and extracellular matrix products: fibronectin, collagen, and matricellular proteins. In addition, Masson's trichrome and H&E staining revealed an increase in fibrotic tissue and vacuolization of tubular epithelial cells, respectively, from kidneys of tungsten-treated mice, indicative of renal injury. In vitro treatment of kidney fibroblasts with tungsten led to increased proliferation and upregulation of Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 (TGFβ1), which was consistent with the appearance of fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition (FMT) markers. Our data suggest that continuous exposure to tungsten impairs kidney function that may lead to the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

2021 ◽  
Vol 161 ◽  
pp. 103079
Frederick E. Grine ◽  
Elsa Gonzalvo ◽  
Lloyd Rossouw ◽  
Sharon Holt ◽  
Wendy Black ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yugo Lima-Melo ◽  
Mehmet Kılıç ◽  
Eva-Mari Aro ◽  
Peter J. Gollan

Photosynthesis is the process that harnesses, converts and stores light energy in the form of chemical energy in bonds of organic compounds. Oxygenic photosynthetic organisms (i.e., plants, algae and cyanobacteria) employ an efficient apparatus to split water and transport electrons to high-energy electron acceptors. The photosynthetic system must be finely balanced between energy harvesting and energy utilisation, in order to limit generation of dangerous compounds that can damage the integrity of cells. Insight into how the photosynthetic components are protected, regulated, damaged, and repaired during changing environmental conditions is crucial for improving photosynthetic efficiency in crop species. Photosystem I (PSI) is an integral component of the photosynthetic system located at the juncture between energy-harnessing and energy consumption through metabolism. Although the main site of photoinhibition is the photosystem II (PSII), PSI is also known to be inactivated by photosynthetic energy imbalance, with slower reactivation compared to PSII; however, several outstanding questions remain about the mechanisms of damage and repair, and about the impact of PSI photoinhibition on signalling and metabolism. In this review, we address the knowns and unknowns about PSI activity, inhibition, protection, and repair in plants. We also discuss the role of PSI in retrograde signalling pathways and highlight putative signals triggered by the functional status of the PSI pool.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-305
Hema Thakur

Urbanisation has been studied almost from the middle of twentieth century by historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, sociologists and city planners who have interpreted it variously. An urban centre would engage with specific functions particularly with regard to the hinterland. In urbanisation comparatively small settlements and simple communities develop into specialised centres and complex societies. As the process of urbanisation is examined from an archaeological or historical viewpoint, the major parameters frequently applied to situate urbanisation are location and size of settlements, large structures, art, writing and standardised medium of exchange. The issue of urbanisation has been studied in detail with respect to Northern India as compared to Deccan and particularly Karnataka. Sannati (Taluk Chittapur, district Gulbarga) in North Karnataka is the main site of investigation. It is a Maurya-Satavahana settlement with some remains belonging to the megalithic Iron Age. Sannati and the nearby settlements of Kanaganahalli are rich in Buddhist structures, sculptures and other antiquities. The author has made an effort to understand if the early historic material culture showed maturity when compared with the antecedent cultures. How did the external powers, such as Mauryas and the Satavahanas influence local development? Did the socio-political order meet the benchmarks of urbanisation? The author in this study has tried to locate urban contours in North Karnataka, especially at Sannati even when compared with other urban landscapes in northern India and the Deccan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 498-507
A.E. Abaturov ◽  
V.L. Babуch

The scientific review shows the ways of nuclear import and export of miRNAs in the cell. The authors present a clear and accessible scheme of microRNA translocation in the cell. The article shows that the main site of localization in the cytoplasm of cells of the RISC complex and its components, including miRNAs, are processing P-cells. The authors cite the fact that Argonaute proteins — signature components of the effector complex of RISC RNA interference — are localized in mammalian P-bodies. It is shown that proteins of the karyopherin family mediate the translocation of miRISC into the cell nucleus. These proteins recognize nuclear localization sequences (NLS) in the amino acid sequences of proteins and actively transport these proteins through the pores of the cell’s nuclear membrane. It is emphasized that in addition to non-selective mechanisms of nuclear import of miRNAs, there are transport mechanisms that carry certain miRNAs across the cell membrane. Some miRNAs are presented, which are mainly loca­lized in the nucleus of a certain type of cell. Scientists believe that much of the nucleus miRNA is concentrated in polysomes. Export of nuclear pool microRNA into the cytoplasm of the cell occurs with the help of export 1. Thus, in the cytoplasm of the cell, mature forms of microRNA accumulate, some of which are translocated to the cell nucleus or the extracellular space. Assembly of the miRISC complex is carried out in the cytoplasm of the cell, and only after the formation of the complex, it is imported into the cell nucleus. The spectrum of exosome-associated miRNAs can be a highly important diagnostic criterion for some nosologies, and exosomes containing certain miRNAs can be used for targeted therapy of specific diseases. To write the article, information was searched using databases Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE, Global Health, The Cochrane Library, CyberLeninka.

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