Bi-directional photonic switch and optical data storage in a hybrid optomechanical system
We propose to achieve quantum optical nonreciprocity in a hybrid qubit-optomechanical solid-state system. A two-level system (qubit) is coupled to a mechanically compliant mirror (via the linear Jaynes–Cummings interaction) placed in the middle of a solid-state optical cavity. We show for the first time that the generated optical bistability exhibits a bi-directional photonic switch, making the device a suitable candidate for a duplex communication system. On further exploring the fluctuation dynamics of the system, we found that the proposed device breaks the symmetry between forward and backward propagating optical modes (optical nonreciprocity), which can be controlled by tuning the various system parameters, including the qubit, which emerges as a new handle. The device thus behaves like an optical isolator and hence can store optical data in the acoustic mode, which can be retrieved later.