2005 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 207-216

Given a complete rewriting system R on X and a subset X0 of X+ satisfying certain conditions, we present a complete rewriting system for the submonoid of M(X;R) generated by X0. The obtained result will be applied to the group of units of a monoid satisfying H1 = D1. On the other hand we prove that all maximal subgroups of a monoid defined by a special rewriting system are isomorphic.

1997 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-240 ◽  

Results of Anick (1986), Squier (1987), Kobayashi (1990), Brown (1992b), and others, show that a monoid with a finite convergent rewriting system satisfies a homological condition known as FP∞.In this paper we give a simplified version of Brown's proof, which is conceptual, in contrast with the other proofs, which are computational.We also collect together a large number of results and examples of monoids and groups that satisfy FP∞ and others that do not. These may provide techniques for showing that various monoids do not have finite convergent rewriting systems, as well as explicit examples with which methods can be tested.

Salvador Lucas

AbstractContext-sensitive rewriting is a restriction of rewriting where reduction steps are allowed on specific arguments $$\mu (f)\subseteq \{1,\ldots ,k\}$$ μ ( f ) ⊆ { 1 , … , k } of k-ary function symbols f only. Terms which cannot be further rewritten in this way are called $$\mu $$ μ -normal forms. For left-linear term rewriting systems (TRSs), the so-called normalization via$$\mu $$ μ -normalization procedure provides a systematic way to obtain normal forms by the stepwise computation and combination of intermediate $$\mu $$ μ -normal forms. In this paper, we show how to obtain bounds on the derivational complexity of computations using this procedure by using bounds on the derivational complexity of context-sensitive rewriting. Two main applications are envisaged: Normalization via $$\mu $$ μ -normalization can be used with non-terminating TRSs where the procedure still terminates; on the other hand, it can be used to improve on bounds of derivational complexity of terminating TRSs as it discards many rewritings.

1999 ◽  
Vol 173 ◽  
pp. 249-254
A.M. Silva ◽  
R.D. Miró

AbstractWe have developed a model for theH2OandOHevolution in a comet outburst, assuming that together with the gas, a distribution of icy grains is ejected. With an initial mass of icy grains of 108kg released, theH2OandOHproductions are increased up to a factor two, and the growth curves change drastically in the first two days. The model is applied to eruptions detected in theOHradio monitorings and fits well with the slow variations in the flux. On the other hand, several events of short duration appear, consisting of a sudden rise ofOHflux, followed by a sudden decay on the second day. These apparent short bursts are frequently found as precursors of a more durable eruption. We suggest that both of them are part of a unique eruption, and that the sudden decay is due to collisions that de-excite theOHmaser, when it reaches the Cometopause region located at 1.35 × 105kmfrom the nucleus.

A. V. Crewe

We have become accustomed to differentiating between the scanning microscope and the conventional transmission microscope according to the resolving power which the two instruments offer. The conventional microscope is capable of a point resolution of a few angstroms and line resolutions of periodic objects of about 1Å. On the other hand, the scanning microscope, in its normal form, is not ordinarily capable of a point resolution better than 100Å. Upon examining reasons for the 100Å limitation, it becomes clear that this is based more on tradition than reason, and in particular, it is a condition imposed upon the microscope by adherence to thermal sources of electrons.

K.H. Westmacott

Life beyond 1MeV – like life after 40 – is not too different unless one takes advantage of past experience and is receptive to new opportunities. At first glance, the returns on performing electron microscopy at voltages greater than 1MeV diminish rather rapidly as the curves which describe the well-known advantages of HVEM often tend towards saturation. However, in a country with a significant HVEM capability, a good case can be made for investing in instruments with a range of maximum accelerating voltages. In this regard, the 1.5MeV KRATOS HVEM being installed in Berkeley will complement the other 650KeV, 1MeV, and 1.2MeV instruments currently operating in the U.S. One other consideration suggests that 1.5MeV is an optimum voltage machine – Its additional advantages may be purchased for not much more than a 1MeV instrument. On the other hand, the 3MeV HVEM's which seem to be operated at 2MeV maximum, are much more expensive.

2005 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-132 ◽  
Reimer Kornmann

Summary: My comment is basically restricted to the situation in which less-able students find themselves and refers only to literature in German. From this point of view I am basically able to confirm Marsh's results. It must, however, be said that with less-able pupils the opposite effect can be found: Levels of self-esteem in these pupils are raised, at least temporarily, by separate instruction, academic performance however drops; combined instruction, on the other hand, leads to improved academic performance, while levels of self-esteem drop. Apparently, the positive self-image of less-able pupils who receive separate instruction does not bring about the potential enhancement of academic performance one might expect from high-ability pupils receiving separate instruction. To resolve the dilemma, it is proposed that individual progress in learning be accentuated, and that comparisons with others be dispensed with. This fosters a self-image that can in equal measure be realistic and optimistic.

Stefan Krause ◽  
Markus Appel

Abstract. Two experiments examined the influence of stories on recipients’ self-perceptions. Extending prior theory and research, our focus was on assimilation effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in line with a protagonist’s traits) as well as on contrast effects (i.e., changes in self-perception in contrast to a protagonist’s traits). In Experiment 1 ( N = 113), implicit and explicit conscientiousness were assessed after participants read a story about either a diligent or a negligent student. Moderation analyses showed that highly transported participants and participants with lower counterarguing scores assimilate the depicted traits of a story protagonist, as indicated by explicit, self-reported conscientiousness ratings. Participants, who were more critical toward a story (i.e., higher counterarguing) and with a lower degree of transportation, showed contrast effects. In Experiment 2 ( N = 103), we manipulated transportation and counterarguing, but we could not identify an effect on participants’ self-ascribed level of conscientiousness. A mini meta-analysis across both experiments revealed significant positive overall associations between transportation and counterarguing on the one hand and story-consistent self-reported conscientiousness on the other hand.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-93
Jort de Vreeze ◽  
Christina Matschke

Abstract. Not all group memberships are self-chosen. The current research examines whether assignments to non-preferred groups influence our relationship with the group and our preference for information about the ingroup. It was expected and found that, when people are assigned to non-preferred groups, they perceive the group as different to the self, experience negative emotions about the assignment and in turn disidentify with the group. On the other hand, when people are assigned to preferred groups, they perceive the group as similar to the self, experience positive emotions about the assignment and in turn identify with the group. Finally, disidentification increases a preference for negative information about the ingroup.

1961 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 222-223
Edwin G. Boring

2006 ◽  
Lea Winerman

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