Hybrid QPSO-NNIA2 Algorithm for Multi-Objective Optimization Problem

Lan Zhang

To improve the convergence and distribution of a multi-objective optimization algorithm, a hybrid multi-objective optimization algorithm, based on the quantum particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm and adaptive ranks clone and neighbor list-based immune algorithm (NNIA2), is proposed. The contribution of this work is threefold. First, the vicinity distance was used instead of the crowding distance to update the archived optimal solutions in the QPSO algorithm. The archived optimal solutions are updated and maintained by using the dynamic vicinity distance based m-nearest neighbor list in the QPSO algorithm. Secondly, an adaptive dynamic threshold of unfitness function for constraint handling is introduced in the process. It is related to the evolution algebra and the feasible solution. Thirdly, a new metric called the distribution metric is proposed to depict the diversity and distribution of the Pareto optimal. In order to verify the validity and feasibility of the QPSO-NNIA2 algorithm, we compare it with the QPSO, NNIA2, NSGA-II, MOEA/D, and SPEA2 algorithms in solving unconstrained and constrained multi-objective problems. The simulation results show that the QPSO-NNIA2 algorithm achieves superior convergence and superior performance by three metrics compared to other algorithms.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 999
Alberto Pajares ◽  
Xavier Blasco ◽  
Juan Manuel Herrero ◽  
Miguel A. Martínez

In a multi-objective optimization problem, in addition to optimal solutions, multimodal and/or nearly optimal alternatives can also provide additional useful information for the decision maker. However, obtaining all nearly optimal solutions entails an excessive number of alternatives. Therefore, to consider the nearly optimal solutions, it is convenient to obtain a reduced set, putting the focus on the potentially useful alternatives. These solutions are the alternatives that are close to the optimal solutions in objective space, but which differ significantly in the decision space. To characterize this set, it is essential to simultaneously analyze the decision and objective spaces. One of the crucial points in an evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm is the archiving strategy. This is in charge of keeping the solution set, called the archive, updated during the optimization process. The motivation of this work is to analyze the three existing archiving strategies proposed in the literature (ArchiveUpdatePQ,ϵDxy, Archive_nevMOGA, and targetSelect) that aim to characterize the potentially useful solutions. The archivers are evaluated on two benchmarks and in a real engineering example. The contribution clearly shows the main differences between the three archivers. This analysis is useful for the design of evolutionary algorithms that consider nearly optimal solutions.

2009 ◽  
Vol 131 (9) ◽  
Rajesh Kudikala ◽  
Deb Kalyanmoy ◽  
Bishakh Bhattacharya

Shape control of adaptive structures using piezoelectric actuators has found a wide range of applications in recent years. In this paper, the problem of finding optimal distribution of piezoelectric actuators and corresponding actuation voltages for static shape control of a plate is formulated as a multi-objective optimization problem. The two conflicting objectives considered are minimization of input control energy and minimization of mean square deviation between the desired and actuated shapes with constraints on the maximum number of actuators and maximum induced stresses. A shear lag model of the smart plate structure is created, and the optimization problem is solved using an evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm: nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-II. Pareto-optimal solutions are obtained for different case studies. Further, the obtained solutions are verified by comparing them with the single-objective optimization solutions. Attainment surface based performance evaluation of the proposed optimization algorithm has been carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 58-65
Filip Dodigović ◽  
Krešo Ivandić ◽  
Jasmin Jug ◽  
Krešimir Agnezović

The paper investigates the possibility of applying the genetic algorithm NSGA-II to optimize a reinforced concrete retaining wall embedded in saturated silty sand. Multi-objective constrained optimization was performed to minimize the cost, while maximizing the overdesign factors (ODF) against sliding, overturning, and soil bearing resistance. For a given change in ground elevation of 5.0 m, the width of the foundation and the embedment depth were optimized. Comparing the algorithm's performance in the cases of two-objective and three objective optimizations showed that the number of objectives significantly affects its convergence rate. It was also found that the verification of the wall against the sliding yields a lower ODF value than verifications against overturning and soil bearing capacity. Because of that, it is possible to exclude them from the definition of optimization problem. The application of the NSGA-II algorithm has been demonstrated to be an effective tool for determining the set of optimal retaining wall designs.

A. K. Nandi ◽  
K. Deb

The primary objective in designing appropriate particle reinforced polyurethane composite which will be used as a mould material in soft tooling process is to minimize the cycle time of soft tooling process by providing faster cooling rate during solidification of wax/plastic component. This chapter exemplifies an effective approach to design particle reinforced mould materials by solving the inherent multi-objective optimization problem associated with soft tooling process using evolutionary algorithms. In this chapter, first a brief introduction of multi-objective optimization problem with the key issues is presented. Then, after a short overview on the working procedure of genetic algorithm, a well- established multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, namely NSGA-II along with various performance metrics are described. The inherent multi-objective problem in soft tooling process is demonstrated and subsequently solved using an elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm, NSGA-II. Multi-objective optimization results obtained using NSGA-II are analyzed statistically and validated with real industrial application. Finally the fundamental results of this approach are summarized and various perspectives to the industries along with scopes for future research work are pointed out.

2010 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 359-385 ◽  
Dongdong Yang ◽  
Licheng Jiao ◽  
Maoguo Gong ◽  
Jie Feng

2014 ◽  
Vol 945-949 ◽  
pp. 473-477
You Jian Wang ◽  
Guang Zhang

The design of engine valve spring generally belongs to multi-objective optimum design. The traditional trying means and the graphical methods are difficult to solve the multi-objective optimization problem, and the traditional multi-objective algorithms have certain defects. The elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is an excellent multi-objective algorithm, which is widely used to solve problems of multi-objective optimization. This method can improve the design quality and efficiency, and it has much more engineering practical value.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-264 ◽  
Yutao Qi ◽  
Xiaoliang Ma ◽  
Fang Liu ◽  
Licheng Jiao ◽  
Jianyong Sun ◽  

Recently, MOEA/D (multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition) has achieved great success in the field of evolutionary multi-objective optimization and has attracted a lot of attention. It decomposes a multi-objective optimization problem (MOP) into a set of scalar subproblems using uniformly distributed aggregation weight vectors and provides an excellent general algorithmic framework of evolutionary multi-objective optimization. Generally, the uniformity of weight vectors in MOEA/D can ensure the diversity of the Pareto optimal solutions, however, it cannot work as well when the target MOP has a complex Pareto front (PF; i.e., discontinuous PF or PF with sharp peak or low tail). To remedy this, we propose an improved MOEA/D with adaptive weight vector adjustment (MOEA/D-AWA). According to the analysis of the geometric relationship between the weight vectors and the optimal solutions under the Chebyshev decomposition scheme, a new weight vector initialization method and an adaptive weight vector adjustment strategy are introduced in MOEA/D-AWA. The weights are adjusted periodically so that the weights of subproblems can be redistributed adaptively to obtain better uniformity of solutions. Meanwhile, computing efforts devoted to subproblems with duplicate optimal solution can be saved. Moreover, an external elite population is introduced to help adding new subproblems into real sparse regions rather than pseudo sparse regions of the complex PF, that is, discontinuous regions of the PF. MOEA/D-AWA has been compared with four state of the art MOEAs, namely the original MOEA/D, Adaptive-MOEA/D, [Formula: see text]-MOEA/D, and NSGA-II on 10 widely used test problems, two newly constructed complex problems, and two many-objective problems. Experimental results indicate that MOEA/D-AWA outperforms the benchmark algorithms in terms of the IGD metric, particularly when the PF of the MOP is complex.

Tipwimol Sooktip ◽  
Naruemon Wattanapongsakorn

In multi-objective optimization problem, a set of optimal solutions is obtained from an optimization algorithm. There are many trade-off optimal solutions. However, in practice, a decision maker or user only needs one or very few solutions for implementation. Moreover, these solutions are difficult to determine from a set of optimal solutions of complex system. Therefore, a trade-off method for multi-objective optimization is proposed for identifying the preferred solutions according to the decision maker’s preference. The preference is expressed by using the trade-off between any two objectives where the decision maker is willing to worsen in one objective value in order to gain improvement in the other objective value. The trade-off method is demonstrated by using well-known two-objective and three-objective benchmark problems. Furthermore, a system design problem with component allocation is also considered to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method. The results show that the trade-off method can be applied for solving practical problems to identify the final solution(s) and easy to use even when the decision maker lacks some knowledge or not an expert in the problem solving. The decision maker only gives his/her preference information.  Then, the corresponding optimal solutions will be obtained, accordingly.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6-7 ◽  
pp. 445-451
Chang Sheng Zhang ◽  
Ming Kang Ren ◽  
Bin Zhang

In this paper, an efficient multi-objective artificial bee colony optimization algorithm based on Pareto dominance called PC_MOABC is proposed to tackle the QoS based route optimization problem. The concepts of Pareto strength and crowding distance are introduced into this algorithm, and are combined together effectively to improve the algorithm’s efficiency and generate a set of evenly distributed solutions. The proposed algorithm was evaluated on a set of different scale test problems and compared with the recently proposed popular NSGA-II based multi-objective optimization algorithm. The experimental results reveal very encouraging results in terms of the solution quality and the processing time required.

A. K. Nandi ◽  
K. Deb

The primary objective in designing appropriate particle reinforced polyurethane composite which will be used as a mould material in soft tooling process is to minimize the cycle time of soft tooling process by providing faster cooling rate during solidification of wax/plastic component. This chapter exemplifies an effective approach to design particle reinforced mould materials by solving the inherent multi-objective optimization problem associated with soft tooling process using evolutionary algorithms. In this chapter, first a brief introduction of multi-objective optimization problem with the key issues is presented. Then, after a short overview on the working procedure of genetic algorithm, a well- established multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, namely NSGA-II along with various performance metrics are described. The inherent multi-objective problem in soft tooling process is demonstrated and subsequently solved using an elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm, NSGA-II. Multi-objective optimization results obtained using NSGA-II are analyzed statistically and validated with real industrial application. Finally the fundamental results of this approach are summarized and various perspectives to the industries along with scopes for future research work are pointed out.

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