Influence of leaf surface wax and leaf area to water content ratio on cuticular transpiration in western conifers, U.S.A.
High cuticular water loss, desiccation, and leaf mortality during winter in conifers at alpine timberline represent especially dramatic examples of the ecophysiological importance of cuticular transpiration. However, little research has been conducted on the winter water relations of forest trees, even though recent evidence suggests a potentially high leaf mortality due, at least in part, to winter desiccation. Two factors that could have important influences on cuticular transpiration, leaf surface wax and the ratio of leaf area (A) to saturated water content (Mw), were compared for six conifer species common to the central Rocky Mountains, United States. Leaves were collected from forest trees at the end of winter (May) to compare the amount of leaf surface wax, cuticular conductance to water vapor (gc), and leaf water content. Decreases in relative leaf water content were much more linearly related to transpiration per unit saturated water content than either gc or A/Mw, separately. Only A/Mw appeared correlated with the rate of cuticular transpiration. Also, linear increases in gc occurred with increasing leaf water content. Estimated desiccation resistance during winter corresponded closely to the degree of drought tolerance characterized previously for each species based only on summer growth conditions. Thus, winter desiccation resistance may be an important, yet under-emphasized, ecological factor influencing conifer distribution patterns.