bohmian mechanics
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Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 594
Antoine Tilloy ◽  
Howard M. Wiseman

Spontaneous collapse models and Bohmian mechanics are two different solutions to the measurement problem plaguing orthodox quantum mechanics. They have, a priori nothing in common. At a formal level, collapse models add a non-linear noise term to the Schrödinger equation, and extract definite measurement outcomes either from the wave function (e.g. mass density ontology) or the noise itself (flash ontology). Bohmian mechanics keeps the Schrödinger equation intact but uses the wave function to guide particles (or fields), which comprise the primitive ontology. Collapse models modify the predictions of orthodox quantum mechanics, whilst Bohmian mechanics can be argued to reproduce them. However, it turns out that collapse models and their primitive ontology can be exactly recast as Bohmian theories. More precisely, considering (i) a system described by a non-Markovian collapse model, and (ii) an extended system where a carefully tailored bath is added and described by Bohmian mechanics, the stochastic wave-function of the collapse model is exactly the wave-function of the original system conditioned on the Bohmian hidden variables of the bath. Further, the noise driving the collapse model is a linear functional of the Bohmian variables. The randomness that seems progressively revealed in the collapse models lies entirely in the initial conditions in the Bohmian-like theory. Our construction of the appropriate bath is not trivial and exploits an old result from the theory of open quantum systems. This reformulation of collapse models as Bohmian theories brings to the fore the question of whether there exists `unromantic' realist interpretations of quantum theory that cannot ultimately be rewritten this way, with some guiding law. It also points to important foundational differences between `true' (Markovian) collapse models and non-Markovian models.

Dynamics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-170
Moise Bonilla-Licea ◽  
Dieter Schuch

For time dependent Hamiltonians like the parametric oscillator with time-dependent frequency, the energy is no longer a constant of motion. Nevertheless, in 1880, Ermakov found a dynamical invariant for this system using the corresponding Newtonian equation of motion and an auxiliary equation. In this paper it is shown that the same invariant can be obtained from Bohmian mechanics using complex Hamiltonian equations of motion in position and momentum space and corresponding complex Riccati equations. It is pointed out that this invariant is equivalent to the conservation of angular momentum for the motion in the complex plane. Furthermore, the effect of a linear potential on the Ermakov invariant is analysed.

2021 ◽  
Giovanni Conti ◽  
Ali Aydoğdu ◽  
Silvio Gualdi ◽  
Antonio Navarra ◽  
Joe Tribbia

AbstractIn this work we show how it is possible to derive a new set of nudging equations, a tool still used in many data assimilation problems, starting from statistical physics considerations and availing ourselves of stochastic parameterizations that take into account unresolved interactions. The fluctuations used are thought of as Gaussian white noise with zero mean. The derivation is based on the conditioned Langevin dynamics technique. Exploiting the relation between the Fokker–Planck and the Langevin equations, the nudging equations are derived for a maximally observed system that converges towards the observations in finite time. The new nudging term found is the analog of the so called quantum potential of the Bohmian mechanics. In order to make the new nudging equations feasible for practical computations, two approximations are developed and used as bases from which extending this tool to non-perfectly observed systems. By means of a physical framework, in the zero noise limit, all the physical nudging parameters are fixed by the model under study and there is no need to tune other free ad-hoc variables. The limit of zero noise shows that also for the classical nudging equations it is necessary to use dynamical information to correct the typical relaxation term. A comparison of these approximations with a 3DVar scheme, that use a conjugate gradient minimization, is then shown in a series of four twin experiments that exploit low order chaotic models.

Dirk-André Deckert ◽  
Leopold Kellers ◽  
Travis Norsen ◽  
Ward struyve

Bohmian mechanics is an alternative to standard quantum mechanics that does not suffer from the measurement problem. While it agrees with standard quantum mechanics concerning its experimental predictions, it offers novel types of approximations not suggested by the latter. Of particular interest are semi-classical approximations, where part of the system is treated classically. Bohmian semi-classical approximations have been explored before for systems without electromagnetic interactions. Here, the Rabi model is considered as a simple model involving light-matter interaction. This model describes a single mode electromagnetic field interacting with a two-level atom. As is well-known, the quantum treatment and the semi-classical treatment (where the field is treated classically rather than quantum mechanically) give qualitatively different results. We analyze the Rabi model using a different semi-classical approximation based on Bohmian mechanics. In this approximation, the back-reaction from the two-level atom onto the classical field is mediated by the Bohmian configuration of the two-level atom. We find that the Bohmian semi-classical approximation gives results comparable to the usual mean field one for the transition between ground and first excited state. Both semi-classical approximations tend to reproduce the collapse of the population inversion, but fail to reproduce the revival, which is characteristic of the full quantum description. Also an example of a higher excited state is presented where the Bohmian approximation does not perform so well.

Roderich Tumulka

2021 ◽  
Joshua Foo ◽  
Estelle Asmodelle ◽  
Austin Lund ◽  
Timothy Ralph

Abstract Bohmian mechanics is a nonlocal hidden-variable interpretation of quantum theory which predicts that particles follow deterministic trajectories in spacetime. Historically, the study of Bohmian trajectories has been restricted to nonrelativistic regimes due to the widely held belief that the theory is incompatible with special relativity. Here we derive expressions for the relativistic velocity and spacetime trajectories of photons in a Michelson-Sagnac-type interferometer. The trajectories satisfy quantum-mechanical continuity, the relativistic velocity addition rule. Our new velocity equation can be operationally defined in terms of weak measurements of momentum and energy. We finally propose a modified Alcubierre metric which could give rise to these trajectories within the paradigm of general relativity.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 286
Carla R. Almeida ◽  
Olesya Galkina ◽  
Julio César Fabris

In this paper, we discuss classical and quantum aspects of cosmological models in the Brans–Dicke theory. First, we review cosmological bounce solutions in the Brans–Dicke theory that obeys energy conditions (without ghost) for a universe filled with radiative fluid. Then, we quantize this classical model in a canonical way, establishing the corresponding Wheeler–DeWitt equation in the minisuperspace, and analyze the quantum solutions. When the energy conditions are violated, corresponding to the case ω<−32, the energy is bounded from below and singularity-free solutions are found. However, in the case ω>−32, we cannot compute the evolution of the scale factor by evaluating the expectation values because the wave function is not finite (energy spectrum is not bounded from below). However, we can analyze this case using Bohmian mechanics and the de Broglie–Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics. Using this approach, the classical and quantum results can be compared for any value of ω.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0255529
Oded Shor ◽  
Amir Glik ◽  
Amit Yaniv-Rosenfeld ◽  
Avi Valevski ◽  
Abraham Weizman ◽  

No diagnostic or predictive instruments to help with early diagnosis and timely therapeutic intervention are available as yet for most neuro-psychiatric disorders. A quantum potential mean and variability score (qpmvs), to identify neuropsychiatric and neurocognitive disorders with high accuracy, based on routine EEG recordings, was developed. Information processing in the brain is assumed to involve integration of neuronal activity in various areas of the brain. Thus, the presumed quantum-like structure allows quantification of connectivity as a function of space and time (locality) as well as of instantaneous quantum-like effects in information space (non-locality). EEG signals reflect the holistic (nonseparable) function of the brain, including the highly ordered hierarchy of the brain, expressed by the quantum potential according to Bohmian mechanics, combined with dendrogram representation of data and p-adic numbers. Participants consisted of 230 participants including 28 with major depression, 42 with schizophrenia, 65 with cognitive impairment, and 95 controls. Routine EEG recordings were used for the calculation of qpmvs based on ultrametric analyses, closely coupled with p-adic numbers and quantum theory. Based on area under the curve, high accuracy was obtained in separating healthy controls from those diagnosed with schizophrenia (p<0.0001), depression (p<0.0001), Alzheimer’s disease (AD; p<0.0001), and mild cognitive impairment (MCI; p<0.0001) as well as in differentiating participants with schizophrenia from those with depression (p<0.0001), AD (p<0.0001) or MCI (p<0.0001) and in differentiating people with depression from those with AD (p<0.0001) or MCI (p<0.0001). The novel EEG analytic algorithm (qpmvs) seems to be a useful and sufficiently accurate tool for diagnosis of neuropsychiatric and neurocognitive diseases and may be able to predict disease course and response to treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 88 ◽  
pp. 345-357
Jeffrey A. Barrett

Adriana Scanteianu ◽  
Xiangyue Wang

Using a relativistic extension of Bohmian Me-chanics known as Multi-Time Wave Function formula-tion, we examine a two-body, one-dimensional sys-tem consisting of one photon and one electron that interact only upon contact. We investigate the effects that various parameters in this theory including mo-mentum of the incoming photon and mass of the electron have on the dynamics of the two interact-ing bodies with the goal of understanding conser-vation of momentum and energy in the system. We show that the core principles of Compton scattering remain when we use this alternative formulation of quantum mechanics. Although a complete relativ-istic theory of Bohmian mechanics has yet to be de-veloped, our work aims to make the ideas in this the-ory more accessible to a wider audience.

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