scholarly journals The Casimir effect in string theory

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (09) ◽  
pp. 1950049
Alexandros Kehagias ◽  
Hervé Partouche

We discuss the Casimir effect in heterotic string theory. This is done by considering a [Formula: see text] twist acting on one external compact direction and three internal coordinates. The hyperplanes fixed by the orbifold generator [Formula: see text] realize the two infinite parallel plates. For the latter to behave as “conducting material,” we implement in a modular invariant way the projection [Formula: see text] on the spectrum running in the vacuum-to-vacuum amplitude at one-loop. Hence, the relevant projector to account for the Casimir effect is orthogonal to that commonly used in string orbifold models which is [Formula: see text]. We find that this setup yields the same net force acting on the plates in the context of quantum field theory and string theory. However, when supersymmetry is not present from the onset, finiteness of the resultant force in field theory is reached by adding formally infinite forces acting on either side of each plate, while in string theory, both contributions are finite. On the contrary, when supersymmetry is spontaneously broken à la Scherk–Schwarz, finiteness of each contribution is fulfilled in field and string theory.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 229
Walter Felipe Wreszinski

We dwell upon certain points concerning the meaning of quantum field theory: the problems with the perturbative approach, and the question raised by ’t Hooft of the existence of the theory in a well-defined (rigorous) mathematical sense, as well as some of the few existent mathematically precise results on fully quantized field theories. Emphasis is brought on how the mathematical contributions help to elucidate or illuminate certain conceptual aspects of the theory when applied to real physical phenomena, in particular, the singular nature of quantum fields. In a first part, we present a comprehensive review of divergent versus asymptotic series, with qed as background example, as well as a method due to Terence Tao which conveys mathematical sense to divergent series. In a second part, we apply Tao’s method to the Casimir effect in its simplest form, consisting of perfectly conducting parallel plates, arguing that the usual theory, which makes use of the Euler-MacLaurin formula, still contains a residual infinity, which is eliminated in our approach. In the third part, we revisit the general theory of nonperturbative quantum fields, in the form of newly proposed (with Christian Jaekel) Wightman axioms for interacting field theories, with applications to “dressed” electrons in a theory with massless particles (such as qed), as well as unstable particles. Various problems (mostly open) are finally discussed in connection with concrete models.

2006 ◽  
Vol 03 (07) ◽  
pp. 1303-1312 ◽  

From the modern viewpoint and by the geometric method, this paper provides a concise foundation for the quantum theory of massless spin-3/2 field in Minkowski spacetime, which includes both the one-particle's quantum mechanics and the many-particle's quantum field theory. The explicit result presented here is useful for the investigation of spin-3/2 field in various circumstances such as supergravity, twistor programme, Casimir effect, and quantum inequality.

2003 ◽  
Vol 18 (12) ◽  
pp. 2011-2022 ◽  
N. G. Sanchez

A synthetic report of the advances in the study of classical and quantum string dynamics in curved backgrounds is provided, namely : the new feature of Multistring solutions; the mass spectrum of Strings in Curved backgrounds; The effect of a Cosmological Constant and of Spacial Curvature on Classical and Quantum Strings; Classical splitting of Fundamental Strings; The General String Evolution in constant Curvature Spacetimes; The Conformal Invariance Effects; Strings on plane fronted and gravitational shock waves, string falling on spacetime singularities and its spectrum. New Developments in String Gravity and String Cosmology are reported: String driven cosmology and its Predictions; The primordial gravitational wave background; Non-singular string cosmologies from Exact Conformal Field Theories; Quantum Field Theory, String Temperature and the String Phase of de Sitter space-time; Hawking Radiation in String Theory and the String Phase of Black Holes; New Dual Relation between Quantum Field Theory regime and String regime and the "QFT/String Tango"; New Coherent String States and Minimal Uncertainty Principle in string theory.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (16) ◽  
pp. 1750094 ◽  
S. C. Ulhoa ◽  
A. F. Santos ◽  
Faqir C. Khanna

The Galilean covariance, formulated in 5-dimensions space, describes the nonrelativistic physics in a way similar to a Lorentz covariant quantum field theory being considered for relativistic physics. Using a nonrelativistic approach the Stefan–Boltzmann law and the Casimir effect at finite temperature for a particle with spin zero and 1/2 are calculated. The thermo field dynamics is used to include the finite temperature effects.

1998 ◽  
Luis Álvarez-Gaumé ◽  
Frederic Zamora

1989 ◽  
Vol 01 (01) ◽  
pp. 113-128 ◽  

We study expressions for the regularization of general multidimensional Epstein zeta-functions of the type [Formula: see text] After reviewing some classical results in the light of the extended proof of zeta-function regularization recently obtained by the authors, approximate but very quickly convergent expressions for these functions are derived. This type of analysis has many interesting applications, e.g. in any quantum field theory defined in a partially compactified Euclidean spacetime or at finite temperature. As an example, we obtain the partition function for the Casimir effect at finite temperature.

2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (35) ◽  
pp. 1350163 ◽  

A nonassociative Groenewold–Moyal (GM) plane is constructed using quaternion-valued function algebras. The symmetrized multiparticle states, the scalar product, the annihilation/creation algebra and the formulation in terms of a Hopf algebra are also developed. Nonassociative quantum algebras in terms of position and momentum operators are given as the simplest examples of a framework whose applications may involve string theory and nonlinear quantum field theory.

1998 ◽  
Luis Álvarez-Gaumé ◽  
Frederic Zamora

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