2007 ◽  
Vol 21 (13n14) ◽  
pp. 2517-2527 ◽  
C. M. SARRIS ◽  
A. N. PROTO ◽  

We consider the Hubbard-like Hamiltonian used in Physica B 352 (2004) 269-279, using the MaxEnt approach and a CSCO, as the set of relevant operators which, obviously, close a partial Lie algebra with the Hamiltonian. So, it is possible to define a positive definite metric on the space spanned by the mean values of the CSCO. Particularly, the selected operators represent the occupation number, the aligned and antialigned pairs per site, respectively. The interesting question to be examined here is whether the above mentioned Hamiltonian have the property that the expectation values of a suitable operator are indeed zero and one (or a constant) qubits, and zero and +1 and -1, i.e., qutrits.

2004 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 63-70 ◽  
Andrzej Jamiołkowski

In this paper, we discuss the minimal number η of observables Q1,…, Qη, where expectation values at some time instants t1,…,tr determine the trajectory of a d-level quantum system (“qudit”) governed by the Gaussian semigroup [Formula: see text] We assume that the macroscopic information about the system in question is given by the mean values [Formula: see text] of n selfadjoint operators Q1,…, Qn at some time instants t1< t2 < … <tr, where n < d2 − 1 and r ≤ deg μ(λ, 𝕃). Here μ(λ, 𝕃) stands for the minimal polynomial of the generator [Formula: see text] of the Gaussian flow Φ(t).

1980 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 630-645 ◽  
Gerald Zimmermann ◽  
J.A. Scott Kelso ◽  
Larry Lander

High speed cinefluorography was used to track articulatory movements preceding and following full-mouth tooth extraction and alveoloplasty in two subjects. Films also were made of a control subject on two separate days. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of dramatically altering the structural dimensions of the oral cavity on the kinematic parameters of speech. The results showed that the experimental subjects performed differently pre and postoperatively though the changes were in different directions for the two subjects. Differences in both means and variabilities of kinematic parameters were larger between days for the experimental (operated) subjects than for the control subject. The results for the Control subject also showed significant differences in the mean values of kinematic variables between days though these day-to-day differences could not account for the effects found pre- and postoperatively. The results of the kinematic analysis, particularly the finding that transition time was most stable over the experimental conditions for the operated subjects, are used to speculate about the coordination of normal speech.

1986 ◽  
Vol 55 (01) ◽  
pp. 108-111 ◽  
M Köhler ◽  
P Hellstern ◽  
C Miyashita ◽  
G von Blohn ◽  
E Wenzel

SummaryThis study was performed to evaluate the influence of different routes of administration on the efficacy of DDAVP treatment. Ten healthy volunteers received DDAVP intranasally (i.n.), subcutaneously (s.c.) and intravenously (i.v.) in a randomized cross-over trial. Factor XII and high molecular weight (HMW)-kininogen levels increased only slightly after DDAVP administration. The mean increase of factor VIII: C was 3.1 (i. v.), 2.3 (s. c.), and 1.3 (i.n.) - fold over baseline. Ristocetin cofactor (von Willebrand factor antigen) increased 3.1 (2.5), 2.0 (2.3) and 1.2 (1.2) - fold over baseline mean values after i.v., s.c. and i.n. DDAVP, respectively. The half-disappearance time of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor (vWF) after DDAVP ranged from five (factor VIII: C) to eight hours (vWF). The mean increase of fibrinolytic activity was more pronounced after i.v. DDAVP. The antidiuretic effect was moderate with no apparent differences between the routes of application. This study provides further evidence that both i.v. and s.c. DDAVP administration result in an appropriate and reliable stimulation of haemostasis. An additional advantage of s. c. administration is its suitability for home treatment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 519-522
Jeyakumar S ◽  
Jagatheesan Alagesan ◽  
T.S. Muthukumar

Background: Frozen shoulder is disorder of the connective tissue that limits the normal Range of motion of the shoulder in diabetes, frozen shoulder is thought to be caused by changes to the collagen in the shoulder joint as a result of long term Hypoglycemia. Mobilization is a therapeutic movement of the joint. The goal is to restore normal joint motion and rhythm. The use of mobilization with movement for peripheral joints was developed by mulligan. This technique combines a sustained application of manual technique “gliding” force to the joint with concurrent physiologic motion of joint, either actively or passively. This study aims to find out the effects of mobilization with movement and end range mobilization in frozen shoulder in Type I diabetics. Materials and Methods: 30 subjects both male and female, suffering with shoulder pain and clinically diagnosed with frozen shoulder was recruited for the study and divided into two groups with 15 patients each based on convenient sampling method. Group A patients received mobilization with movement and Group B patients received end range mobilization for three weeks. The outcome measurements were SPADI, Functional hand to back scale, abduction range of motion using goniometer and VAS. Results: The mean values of all parameters showed significant differences in group A as compared to group B in terms of decreased pain, increased abduction range and other outcome measures. Conclusion: Based on the results it has been concluded that treating the type 1 diabetic patient with frozen shoulder, mobilization with movement exercise shows better results than end range mobilization in reducing pain and increase functional activities and mobility in frozen shoulder.

1966 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-188 ◽  
P. Lund-Johansen ◽  
T. Thorsen ◽  
K. F. Støa

ABSTRACT A comparison has been made between (A), a relatively simple method for the measurement of aldosterone secretion rate, based on paper chromatography and direct densitometry of the aldosterone spot and (B) a more elaborate isotope derivative method. The mean secretion rate in 9 normal subjects was 112 ± 26 μg per 24 hours (method A) and 135 ± 35 μg per 24 hours (method B). The »secretion rate« in one adrenalectomized subject after the intravenous injection of 250 μg of aldosterone was 230 μg per 24 hours (method A) and 294 μg per 24 hours (method B). There was no significant difference in the mean values, and correlation between the two methods was good (r = 0.80). It is concluded that the densitometric method is suitable for clinical purposes as well as research, being more rapid and less expensive than the isotope derivative method. Method A also measures the urinary excretion of the aldosterone 3-oxo-conjugate, which is of interest in many pathological conditions. The densitometric method is obviously the less sensitive and a prerequisite for its use is an aldosterone secretion of 20—30 μg per 24 hours. Lower values are, however, rare in adults.

1970 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-272 ◽  
A. A. van der Gugten ◽  
M. Sala ◽  
H. G. Kwa

ABSTRACT Eight female and eight male rats were castrated at the age of 8 to 10 weeks. Four spayed and four orchidectomized rats received one oestrone/cholesterol pellet (200 μg oestrone) on the day of operation (day 0), a second pellet on day 11 and a third on day 23. The remaining animals received four oestrone/cholesterol pellets at these times. The fluctuations in the prolactin levels in the circulation induced by the oestrogen challenges in these animals were followed during 31 days by radioimmunoassays performed on days 3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 23, 24, 25, 28 and 31. The results suggested that the homoeostatic mechanism regulating plasma levels of prolactin was capable of withstanding the three time-spaced oestrogen challenges only in the spayed animals receiving the lower doses of oestrogen, since it allowed the mean values of the prolactin levels to remain fairly constant during the first 4 weeks. The levels in this group rose to much higher levels only on day 31. The higher doses of oestrone in the spayed rats and both dose levels of oestrone in the orchidectomized animals apparently resulted in a primary break-down of the homoeostatic mechanism, since the prolactin levels in the animals of these groups rose to much higher levels either on day 7 or on day 9. This was followed by a period during which the prolactin levels appeared to be more or less under control, until a second and probably definitive failure of the homoeostatic mechanism allowed the mean levels to rise sharply again.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Izabel Aparecida Soares ◽  
Mauro Sérgio Téo ◽  
Carlise DEBASTIANI ◽  
Suzymeire BARONI ◽  
Vanessa Silva RETUCI

O trabalho teve por objetivo verificar diferenças entre rendimento do concentrado proteico e proteína bruta da folha da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), obtidos a partir de três variedades comerciais: branca, cascuda e vermelha. As manivas foram plantadas seguindo o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Nas comparações entre as variedades, considerou coletas escalonadas pós-plantio, realizadas aos 12, 14 e 16 meses. O concentrado proteico foi obtido a partir da farinha das folhas inteiras e submetido ao método de termo - coagulação ácido e a proteína bruta pelo método padrão AOAC. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância e comparados pelo teste de Tukey - 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados não indicaram diferença significativa entre as médias obtidas para rendimento de concentrado proteico. Para a variável porcentagem de proteína bruta a variedade Branca foi a que apresentou maior valor, com média de 46,25%, seguida pela Cascuda e Vermelha, 44,52% e 37,30%, sucessivamente. Conclui-se que outros estudos devem avaliar condições que possam influenciar no teor de proteína foliar, como clima e solo, e, avaliar os níveis de ácido cianídrico de cada variedade, indicando qual das três é a melhor para a extração do concentrado proteico das folhas. Palavras chaves: Manihot esculenta Crantz, variedades comerciais, concentrado proteico, proteína bruta. ABSTRACT: The study aimed to assess the differences between income protein concentrate, crude protein of cassava leaf (Manihot esculenta Crantz), obtained from three commercial varieties: white, red and cascuda. The cuttings were planted following the completely randomized design with three replications. Comparisons between the varieties considered after planting staggered collections, held on 12, 14 and 16 months. The protein concentrate was obtained from flour of whole sheets and subjected to the term method - acid coagulation and crude protein by AOAC standard method. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test - 5% probability. The results indicated no significant difference between the mean values obtained for protein concentrate income. For the variable percentage of crude protein White variety showed the highest, with an average of 46.25%, followed by cascuda and Red, 44.52% and 37.30%, successively. We conclude that further studies should evaluate conditions that may affect the leaf protein content, such as climate and soil, and evaluate the hydrocyanic acid levels of each variety, indicating which of the three is the best for the extraction of protein concentrate from leaves Key words: Manihot esculenta Crantz, commercial varieties, protein concentrate, crude protein.

Ashraf Albrakati

Tramadol, a broadly in recent years, is an effective analgesic agent for the treatment of moderate to acute pain. Its metabolites are excreted by the kidney which may cause nephrotoxicity. Moringa oleifera leaves are commonly used to provide herbal and plant-derived medicinal products especially in developing nations. The present study was carried out to determine the biochemical and histopathological changes in the kidney of tramadol-treated albino mice and to evaluate the possible protective role of Moringa oleifera leaves against tramadol-induced nephrotoxicity. Twenty adult albino mice were divided into four groups. Control group (group i) received daily intraperitoneal injection of normal saline only, group ii received oral dose of Moringa oleifera leaves extract (20 mg/kg/bw) for three weeks, group iii received daily intraperitoneal dose of tramadol (0.3 mg/kg/bw) for the same period, group iv, received daily oral dose of Moringa oleifera leaves extract, (20 mg/kg/bw) three hours before injecting intraperitoneal dose of tramadol (0.3 mg/kg/bw), for the same period. Blood samples were withdrawn at the end of the experiment for kidney function tests and specimens from the kidney were processed for histological study. No significant differences in the mean values of the kidney function tests were noticed between Moringa oleifera group and control group. However, there was highly significant increase in the mean values of serum, urea and creatinine in tramadol-treated group as compared to the control group. Although tramadol + Moringa oleifera group revealed significant difference in the mean values of urea and creatinine when compared with tramadol-treated group. So, Moringa oleifera leaves extract have been shown to attenuate the renal dysfunction, improve the renal architecture, with nearly normalization of serum urea and creatinine levels which indicate improvement of renal function. In conclusion, in the light of biochemical results and histological findings, co-administration of Moringa oleifera leaves lessened the negative effects of tramadol-induced nephrotoxicity; possibly by its antioxidant action. Further investigation of these promising protective effects of Moringa oleifera leaves against tramadol-induced renal injury may have considerable impact on developing an adjunct therapy aiming to improve the therapeutic index of some nephrotoxic drugs.

Rofail Rakhmanov ◽  
Elena Bogomolova ◽  
Mariya Shaposhnikova ◽  
Mariya Sapozhnikova

The biochemical blood parameters characterizing the students ’nutritional status were evaluated: protein, lipid, carbohydrate metabolism, a number of minerals. The mean values, errors of the mean, median (Me), boundary (Q) and the range of 25–75 percentiles were determined. In 9.1 % of students and 28.6 % of students, the total protein was increased. Creatinine in men was in the upper normal range, in women — at the upper limit of normal, of which 46.2 % was higher than normal. The interval Q25–75 of uric acid in students is determined in the lower normal zone. In 40.0 % of men, decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (Q25–75 corresponded to 1.15–1.79), in women — below normal, Q25–75 5 was 1.3–1.5, decreased in 73.3 %. Me and Q25–75 iron were in the lower normal range; 14.1 % of men and 13.2 % of women are below normal. Me sodium and potassium at the level of the lower boundary of the norm, Q25–75 in the lower zone of the norm: in 16.0 % and 15.4 % of students the levels are reduced. Calcium is slightly above the lower limit of the norm, Q25–75–2.1–2.24, indicating an insufficient intake in the whole group; 25.0 % are below normal. The border of the 25th percentile of magnesium is at the level of the lower border of the norm, in 19.2 % it is reduced. 7.2 % lack of chlorine. Phosphorus is normal, but Q25–75 is in the upper zone; 17.9 % increased. Biochemical markers can identify individuals with metabolic disorders of nutrients. Statistical indicators — the median, the boundaries of 25–75 quartiles and their scope characterize the metabolism of macronutrients and minerals in the group and subgroups of students. Laboratory and mathematical methods can provide a basis for identifying the specific causes of these changes. For this, you can use the questionnaire method of studying the nutrition of students, possibly using the developed questionnaires for a specific situation.

Al-Risalah ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-148
Ay Maryani

This study describes the religious behavior of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students. The variables used are internal and external environment as independent variable and religious behavior as dependent variable. The internal environment variable consists of gender factor, (male and female). The external environmental variables comprise the faculty environment, the present resident and the place to grow. The present resident consist of dormitories, boarding houses and parents' homes and the place to grow consist of urban and rural environment. Religious behavior variables consist of habluminallah behavior and habluminannas behavior. Habluminallah's behavior measured by (1) knowledge of faith and worship, (2) attitudes toward faith and worship, and (3) practice of faith and worship. The habluminannas variable measured by (1) Islamic behavior for them self, like honest, discipline and good work / studyethics, trust and concern on legality, (2) Islamic behavior with others, like generous, cooperation, caring, respect to the people's rights and tolerance and (3) Islamic behavior for the natural surroundings, like love of nature and nature conservation efforts. The methodology used was (1) Statistical descriptive, (2) MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) and (3) Independent sample t-test. The results showed the religious behavior UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students has a very good category. This is indicated by the mean values for the behavior of haluminallah and habluminannas of 158.85 and 178.76,  espectively. The average value of habluminallah behaviour in the range of values "145-180" with the category of "very good" and habluminannas behavior in the range value "165-205" with the category "very good. Habluminallah and habluminannas behavior are different for each faculty. This is indicated by the significance level of Pillai Trace, Wilk Lambda, Hotelling Trace, Roy's Largest Root of 0.00 (<0.05). Habluminallah and habluminannas behavior are the same for respondents who live in dormitories, boarding houses, and parents' homes. This is indicated by the value of F test and significance at Wilk's Lambda respectively for 2.055 and 0.085 (>0.05). Habluminallah and habluminannas behaviors are similar for urban and rural respondents. This is known from the sig level. (2-tailed) for habluminallah and habluminannas behavior of 0.317 and 0.245 (> 0.05), respectively. Habluminallah and habluminannas behaviors are similar for male and female. This is known from the sig level. (2-tailed) for habluminallah and habluminannas behavior of 0.950 and 0.307 (> 0.05),respectively. The results of this study are expected to be used to develop university policies that can enhance the Islamic values of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

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