New KEMIRA Method for Determining Criteria Priority and Weights in Solving MCDM Problem

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (06) ◽  
pp. 1119-1133 ◽  
Aleksandras Krylovas ◽  
Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas ◽  
Natalja Kosareva ◽  
Stanislav Dadelo

This study presents a new KEmeny Median Indicator Ranks Accordance (KEMIRA) method for determining criteria priority and selection criteria weights in the case of two separate groups of criteria for solving multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. Kemeny median method is proposed to generalize experts' opinion. Medians are calculated applying three different measure functions. Criteria weights are calculated and alternatives ranking accomplished by solving optimization problem — minimization of ranks discrepancy function calculated for two groups of criteria. A numerical example for solving specific task of elite selection from security personnel is given to illustrate the proposed method.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (05) ◽  
pp. 1183-1209 ◽  
Aleksandras Krylovas ◽  
Stanislavas Dadelo ◽  
Natalja Kosareva ◽  
Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas

Entropy–KEMIRA approach is proposed for criteria ranking and weights determining when solving Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) problem in human resources selection task. For the first time the method is applied in the case of three groups of criteria. Weights are calculated by solving optimization problem of maximizing the number of elements, which are “best” according to all three criteria, and minimizing the number of “doubtful” elements. The algorithm of problem solution is presented in the paper. The numerical experiment with three groups of evaluation criteria describing 11 life goals was accomplished.

2014 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
Aleksandras Krylovas ◽  
Natalja Kosareva

The proposed in the article weights balancing approach enables to solve multiple criteria decision making tasks for the cases when objects are estimated by the two or more groups of the criteria which are not quantitatively compatible with each other. Criteria weights are being balanced by solving conditional optimization problems. The conditions for the certain optimization problem are determined by the construction of Kemeny median.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (13) ◽  
pp. 1554
Dragiša Stanujkić ◽  
Darjan Karabašević ◽  
Gabrijela Popović ◽  
Predrag S. Stanimirović ◽  
Muzafer Saračević ◽  

The environment in which the decision-making process takes place is often characterized by uncertainty and vagueness and, because of that, sometimes it is very hard to express the criteria weights with crisp numbers. Therefore, the application of the Grey System Theory, i.e., grey numbers, in this case, is very convenient when it comes to determination of the criteria weights with partially known information. Besides, the criteria weights have a significant role in the multiple criteria decision-making process. Many ordinary multiple criteria decision-making methods are adapted for using grey numbers, and this is the case in this article as well. A new grey extension of the certain multiple criteria decision-making methods for the determination of the criteria weights is proposed. Therefore, the article aims to propose a new extension of the Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) and PIvot Pairwise Relative Criteria Importance Assessment (PIPRECIA) methods adapted for group decision-making. In the proposed approach, attitudes of decision-makers are transformed into grey group attitudes, which allows taking advantage of the benefit that grey numbers provide over crisp numbers. The main advantage of the proposed approach in relation to the use of crisp numbers is the ability to conduct different analyses, i.e., considering different scenarios, such as pessimistic, optimistic, and so on. By varying the value of the whitening coefficient, different weights of the criteria can be obtained, and it should be emphasized that this approach gives the same weights as in the case of crisp numbers when the whitening coefficient has a value of 0.5. In addition, in this approach, the grey number was formed based on the median value of collected responses because it better maintains the deviation from the normal distribution of the collected responses. The application of the proposed approach was considered through two numerical illustrations, based on which appropriate conclusions were drawn.

Cengiz Kahraman ◽  
Sezi Cevik Onar ◽  
Başar Öztayşi

Linguistic terms are quite suitable to make evaluations in multiple criteria decision making problems since humans prefer them rather than sharp evaluations. When linguistic evaluations are used in the decision matrix instead of exact numerical values, fuzzy set theory can capture the vagueness in the linguistic evaluations. Ordinary fuzzy sets have been extended to many new types of fuzzy sets such as intuitionistic fuzzy sets, neutrosophic sets, spherical fuzzy sets and picture fuzzy sets. Spherical fuzzy sets are an extension of picture fuzzy sets whose squared sum of their parameters is at most equal to one. This paper develops a novel spherical fuzzy CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC) method and applies it for prioritizing supplier selection criteria. Supplier selection is one of the most critical aspects of any organization since any mistake in this process may cause poor supplier performance and inefficiencies in the business processes. Supplier selection is a multi-criteria decision making problem involving several conflicting criteria and alternatives. A numerical illustration of the proposed method is also given for this problem.

Zhi Wen ◽  
Huchang Liao ◽  
Ruxue Ren ◽  
Chunguang Bai ◽  
Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas ◽  

Medicine is the main means to reduce cancer mortality. However, some medicines face various risks during transportation and storage due to the particularity of medicines, which must be kept at a low temperature to ensure their quality. In this regard, it is of great significance to evaluate and select drug cold chain logistics suppliers from different perspectives to ensure the quality of medicines and reduce the risks of transportation and storage. To solve such a multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem, this paper proposes an integrated model based on the combination of the SWARA (stepwise weight assessment ratio analysis) and CoCoSo (combined compromise solution) methods under the probabilistic linguistic environment. An adjustment coefficient is introduced to the SWARA method to derive criteria weights, and an improved CoCoSo method is proposed to determine the ranking of alternatives. The two methods are extended to the probabilistic linguistic environment to enhance the applicability of the two methods. A case study on the selection of drug cold chain logistics suppliers is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed integrated MCDM model. The advantages of the proposed methods are highlighted through comparative analyses.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Jian Ren ◽  
Yang Gao ◽  
Can Bian

For solving the discrete linguistic stochastic multiple criteria decision making problems with incomplete information, a new decision making method based on the differences between the superiorities and the inferiorities is proposed. According to the two basic parameters which are the possible outcome and the state probability, the superior decision matrix and the inferior decision matrix of the alternative set under each criterion are first worked out. Then, by the differences between the elements on the appropriate locations of these matrices, the corresponding dominant decision matrices are formed. Subsequently, with the help of the weight vector of the criterion set, the weighted integrated dominant decision matrix of the alternative set is built. Consequently, the weighted integrated dominant indices' sum of each alternative is calculated. Thus, the rank of the alternatives comes out. Finally, a numerical example is given. The result shows the superiority of the method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Haonan Li ◽  
Xu Wu ◽  
Yinghui Liang ◽  
Chen Zhang

Airport gate assignment performance indicator selection is a complicated decision-making problem with strong subjectivity and difficulty in measuring the importance of each indicator. A better selection of performance indicators (PIs) can greatly increase the airport overall benefit. We adopt a multicriteria decision-making approach to quantify qualitative PIs and conduct subsequent selection using the fuzzy clustering method. First, we identify 21 commonly used PIs through literature review and survey. Subsequently, the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process technique was employed to obtain the selection criteria weights based on the relative importance of significance, availability, and generalisability. Further, we aggregated the selection criteria weights and experts’ score to evaluate each PI for the clustering process. The fuzzy-possibilistic product partition c-means algorithm was applied to divide the PIs into different groups based on the three selection criteria as partitioning features. The cluster with highest weights of the centre was identified as the very high-influence cluster, and 10 PIs were identified as a result. This study revealed that the passenger-oriented objective is the most important performance criterion; however, the relevance of the airport/airline-oriented and robustness-oriented performance objectives was highlighted as well. It also offers a scientific approach to determine the objective functions for future gate assignment research. And, we believe, through slight modifications, this model can be used in other airports, other indicator selection problems, or other scenarios at the same airport to facilitate policy making and real situation practice, hence facilitate the management system for the airport.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 579
Sarfaraz Hashemkhani Zolfani ◽  
Ramin Bazrafshan ◽  
Parnian Akaberi ◽  
Morteza Yazdani ◽  
Fatih Ecer

Suitability-Feasibility-Acceptability (SFA) is a fundamental tool for the development and selection of strategy. Any type of decision-making problem can be resolved by Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. In this research, we explore the complexity of determining the proper goal market for the Chilean fish market. This study proposed a combined approach of SFA with MCDM methods in a real case study. The proposed structure helps to assign the best market for Chilean export fish to West Asia. Three countries (Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman) are selected as a target market in this region, and then related criteria are obtained from various sources. In order to develop a new market for the Chilean fishery industry, five major criteria, including the potential of a target market, region's economic attractiveness, consumption of the seafood, location, cost of transportation, and country risks, were selected based on the SFA framework. Calculating the criteria weights is performed by the Best-Worst (BWM) method, and ordering the alternatives is operated by Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to compromise Solution (MARCOS) methods. The results showed that Oman is the best destination (importer) for the Chilean fish market (Salmon fish as the case).

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Sen-Kuei Liao ◽  
Hsiao-Yin Hsu ◽  
Kuei-Lun Chang

Location selection is a critical problem for businesses that can determine the success of an organization. Selecting the optimal location from a pool of alternatives belongs to a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem. This study employed a hybrid MCDM technique to select locations for women’s fitness centers in Taiwan. In the beginning, the fuzzy Delphi method was utilized to obtain selection criteria from interviewed senior executives. In the second stage, the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) was employed to extract interdependencies between the selection criteria within each perspective. On the basis of interdependencies between the selection criteria, the analytic network process (ANP) was used to get respective weights of each criterion. Finally, the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) was ranking the alternatives. To demonstrate application of the proposed model and illustrate a location selection problem, a case was conducted. The capabilities and effectiveness of the proposed model are revealed.

1993 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-158 ◽  
Andrew F. Howard ◽  
John D. Nelson

A new, deterministic methodology for simultaneous solution of the scheduling and allocation problems based on methods developed for multiple-criteria decision making is proposed. Seven steps for the use of multiple-criteria decision making techniques are reviewed, and the details of the proposed application to area-based harvest scheduling and forest land allocation are presented. The approach was used in a sample, hypothetical problem in which harvest schedules and allocations were developed for three competitors, using three decision criteria and two sets of criteria weights. The results indicate that the new method provides an effective alternative to traditional methods and offers numerous advantages including the explicit consideration of multiple objectives.

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