Heat Convection from a Horizontal Cylinder Rotating in a Quiescent Fluid
1986 ◽
Vol 10
pp. 141-152
The aim of this work is a theoretical investigation to the problem of heat transfer from an isothermal horizontal cylinder rotating in a quiescent fluid. The study is based on the solution of the conservation equations of mass, momentum and energy for two-dimensional flow of a Boussinesq fluid. The effects of the parameters which influence the heat transfer process namely the Reynolds number and Grashof number are considered while the Prandtl number is held constant. Streamline and isotherm patterns are obtained from the mathematical model and the results are compared with previous experimental data. A satisfactory agreement was found.
2021 ◽
Vol 16
pp. 109-116
2021 ◽
Vol 1
pp. 12-20
1999 ◽