2011 ◽  
Vol 07 (01) ◽  
pp. 101-114

Let K be a field of degree n over Q, the field of rational numbers, with ring of integers O. Fix an integer m > 1, say with [Formula: see text] as a product of distinct prime powers, and let χ be a numerical character modulo m of conductor f(χ). Set ζm = exp (2πi/m) and let M be any ideal of O satisfying Tr M ⊆ mZ and N(1 + M) ⊆ 1 + f(χ)Z, where Tr and N are the trace and norm maps for K/Q. Then the Gauss sum [Formula: see text] is well-defined. If in addition N(1 + M) ⊆ 1 + mZ, then the Kloosterman sums [Formula: see text] are well-defined for any numerical character η ( mod m). The computation of GM(χ) and RM(η, z) is shown to reduce to their determination for m = pr, a power of a prime p, where M is comprised solely of ideals of K lying above p. In this setting we first explicitly determine GM(χ) for m = pr (r > 1) generalizing Mauclaire's classical result for K = Q. Relying on the recent evaluation of Kloosterman sums for prime powers in p-adic fields, we then proceed to compute the Kloosterman sums RM(η, z) here for m = pr (r > 1) when o(η) | p -1. This determination generalizes Salie's result in the classical case K = Q with o(η) = 1 or 2.

2004 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-76 ◽  
Malcolm Harper ◽  
M. Ram Murty

AbstractLet K be a finite Galois extension of the field of rational numbers with unit rank greater than 3. We prove that the ring of integers of K is a Euclidean domain if and only if it is a principal ideal domain. This was previously known under the assumption of the generalized Riemann hypothesis for Dedekind zeta functions. We now prove this unconditionally.

Chris Bruce

Abstract We compute the KMS (equilibrium) states for the canonical time evolution on C*-algebras from actions of congruence monoids on rings of algebraic integers. We show that for each $\beta \in [1,2]$, there is a unique KMS$_\beta $ state, and we prove that it is a factor state of type III$_1$. There are phase transitions at $\beta =2$ and $\beta =\infty $ involving a quotient of a ray class group. Our computation of KMS and ground states generalizes the results of Cuntz, Deninger, and Laca for the full $ax+b$-semigroup over a ring of integers, and our type classification generalizes a result of Laca and Neshveyev in the case of the rational numbers and a result of Neshveyev in the case of arbitrary number fields.

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Tri Widjajanti ◽  
Dahlia Ramlan ◽  
Rium Hilum

<em>Ring of integers under the addition and multiplication as integral domain can be imbedded to the field of rational numbers. In this paper we make&nbsp; a construction such that any integral domain can be&nbsp; a field of quotient. The construction contains three steps. First, we define element of field F from elements of integral domain D. Secondly, we show that the binary operations in fare well-defined. Finally, we prove that </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>f</em><em> </em><em>:</em><em> </em><em>D </em><em>&reg;</em><em> </em><em>F is an isomorphisma. In this case, the polynomial ring F[x] as the integral domain can be imbedded to the field of quotient.</em>

1978 ◽  
Vol s2-18 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-391 ◽  
J. Denef ◽  
L. Lipshitz

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-125
Yuichi Futa ◽  
Hiroyuki Okazaki ◽  
Daichi Mizushima ◽  
Yasunari Shidama

Summary Gaussian integer is one of basic algebraic integers. In this article we formalize some definitions about Gaussian integers [27]. We also formalize ring (called Gaussian integer ring), Z-module and Z-algebra generated by Gaussian integer mentioned above. Moreover, we formalize some definitions about Gaussian rational numbers and Gaussian rational number field. Then we prove that the Gaussian rational number field and a quotient field of the Gaussian integer ring are isomorphic.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 411-416 ◽  
Kenneth D. Magill

The family (R) of all endomorphisms of a ring R is a semigroup under composition. It follows easily that if R and T are isomorphic rings, then (R) and (T) are isomorphic semigroups. We devote ourselves here to the converse question: ‘If (R) and (T) are isomorphic, must R and T be isomorphic?’ As one might expect, the answer is, in general, negative. For example, the ring of integers has precisely two endomorphisms – the zero endomorphism and the identity automorphism. Since the same is true of the ring of rational numbers, the two endomorphism semigroups are isomorphic while the rings themselves are certainly not.

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